For help with your TalkTalk TV box, channels and apps.
on 01-09-2024 03:05 PM
We have been sent a new TalkTalk Hub box to replace an old box. The user is a 94 year old who enjoys simplicity such as being able to record programmes and seeing them again and again. The new box doesn't appear to have a recording facility or a hard disk of any kind. We have installed it but if it is not suitable for him then we will re-install the old box and return the new equipment. We were not informed of the differences between the boxes when taking out the contract. I understand we have 14 days to cancel but I am just checking that he has indeed lost his recording facility and that we can revert to the old box.
on 17-02-2025 08:14 AM
Recordable boxes will not be returning. TalkTalk will focus on streaming content moving forward.
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on 14-02-2025 07:53 AM
Karl, just repeating the mistake doesn't make it right.
Get the recordable boxes back. What did you miss in my previous comment. It seems to have gone way over your head. May I suggest that you pass my comment on to someone in authority.
Not that they'll listen.
on 14-02-2025 02:38 AM
hi ijammy i totally agree with your message to talk talk its a step backwards without a recorder,but its obvious they have made their mind up on this issue,which is very annoying,like you im sticking with my old box
on 23-09-2024 07:38 AM
The industry as a whole is moving towards online streaming content and may providers are now phasing out recording facilities. Over the next few years you will find that the popular providers will start to offer streaming TV boxes without a recording facility.
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on 21-09-2024 08:25 AM
That defeats the object of having a 'package'. Talktalks recordable tv box and service was excellent, as is BTs. Taking away a 'recordable' box is a backwards step and they have lost a potential customer now. I'm sure they'll cope without me, but there are a lot of people with the same view. I'd be interested in Talktalks response.
on 21-09-2024 08:12 AM
You don't have to have the Talktalk TV services - just ask for Broadband (and phone).
Recording boxes can be bought elsewhere, as they always could be, @Watchmanager1.
on 21-09-2024 07:36 AM
Talktalk has shot themselves in the foot and regressed twenty years.
Who on earth thinks getting rid of recordable TV boxes is, quite frankly, idiotic.
I enquired as to changing back to Talktalk from my BT account (Which I am actually happy with). My BT is coming to the end of it's contract so hoped for a better deal with Talktalk.
HOWEVER! Talktalks lost a customer forever! I'm not going back to the abacus. It's rediculas in this day and age.
As for streaming, i don't need talktalk to do that! I need simplicity. Get a grip talktalk and 'REPAIR' the damage you've done.
on 02-09-2024 08:58 AM
You can keep the older box.
TalkTalk no longer provide a recording box, and these older legacy boxes are reaching end of life, so if the older box fails in the near future, it cannot be repaired or replaced. Many ISP's are now moving towards streaming online content as so much content is now available via on demand services.
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on 01-09-2024 03:59 PM
Hi @IJammy your reading is correct, but @Karl-TalkTalk might have some suggestions. He will be in tomorrow.