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Charged for engineer visit (even though I wasn't supposed to)

Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 2

A few weeks ago I started having issues with my line, internet speed was getting slower and slower, so I contacted customer service and they arranged a visit from an engineer to have a look.

Before that, they said I MUST give my consent to any possible charges that might involve, so I said no, this is not my problem, and I'm not paying for anything. They said (in particular, it was "Chris-TalkTalk" in the support team who I talked to) that they are only charge me if either the engineer doesn't find any problem, or if the problem is due to an issue in the apartment, and considering my specific situation, which the customer service people knew, they ASSURED ME there won't be any charge.

Well, now I got my bill and guess what? THEY DID CHARGE ME £75.


I'm furious, as I even read many complains from people in the same situation and I told Customer service about it, and they said that I SHOULDN'T be charged, but if that happens, I can get the money back.

So, here I am. This year has already been shitty enough, I don't really need to be ripped off of £75 on top of that, so cancel this undeserved charge!


Support Team
Private Message
Message 1 of 2