For queries about your TalkTalk broadband service.
on 24-06-2024 01:56 AM
Hoping someone will give me some idea as to whats going on.
Nearly everyday at midnight- on the dot- the wifi always cuts out for a full hour, no amount of reseting or unpluging for 20 mintues helps kickstart it.
I've repeatedly tried to report this, but funnily enough you can't do a connectivity test or report a problem with no wifi; and using your data to load the silly thing will tell you your data signal is top notch so whats the problem?
The help desk I called couldn't understand my issue- they further went on to say theres nothing recorded their end to say I've ever had a drop, and therfore can't help (I have since asked how could I prove it myself but never got a straight answer and several "let me get my manager"s to still no clear answer).
I've also spoken to neigbours and they've not had any issues around midnight at all.
Bit of an enigma that one considering in the photo below (the admin settings) I'm supposedly connected- but not really.
Kicker is, not even 2 minutes later it's back up and running because it's had the hour long tantrum.
Any suggestions are welcome!
For a few details we've got a 2.4GHz standard hub box because our area isn't fiber optic supported.
on 15-07-2024 06:46 AM
Thank you for the update 🙂
on 15-07-2024 01:52 AM
It has come up a few times on this forum @Consequince5 , so they should be aware of this "bug".
on 15-07-2024 12:34 AM
I did! Thankyou Ally- it was in fact the homework time.
No idea how it got switched on because we've never used it before, but has now been resolved.
on 15-07-2024 12:32 AM
Michelle, You're a damm genius.
I didn't know that was even an option (probably because I don't have kids).
Have just switched it off and await results; if you could suggest this option to the live chat teams and call-hub that would be wonderful. For I am but a simple man and use different security, so it never occurred to me there would be a built in option that just, turns it off? Because funny? I guess?
Why it turned on I'll never know but I could care less now it seems to be workng. If your IT people do- please tell em to stop it, this has caused so much confusion.
Thankyou so much!
(I do mean that genuinely.)
Homework time are you kidding me- who does homework at midnight
on 07-07-2024 04:34 PM
Did you manage to check the Homework time setting @Consequince5 ?
It has come up a few times on this forum that people have found Homework Time has somehow got switched on causing this issue.
on 28-06-2024 07:33 AM
Good morning,
How are you getting on?
on 24-06-2024 06:45 AM
I'm sorry for the delay. Could you log into your My Account please and check your HomeSafe settings, specifically KidSafe and Homework Time.