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For queries about your TalkTalk broadband service.

Why is it so hard to cancel?

Popular Poster
Private Message
Message 23 of 23

I tried to cancel my Talk Talk contract last week.. This I thought would be easy.... How wrong was I! As advised via the website I spoke to someone via live chat. They spend 20 minutes trying to convince me to stay despite me stating that the only reason I was leaving was due to needing faster speeds which they don't offer in my area due to the openreach network being poor. This was ignored and I was offered 3 different packages all at the same speed I'm getting.  10 minutes later, the live chat ended suddenly.

I then had to connect again and spend the next 30 minutes answering the same questions and then asked further questions regarding my internet usage. Again I was offered the same package to stay, I had to decline 3 times. Once I finally convinced the person that I wanted to leave I was advised that this couldn't be done via live chat and I would have to call them.

I then called Talk Talk and had to deal with quite an unhappy person who didn't seem interested one bit and also questioned me on my usage and why I wanted to leave. I was then also offered more deals. I was then informed that I would have to stay until past my contract end date because I hadn't given 30 days notice. (Conveniently the email advising me my contract was coming to an end arrived after the 30 days notice period) I managed to finally advise them I wanted to leave but I'm still not convinced the message got through. I did ask to speak to a manager but was advised that none were available. Someone would call me back in 3-4 days. Well it's been 4 days and no one has called.

20 minutes later I got an email offering me more deals and asking me to call them to discuss. I declined. I decided to see if I could get to the bottom of it via twitter but just seemed to get no real solution as yet and no real apology. They did offer to do a speed test though.

To add insult to injury, today I get a physical letter asking me to call to discuss a better deal.

This is no way to treat a customer of 4 years. I'm only leaving because I need faster upload speeds which you can't offer. Do you not care about customers returning in the future? The whole experience with Talk Talk was brilliant up to this point. You have completely wrecked my feelings about you now and would seriously hesitate using you in the future.

Such a disapointment.

Jaminist Layout Designer

Private Message TalkTalk
Message 1 of 23

Its completely shocking! I'm doing it right now and I'm constantly being put on hold as he needs to look at this information or that. Call has been going for 20 mins so far and its a simple disconnection as I have moved house. 


First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 23

I had pretty much same experience although I didn't receive an email reminding me that my contract was coming to an end. I noted this the first time I renewed my contract several years back, they assured me an email was sent...


Obviously this is a "customer retention" business process - keep accounts open by stealth. Or at minimum, grab a free £££ tenner as customers are shunted onto the higher variable rate monthly fee. Worth noting it isn't cheap wasting time on the talk talk phone line. ( Not free from a mobile ).


Not clever business - annoying customers with obvious rip-off tactics. Clever would be providing a button to close account on the website. Less faff and stress for everyone.


Also disappointing that the regulator doesn't step in since this is all in plain sight. But then we know who ends up working at a Regulator in "business friendly" Britain ... Ever more expensive bills, sewage in waterways, minted "hard working" life long professional shareholders, and their army of shareholder admin staff telling businesses how they should be run...


Btw, apologies to the lovely talk talk staff who have to front this, must be demoralising. I even feel sorry for the chat bot, pretending to set up phone calls so diligently.

Message 3 of 23

Not blaming you at all, @Adamg85, and good to see your new topic.



Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Private Message TalkTalk
Message 4 of 23

I have received no correspondents from talk talk. When I have tried to contact talk talk via live chat I’m unable to as the account is no longer active. The only reason I know I’m being billed still is because as stated I have a collections agency asking my me to make payment for the months after October. The equipment was returned to talk talk. Iv also tried calling them but when I put the number in for the account I get cut off. Please do not put the blame on me. Talk talk have sent me nothing since October when I got confirmation via email that my account was closed. 

Message 5 of 23

@Adamg85, if you have received billing notifications all these extra months, it's a shame that you didn't contact Talktalk sooner to find out what was going on.


It's always possible to reach them via a phone call or using data, if you no longer have a service. 


If any equipment was not returned, that can generate a further bill too, so people are advised to leave their Direct Debit in place until they are absolutely sure that returned equipment has been recorded etc.


If you need staff support on the forum, please start your own thread, as described in replies above. 

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Private Message TalkTalk
Message 6 of 23

I cancelled my account. On October 16th 2023: went through the same process as you did. To now find out I am still being billed and have a collection agency after me for the bills I have not paid since October. Talk talk are ridiculous. I’m unable to speak to them in person as they have barred my account so I can’t call them or live chat with them. It’s disgusting. I’m currently seeking legal advice. My advice to you is to make sure they have actually cancelled your account. As despite receiving a confirmation email they have continued to bill me. 


Message 7 of 23

Accounts cannot be cancelled by email, but phoning 03451 720088 and speaking to retentions  / LOYALTY team / better value etc agents should have been processed. 


However, they require 30 days' notice. The end date usually doesn't match the billing cycle, @Aswath, and, as Talktalk bills a full month ahead, there can be another month to pay for just a few days-worth. Any extra days are refunded in a subsequent bill.


