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My recurring card payment has stopped working

First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 11 of 11

Shortly after 10th August I began receiving emails from talktalk suggesting that my Recurring Card Payment had failed.

No changes have occurred with my card provider (Visa).

I note on the community forum that other users have had this issue since approximately September 2023: e.g.

It appears this fault has not been fixed

Please respond by email (but without using a no reply address)

Alternatively phone or text me on: my mobile phone (you should have the number)

Do not try calling on my landline as I requested talktalk disconnect that years ago due to unwanted scam & sales calls.

Thanks in hope



Message 1 of 11

Please return to the message board and click on start a topic, @Fed-up-with-these-clowns.


Particularly with billing issues, it's important not to get more than one customer's issue dealt with in the replies, to avoid any further muddles.

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Message 2 of 11

I also was emailed in August asking for payment as I'd cancelled my direct debit. No I hadn't!

I followed the link and made a payment. A week or so later my broadband was suspended due to non payment of bill. After a 30 minute phone call, talk talk reinstated the service and apologised for the inconvenience. 

Fast forward a month and the exact same thing is happening again. Bill has been paid yet I've received an email claiming the amount is outstanding. This company really is a joke at times.

Oh and I can't get any help on the phone because the system is updating for the next three hours! What company  does system maintenance during working hours? Try doing it from 2:00 am when you're unlikely to have people trying to ring you, in order to sort your mess out.


Message 3 of 11

Hi dennisdoyle987


The charge has been removed , you will need to make a one off payment while we sort out the recurring card payment issue. 




First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 4 of 11

It seems my last post, though accurate at the time of writing, was premature. On 2/9/24 I received a new billing notification email for September which includes “admin charges” (50% of the original bill) for late payment.


The original email I received on 2/8/24 contained the statement “We've noticed you've recently cancelled your recurring card payment with us.”. That statement was not “unclear” it was FALSE, for I had cancelled nothing and, as stated in the thread above, the problem related to Talktalk failing to sort out their relationship with credit card payment providers.


Arne, can you escalate this to someone who can apply a credit for the admin charges on My Billing without wasting any more of anyone’s time & before it undermines Talktalk’s reputation for “Award-winning customer experience”?


Thanks in anticipation.


First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 6 of 11

Thanks again for swift reply, detailed status update & clarifications. I managed to do a once off card payment & got an on-screen confirmation. MyBilling was eventually updated & no additional admin. charges were added. Also thanks to Arne for emailing apologies & saying December was the current target date for recurring card payments to be sorted. I like to give credit where credit is due.


Message 7 of 11

HI dennisdoyle987


Recurring card payments will not be taken , we are asking for one off payments to be made until we advise otherwise, current ETA for the payment method to be restored is December, if the system is working before then all customers who use that method will be advised via Email. 


Apologies for any inconvenience. 


Message 8 of 11

If you do end up paying twice, you can either leave it as credit to be used to pay the next bill or claim back the surplus via My Account. 


Billing notification emails will arrive as normal because you need to know how much it is for, regardless of how you pay, @dennisdoyle987.


The best way to avoid double payment is to pay as soon as possible after notification as that is in time to stop the process of any automatic payment going through on the due day. 


Wait for staff to confirm about when  / whether the new recurring payment should be set up.


Originally the notice said one-off payments would only apply in July and August. It's now vaguely "later in the year", so it looks like they're not getting it sorted out as soon as had been hoped.

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 9 of 11

Thanks for swift replies & clarifications. Pleased to hear it is not currently a fault, merely “policy” whilst talktalk sort out their relationship with payment providers. I think I’ll try a one-off card payment via waystopay & continue to do so until further threats of disconnection, admin charges or visits by the bailiffs stop.


Of course, should I end up paying twice, if & when the Recurring Card Payments resume, will I get a personalised notification via email or logging back in here every month or so? If not, I’ll be right back on here seeking advice on how to get a refund 🙂


Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 10 of 11

@dennisdoyle987, this is not currently a fault but policy, while Talktalk changes providers for processing recurring card payments. There has been a notice, here, for the past couple of months:



Unfortunately some of the generic emails Talktalk sends out muddy the waters considerably. 


Communication on the forum is via the thread only, so post back in this topic to follow up. Only use private messages if staff specifically specify it.


You will not be phoned or texted from the forum and all notification emails are from a No Reply address. 


Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.
Anonymous User