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Assigning a new IP

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Message 15 of 15



Every 6 months or so, my fibre broadband stops working. I go through the troubleshooting with the agent on chat, and it eventually gets resolved by assigning a new IP at Talk-Talk's end ("Upon checking here we successfully issued a new IP on your line, With this notification: The subscriber has successfully connected to the network. We are unable to identify any issues on this line.")


Is there an quicker way to get a new IP assigned? Does turning off the router for a while (how long?) give you a new IP? Or can I ask the agent to go straight to assigning a new IP without going through the 40 or so minutes of troubleshooting, checking my internal wiring  set-up etc.




Message 1 of 15

Message 2 of 15

Thank you! I'll let you know if it starts playing up!


Message 3 of 15



No, I think it should be ok but if you do experience any issues then please let us know and we can look into this further for you.




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Message 4 of 15

Hi Michelle


I only have the old router (which was the one that I was using when these issues started). I've actually got some last minute guests in the cottage now, so I won't really be able to get in there until Thursday morning (then new guests on Saturday).


To be honest, as it's a holiday cottage, it's the stability I'm concerned about the most (so my central heating app works, and guests can access emails/watch Netflix); I'm not overly bothered about super-fast speeds. Is the sync speed low enough to cause problems?








Message 5 of 15



I've re-checked the connection stats again now and the connection still looks stable but the sync speed has dropped. Do you have an alternative router that you could test with please?





Message 6 of 15



No problem. I'll check the connection stats first thing tomorrow morning to see how the stability looks and will post here with an update for you.




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Message 7 of 15

Yes, that would be perfect, thank you Michelle! I'll check in again here on Wednesday morning and let you know what I've observed from my end.


Many thanks!


Message 8 of 15



Thank you. The line test is now clear. It looks like the connection has started to stabilise. Would it be ok if we monitor this over the next 24-48hrs to see how the stability now compares?




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Private Message
Message 9 of 15

Hello, I have added those details to my profile - thank you!


Message 10 of 15



Can you please update your community profile to include your:


  • Name
  • Telephone number
  • Alternative contact number

We'll then look into this further. Please do not post this information on this thread. Once you've updated your profile please post in your topic to confirm it's updated.





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Private Message
Message 11 of 15

Hi Karl


I set up the new router Saturday at ~ 2pm (before this point, the broadband had been down with the previous router for >24 hours). I can see from my central heating app that there have been intermittent outages since then but it's coming back online without any intervention by me (it's a holiday cottage so I'm not physically there). Is this to be expected as it is settling in, or will you test the line again? If I do need an engineer, this week would be perfect as the cottage is empty so I can easily meet an engineer. 




Message 12 of 15



tests are not always 100% accurate so we will use these as a guide. The fault looks to be external, but also, looking at your session history over the last 6 months, at each session change, this indicates an idle timeout, and this can be a session drop from the router.


This is also one of the reasons I want to get the new router in place and then retest the line to see if the same fault is detected before taking this towards an engineer.




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Popular Poster
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Message 13 of 15

Thank you Karl for your help and proactivity!


Can I ask about the copper wire fault - what is that likely to be? Can you tell if it is within or outside the property?



Support Team
Private Message
Message 14 of 15



A new IP cannot be assigned by an agent.  If you were a business customer with a fixed IP then this could be changed, but as you are a residential customer, our service will use a dynamic IP, this means that your IP address is not fixed and can change from time to time.


Looking at the session history I can see the date / Time of the IP changes. 


If there is a stale session, turning off the router for 30 minutes will cause the session to terminate and a new session to start.


Whilst testing your line, I am detecting an issue with a copper joint, so this could be contributing to the problem.


Also your router is just over 5 years old, so I've a new router on the way to rule out any hardware failure.


Lets see if the new router helps.


When the issue happens, check the telephone and see if there is any noise or crackles on the line as that will also affect the broadband service.




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