You then claim back the refund via My Account to the bank you used for Direct Debit payments, so leave that DD in place until you see a bill for £0.00.


If the above doesn't cover the problem, please return to the message board and click on start a topic, as this is an old thread, and staff only respond to the original poster. You need to open your own thread. 

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 8 of 23

Please disconnect the talktalk  from our previous address.  We moved in December and already informed to cancel the service through email and phone call., then why should you generated bill again..


Message 9 of 23

There's no way around it other than putting in an order with another Openreach serviced ISP, @Warrendillon, and then only if it's ordinary Fast Broadband or FTTC that you are switching. Full Fibre is more complicated, and the advice in these times of change is always to ring anyway to check that the cancellation is being processed. 


See current details:


If you need further help, please start your own thread  - staff will not be back to respond before Tuesday now. 

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 10 of 23

Why is there no option to leave my contract in the app or online? Mobile phone provides all have this.  Your phone lines are often too busy and call backs are not convenient.   The IM chat refuse to accept a cancellation and there is no email address i can use.   It appears that you are deliberately blocking customer from leaving. I will not be returning to talk talk in the future. 

Message 11 of 23

Private Message TalkTalk
Message 12 of 23

@Tavenderjim ,

The billing system will not know that there are issues with your service, so an automated email will be sent to let you know if they were unable to take a payment.


If you want staff on this forum to look into your service issues for you, you'll need to start your own topic on the forum. If you are want to cancel then you'll have to phone customer services to discuss that.



First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 13 of 23

I was foolish enough to leave BT to try and join TT 


simples - take over my BT fibre 150 - same line, same speed but promise of lower price 


here we are - nearly a month now without fibre ( I’m now using mobile modem ) , no fibre, no date of when it will happen, no communication- oh except a snotty email saying unable to take your DD ( I’ve cancelled it ) , after telling the chat line guy I’m leaving as they have totally screwed up 


is this service ?? 


Message 14 of 23

As explained above, it is better if you make the phone call.


Chat may say they will call you back, but many promised phone calls just don't seem to happen. 


If you have further problems please post your own topic in the billing section of the forum, also as detailed in previous replies.


This thread is no longer in the queue for attention. 

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

First Timer
Private Message
Message 15 of 23

I know exactly how you feel.

I spoke an operator on 31/10/2023 about my cancellation, i waited for that phone call what never happened, i spoke an operator again a few days before and i still waiting for the phone call, in the meantime i have to pay the bill and my cancellation date is raising in every day. It is unacceptable, this is my money and if i want to cancel my contract, why do i have limited rights and why do i have to accept every mistakes or careless attitude from talktalk? I am pretty sure if i decide to no to pay the bills anymore because the situation, they will call me asap about my debt.


Message 16 of 23

Hi Charcharlewench,


I'm really sorry to hear that you've had a poor experience. If you need assistance with this can you start your own thread in the Billing section and we'll be happy to help


Please also see Raising a complaint - TalkTalk Help & Support





First Timer
Private Message
Message 17 of 23

This feels like a scam company. I have been paying higher rate for 3 months. 35 quid is a lot of money just for WiFi. Aside from that, I also spoke to a useless person on the chat the English proficiency was poor enough to think I had contacted a scam version of the company. Then after a huge waste of time they informed I needed to contact the contact number. Similar to everyone else, waited on hold for ages.

Spoke to a man who kept repeating details incorrectly back to me. Then he said there was too high volume of calls and he would call me back. This is obviously part of the scam so you can't leave. 

I have already cancelled the direct debit and will be leaving the country Talk Talk. You need to cancel my account as it won't be getting paid anymore anyway. 

I would say this is the worst service I have ever received in the UK. 


I will be telling everyone I know and writing as many reviews about it and I would like to contact the newspapers and this company needs to be put into liquidation. 



Talk Talk is useless

Message 18 of 23

@Stuartiam, don't use Chat to cancel.


They are not mentioned as authorised in the official Talktalk guidelines, here:


The phone line is open 9am -7pm Monday to Friday and till 6pm Saturdays. Not open Sunday. 


Once you have it set up to cancel post in a new thread, please, if you need further help. Also, complete your community forum profile details to assist staff in identifying the account that is to be closed.

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

First Timer
Private Message
Message 19 of 23

I had an identical experience, and in fact I am still awaiting cancellation. 
Two very long live chats. 
Was told as I missed their call back, that the process was cancelled. I was working 12 hour shifts, with a two hour commute. Not much time to take a call unless it’s at 4am.

When I called in I was dismissed as being stupid, and told I had to follow the Talk Talk way, even if it was impossible for me to do so.

I asked to speak to a manager to resolve the situation, I was told no point as they won’t change anything. On my fifth request for a manager, was told none available. But would get a call in the next 2 hours. However 5 days later. No contact, no cancellation. No apology for the belligerent and dismissive agent. Absolutely awful service.

Message 20 of 23

Apologies for the problems you have had, Your cancellation is set for the 26th Feb.