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Sudden Influx of Spam

Private Message TalkTalk
Message 67 of 67

Despite having my Tiscali email address for 23 years, I rarely, if ever, received any spam. That all changed roughly two weeks ago and am receiving several per hour.  I was helping a client of mine a few days ago who is also a Tiscali user and he has the same problem so I doubt that it's just me and a few others who are affected.  The spam messages nearly always have the same format:


  • The entire spam content is an external image.
  • This is then followed by roughly 14 pages of nothing.
  • At the bottom of the email there's some text. This can be an FBI or Adobe newsletter or a Microsoft authentication code - presumably to fool the spam filter into thinking it's a legitimate email.
  • The emails are sent from a Google email address and are sent via Google servers - presumably using compromised Google credentials.
  • The links in the email for the spam content nearly always point to :

I'll be happy to email said spam messages to you as an attachment if required.

Hopefully you'll be able to help us with this annoying problem. Thanks.


Message 41 of 67

I wonder when I will get those AirFryers and that bottle of Parfume😉

Message 42 of 67

Grateful thanks for confirming.

GondolaCommunity Star 2017-2024

  Like below to appreciate my post . . . Mark as solved  Accept as Solution

Team Player
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 43 of 67

Its well over 24 hours since my last spam email arrived. Can we relax have we got a fully functioning fix?

Conversation Starter
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 44 of 67

Thank you TT, for the time being my level of spam has dropped off the cliff. I suspect somebody may have knocked the switch at the Talk Talk Xmas party.


At least I haven’t got to delete my e mail address and start again. Glad I didn’t follow that advice.

Message 45 of 67

Hi all, I'm told that temporary filters are in place to reduce the effects of this issue. You should see a reduced volume of spam. 



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Message 46 of 67

13-12-23 at 9am So far this morning I havent had one spam, this is good, has some body been busy fixing the Tiscali and Gmail filters?

Message 47 of 67

I suspect there is a lot more people like you out there David. That was exactly how I felt until you realise something isn’t right here, I’m not causing this.


Hopefully TalkTalk might read this. Perhaps they should think about putting out an advisory note out  to all tiscali account holders. I expect there are a lot of worried people out there who don’t know what to do.

Message 48 of 67

For over a week I have been blaming myself for causing the huge amount of spam reaching my in box. Sometimes 20 a day. Ive been blocking the senders but there are so many out there I cant stop it. I have tried various ways to filter it but short of blocking all  .gmail messages I cant. I'm so pleased I'm not in the minority. This is most strange because up until recently virtually no spam or junk was getting through. As to TalkTalk saying stop using my Tiscali email address well that is so insensitive after all TalkTalk took over Tiscali and its customers of which I have been one for years. Now come on TalkTalk get this sorted please.

Conversation Starter
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 49 of 67

I could have had 87 air fryers and 45 bottles of J’adore perfume by now if I had clicked on the e mails.

I am sure they were all legit as they were signed off by the FBI!!

Conversation Starter
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 50 of 67

16:28hrs was my last one and nothing this evening. I best keep quiet until tomorrow 


Popular Poster
Private Message
Message 51 of 67

Good Evening

I was coming on here to see if anyone else was having this problem so I’m glad to hear it’s not just me. I’ve been receiving spam emails everyday for the last 10 days from what looks like gmail addresses.

Hopefully, this will be resolved soon 🤞

Message 52 of 67

well I reckon SOMEBODY's doing something - I have not received any more spam since 14:30 today...


Conversation Starter
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 53 of 67

I think TT are on it. We did have a reply from Ady today admitting there is a problem.

That said, it is still so infuriating to be putting up with this amount of spam every day.

If I can put a message filter on my own PC diverting spam to junk, surely TT have a bigger message filter they can use at their end!

Private Message TalkTalk
Message 54 of 67

I’m having the same problem 20+ plus scam emails per day WHAT ARE TALKTALK DOING ABOUT THIS ?????? 
Looks like NOTHING .


Message 55 of 67

What's going on at the TalkTalk end is that we have Google/Gmail domains as trusted senders due to their excellent MTA as they normally manage their outgoing mail very well. However, at present they've failed to control the spam coming out of their domain so we're being hit by it. Cloudmark are adjusting the filters to cope with the new influx of spam from Google. 



Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.


Conversation Starter
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 56 of 67


See other threads. You are not alone.

I am the same. Tiscali for 18 years with no major problems. Now, its gone mad!

And I'm really careful with my main e mail address. I use a 'junk' gmail that I put out for sales, etc and that doesnt even get much spam!

Something has to be going on at the TalkTalk end. It can't be all of us. Occams razor, if you have ever heard of that?


Message 57 of 67

Do you have an update for us Michelle?


My Gmail contacts are still having problems reaching me. Senders either get an undeliverable message or their email simply doesn't arrive. And, like I said five days ago, the Gmail spam messages are still arriving every few minutes.


Rather that blocking all Gmail messages why can't TalkTalk create a rule to block the spam messages by looking at the body content? Roughly 95% of those messages are linked to so if Dangermouse and I can create rules that are virtually 100% effective then why can't TalkTalk?


Please reply with an update and the answer to my question. Thanks Michelle.

Message 58 of 67



No problem, we'll keep you updated.





Message 59 of 67

Thanks for the tip and the screenshot Mousey -  it appears to be working a treat.


Thanks to Michelle too for her help.


Message 60 of 67



We've raised this over to our Network Engineers now to see if they are aware of any issues and we will post back here as soon as we receive an update back.



