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Broadband help

For queries about your TalkTalk broadband service.

Customer Services

Problem Solver
Private Message
Message 5 of 5

How on earth do you contact them? I keep being told to use the Chat service but where is it? There is no chat box on my screen and there isn't even a link to it anywhere on the page.


Okay - so I'll phone Customer Services. But how do you do it? This must surely be the only be the only commercial website in the world which doesn't have the numbers highlighted at the top of the page. I only found them eventually by chance, when reading somebody's personal reply on the community page.


Why have I followed the link to renew my package, only to find that before I can complete it I have to accept an extra £4 per month on a totally unwanted TV package. I have recently defended TalkTalk on a local forum, but this brought back memories of a similar problem I had at my last renewal when I was forced to pay for a month of a service I never used, just so that I was then able to cancel it. This is dishonest and quite probably illegal. 


Support Team
Private Message
Message 1 of 5

Hi Labrat


Sorry that you are unhappy. 


Once you complete the renewal online and the account is updated we can remove the TV charge, alternatively call the loyalty team on 03451720088 they will be able place the renewal without TV.


Sorry for any inconvenience caused 


Conversation Starter
Private Message
Message 2 of 5

TT have the cheek to say that they have 24/7/365 support, the community is NOT support, its advice, TT stop telling fibs!

Kevin, 30 yrs IT experience, including management and IT Tech Support

Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 3 of 5

Contact details and opening hours are here: 


If you cannot see the chat link make sure that pop ups and redirects are enabled in your browser, or try a different one. 


Problem Solver
Private Message
Message 4 of 5

After spending over an hour trying to renew my package without TV and then trying to find some way of contacting TalkTalk, at 7pm I finally got round to phoning the number found purely by accident in a Community post. "Sorry - all our lines are now closed". I've honestly never come across anything like it.