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Theft from TT and outrageous customer "support"

First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 7 of 7

I'm not sure where to begin really..


I literally just asked an agent where I can make a complaint and they ended the chat.


Last month I (34m) was out of the country for much of it on my honeymoon. During this I got an alert about my TT bill that was close to triple the usual amount. Back home, I looked into this and found it was due to a series of landline calls made whilst I was away. Nobody was in my home whilst I was away and - 

  • I was physically out of the country.
  • I do not even own a landline telelphone.
  • I have not used a landline phone to make calls from a home address in over 10 years.

I have wasted no less than four afternoons of my life on the internet chat box with various agents on here to get absolutely nowhere at all. Apparently an engineer was sent out. Nobody seems to know anything about this and nothing has been done. It is the responsibility of talk talk to put this right and not for me to chase this. Unbelievably I still do not have a refund and abosolutely nothing seems to be happening. The online agents spend an hour getting me anywhere, although this is not complicated, and then immediately transfer me.


This is absurd and utterly appaling behaviour. I will never associate with TT again after this.



Message 1 of 7

We fully accept that you haven't made the calls its clear from the past call history, but If we know the number it is crossed with then it makes it quicker to fix it, as it will need to be fixed at some point. 


Message 2 of 7

Yes, @Charlie333, it's a landline check. 


Can you borrow a handset from a friend / neighbour  / relative?



Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Message 3 of 7



I take it this has to be done via landline?*


To make this more hilarious and ridiculous - we do not have a landline telephone. Of course, this was of no concern to talk talk...

Why would it? When I told them I was physically out of the country when some calls occurred - again apparently I was physically in two countries at once....


*If so, as per advice I had the landline blocked from this address so that no further charges can occur.


Message 4 of 7

Hi Charlie333


Sorry for the problems,


Did you call 17070  to find the number the line is crossed with ?


First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 5 of 7

Allegedly the line is blocked so at least it shouldn't happen again, but I must say I don't trust a word from TT in the meantime.

Also apparently a week ago a Openreach engineer visited the area to run checks re crossed line.

However no update from TT and I have wasted no less than four separate afternoons on TT chat going around in circles in perpetual groundhog day as apparently none of them know anything about this.

As soon as I waste time bringing them up to speed I am transferred to rinse and repeat the process all over again.

Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 6 of 7

@Charlie333, have you dialled 17070? Borrow a landline handset, if need be, because you need to check whether your line has been crossed with someone else's. 


It's happening more often than it should these days.


You could therefore be being charged for someone else's outgoing calls. 


Staff are not back on here till after the weekend. They respond during the day, Monday to Friday. 

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.
Anonymous User