For queries about your TalkTalk broadband service.
on 17-05-2022 07:07 PM
hiya, so for the last few days ive been having issues with connecting to wifi which would normally be fixed after restarting the router a few times (which i normally dont have to do) and today i have no internet atall after restarting its been almost 2 hours of the router flashing orange and getting nothing at one point it was orange and white but ive still had no internet, all the cables etc are fine and the fault test from talk talk comes back with no issues
on 23-05-2022 07:02 AM
I'm glad to hear this 🙂
on 20-05-2022 09:29 PM
new router came yesturday and everything seems to be working fine for the last 24 hours
on 18-05-2022 10:09 AM
I've checked for you, and a router order was placed last night, so a new one will be sent to you for testing.
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Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.
on 18-05-2022 10:01 AM
The person i spoke to said i would be getting a new one sent to me but not any confirmation emails etc yet
on 18-05-2022 07:06 AM
Hi codewahn
Thanks for your reply.
Did our Faults Team confirm if they were sending you a new router?
on 18-05-2022 06:58 AM
Hiya debbie, the router is turned on but only flashed orange on and off. I did manage to talk to someone last night and said the router is faulty
on 18-05-2022 06:30 AM
Hi codewahn
I'm really sorry to hear this.
The line test is clear but it shows that the router is switched off.
Is the router off at the moment?
on 17-05-2022 07:10 PM
Add your Talktalk landline number / account number to your community forum profile details for TT staff to identify your account, @codewahn.
You need to go via your avatar/name; settings; launch profile wizard.
Staff will reply during the day, Monday to Friday, when they reach your thread. There's a queue for attention.