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For queries about your TalkTalk broadband service.

Why is it so hard to cancel?

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Message 23 of 23

I tried to cancel my Talk Talk contract last week.. This I thought would be easy.... How wrong was I! As advised via the website I spoke to someone via live chat. They spend 20 minutes trying to convince me to stay despite me stating that the only reason I was leaving was due to needing faster speeds which they don't offer in my area due to the openreach network being poor. This was ignored and I was offered 3 different packages all at the same speed I'm getting.  10 minutes later, the live chat ended suddenly.

I then had to connect again and spend the next 30 minutes answering the same questions and then asked further questions regarding my internet usage. Again I was offered the same package to stay, I had to decline 3 times. Once I finally convinced the person that I wanted to leave I was advised that this couldn't be done via live chat and I would have to call them.

I then called Talk Talk and had to deal with quite an unhappy person who didn't seem interested one bit and also questioned me on my usage and why I wanted to leave. I was then also offered more deals. I was then informed that I would have to stay until past my contract end date because I hadn't given 30 days notice. (Conveniently the email advising me my contract was coming to an end arrived after the 30 days notice period) I managed to finally advise them I wanted to leave but I'm still not convinced the message got through. I did ask to speak to a manager but was advised that none were available. Someone would call me back in 3-4 days. Well it's been 4 days and no one has called.

20 minutes later I got an email offering me more deals and asking me to call them to discuss. I declined. I decided to see if I could get to the bottom of it via twitter but just seemed to get no real solution as yet and no real apology. They did offer to do a speed test though.

To add insult to injury, today I get a physical letter asking me to call to discuss a better deal.

This is no way to treat a customer of 4 years. I'm only leaving because I need faster upload speeds which you can't offer. Do you not care about customers returning in the future? The whole experience with Talk Talk was brilliant up to this point. You have completely wrecked my feelings about you now and would seriously hesitate using you in the future.

Such a disapointment.

Jaminist Layout Designer

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Message 21 of 23

@Gliwmaeden2 Thanks for your response. I followed a link somewhere on the page directly to a live chat. It doesn't matter. They should have advised me that I need to ring from the off rather than keep ignoring the messages to cancel. Offer me a new deal once is fine, I completely get that but to do it 3 times is a joke. It was an hour of my time wasted that could have been avoided. 


Jaminist Layout Designer

Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 22 of 23

@Jaminist, Chat support can only offer advice / new deals but cannot authorise cancellation. 


You are advised to phone LOYALTY,  which are always going to try to persuade you to stay as part of their briefing. 


The instructions re cancellation do not tell you to use Chat:

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.