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COMPLAINTS DON'T CALL BACK - Treated like a liar, Customer Loyalty Team worst customer service ever

Private Message TalkTalk
Message 1 of 1

where to start..


On 03/09/24 I started a chat via my talk talk account online as my old fibre 65 contract ended at the end of that day, so I wanted to get a new deal. 


I spoke to an agent who advised me that I could get a renewal essentially for the same price but I advised I wanted an upgraded service as we recently had new lines installed by Openreach so better speeds were now available. I chose the fibre 150 package for just a few quid more a month which included the Amazon eero router. I reviewed and agreed to the new contract and was sent the confirmation emails later that evening confirming the changes I requested had been made.


My new package start date was confirmed as 11/09/24 and I received my new router 06/09/24 ready for this. I installed the new router and set up via the app without issue but I did notice that speeds were still the same as my previous plan.


I presumed that there might be some delays with the new package speed getting... Up to speed. So I have it a few days. 


Fast forward to 22/09/24 and my speeds are still at best half what my package promised. I decided to check my connection on the talk talk website using their line connection test. As soon as I got into the dashboard I see that not only am I not on the fibre 150 package, I've been signed up to my old package, fibre 65 without any authorisation from me - no rolling contract, another 2 years.


I opened a chat as phone lines were closed and connected with Gugu. I explained the above, and was asked if I wanted to upgrade?... I explained again, and politely asked them to re-read what I had said previously. They then confirmed they can see I had a new service on order due to be complete 11/09 but due to a system issue it was still showing as "issued"?.. When I asked how to get this sorted they said it could not be, they would need to cancel my order as they cannot make changes if there is a pending order. I strongly advised them to do nothing until I had spoken to someone, I asked why no one has contacted me to let me know - no calls/texts/emails. They said they don't work in the system for processing this.


They advised they would leave detailed notes if our chat. I did receive a text after this chat advising a complaint had been raised on my behalf and the "complaint team" would be in contact shortly. So credit to Gugu for recognising this was a reportable complaint without me specifically saying.


I called the customer service team the next day and spoke to Jessal (I think). After some explanation they called the open reach team and came back to confirm the fix had been escalated and would be working by the next morning at latest. They did not advise I needed to cancel my package and restart the process.. Once the fix was confirmed, although I should've been angry it was 2 weeks almost for them to make a 5 minutes call to another team to remind them they forgot about me, I was quite relieved.


Finally I asked the Jessal what they would be doing regarding the Automatic Compensation Scheme that talk talk had committed to, and I was eligible for. I outlined section 8 'Applicability if the Code' from the 'COMMUNICATIONS PROVIDERS' VOLUNTARY CODE OF PRACTICE FOR AN AUTOMATIC COMPENSATION SCHEME' document I had been reviewing between contacting talk talk.  I read out line 4 of section 8 "The code applies to the provision (including existing customers' service upgrades which result in them being subject to a new contractual commitment period) and repair of residential fixed-line and broadband services."


Jessal confirmed I was absolutely eligible for this compensation and said a line manager would be contacting me the next day regarding this. (I think Jessal was telling whatever he could to stop me quoting the Ofcom rules).


I received a text message that day, actually while I was on the phone to Jessal, so think it was unrelated to that call. The text advised me that they would contact me today 14/09 between 10am - 12pm regarding my complaint. So I rearranged a Dr appointment, cancelled a meeting and made sure my phone was by my side, volume up - just in case!.. haha.. foreshadowing..


I wated all morning, nothing. got to 1PM so decided to call them. I spoke to one agent, unfortunately wrong department but they listened to my issue and checked my notes. Apologised as they could see no one had called me about the complaint but said they would need to speak to the customer loyalty team, as they were the team that raised and were dealing with the complaint. She put me on hold for a few minutes and called the customer loyalty team, when she came back she said the team were trying to find the person dealing with my complaint, after some more talking she called them again but when she came back she said she would need to transfer me as she said they were making excuses about talking about the issue! as she couldn't deal herself I agreed to the transfer.


The person I spoke to at the customer loyalty team was the worst customer service rep I've ever encountered, and I work in a company with a customer service dept. After several explanations he eventually told me I would get a call about the complaint in 2 days at some time, I wasn't having this considering I was calling because they didn't call in the first place. When I protested and asked why they had decided this after not calling me today as promised he told me that it was because I missed a call at 10:30 - this is when the steam started coming out my ears. I explained that was not true as I was waiting all morning for the call and even if I had missed the imaginary 10:30 call, I would have a missed call on my mobile log, which I didn't.


He repeated "As you missed the call" several times, I advised him that I had clearly told him this was not the case, I said I am not lying - why would I, what possible vested interest would I have to pretend there was no call then spend over an hour on the phone arguing my case. I asked how he knows the outbound call was made, I enquired if he could see the call log or if he was reading a note. He confirmed he was reading a note, not a call log which would be proof. I asked him to check the logs in that case as he would see this note was false. He said they do not have a way to see calls made on their system.. I asked if all calls are recorded then how can that be?, there must be a record, but he refused to listen to my reasoning.


When he again told me I missed the call I broke and advised I was submitting a verbal DSAR and want all my recorded calls and chats. He was very apologetic after this, particularly when I asked if he had a mobile phone, and when he misses a call on that, does he get a notification in his call log to confirm the call he missed, he sheepishly answered Yes.


Funniest, or most angering thing - 20-30 mins after I ended the call, I get a 1 ring call from a Talk Talk number - no chance to answer, but funnily enough this appeared in my missed call log!! haha can only imagine the agent who was supposed to call earlier was scrambling to cover his tracks "Oh look boss I did call his mobile.. 2 and a half hours after I was mean to, and after he called to complain again.."


I was told the person who pretended to call me and who is dealing with my complaint is - SAMUKELISIWE MKHIZE - please can you investigate if this person is fit for the job, if they are falsifying notes and running complainants in rings I don't think they are an asset to your business.


@Talk talk I just wanted my Automatic compensation rom 11/09/24 when my contract was meant to begin, to 23/09/24 when the package my contract was signed for was actually activated


I've attached screenshots of the text confirming my expected call regarding the complaint, my call log after calling Talk Talk (note nothing at all previously that day) and my call log about half hour after talking to Talk Talk (miraculously they called me! but only rang for one ring so didn't even have time to click answer! )
