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Disconnections since 25th January

Conversation Starter
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 142 of 142


Firstly - I'm having to use the account holders community account to start this thread as you seem to have deleted mine even though I can see my posts.  So I'm not the account holder, just the one who sorts the tech issues in the house.


The setup.

Wifi hub (not black) connected by master socket.  All devices except one on wifi, the other one is wired directly into the router with Cat6 (no power lines used).


The issue.

Random disconnections of the internet. Router reconnects syncing at different speeds.  Prior to thursday I'd sync around 50mbps, now it's between 45mbps and 30mbps after it disconnects


What's been tried.

New filter via test socket.

Engineer visit - swapping master socket filter, faceplate and cable connecting to router

Engineer couldn't see any issues, when testing.  Noted that the line was capable of 55mbps while the router was syncing below 45mbps so requested a new router from you guys.

New router (wifi hub black) arrived, connected.


Issues persist.


The events.


I contacted TT via Twitter DM.  Initially told that there was no line issue and the test were fine.  I was informed it was a WiFi issue.  I replied I have wired devices and it's the router losing connection.  I was again informed it was a WiFi issue.  I again replied that I have Cat6 wired into the router, it's not a WiFi issue.  A different agent asked me to explain the Cat6, so I did.  I was again informed it was a WiFi issue, i again sent the I'm wired, that it's not a WiFi issue, and sent photos of the router logs. They told me that sorting the WiFi issue solve the problem.  I sent more photos and said it wasn't a WiFi issue - then I hear nothing.

I reported more disconnections the next day, the agent (different one) did more line checks and noted there was a fault on the line, they arranged for an engineer.

Engineer came (openreach) and found no issues in the cab or the house. They replaced the integrated microfilter on my master socket, and if i recall correctly, changed the faceplate too as well as supplying a new cable to connect to the router. They noted the speed discrepancy between the router and their equipment and requested a new router.

More disconnections followed that evening/night.

Today, the new router arrived (WiFi hub black), I've installed it and we've had more disconnections.


Currently talking on twitter again, and they're booking an engineer again.


Why am I posting this?

I've had to restart the conversation on twitter multiple times, I don't know if the agents don't have access to the full conversation or what, but I've been asked the same questions a fair few times.  I started this in the hope that I may get help here.


I'm also being informed that if the engineer comes and finds no faults we'll be charged £75.  Considering Openreach has come and found no faults in the home or the cab, this feel like I'm being put in a position where I'll be charged and not have the issue resolved. Presumably the bill payer has been charged for the Openreach visit.


Many thanks



Edit: Engineer booked, no clue as to if we're being charged or not to be honest.  I'd hope not considering the home/cab has already been cleared by openreach. 

141 REPLIES 141

Message 121 of 142

Good afternoon,


Thanks for the update. Is the varying latency happening when you're connected wired or wireless?







Message 122 of 142

Hi Michelle,

Connection has been up for 4 days according to the router, and I've not seen anything on Think Broadbands graphs to suggest otherwise. 
Speed is a bit reduced, not sure if latency is a bit more all over the place or not, the Think Broadband graph does show some random latency spikes, but less than I was expecting to be honest.


Sundays results



I should be sending off the replacement WiFi Hub today if I get a moment, since it's WiFi stability was attrocious.  And it's not like it helped with the disconnections when it was connected.


Many thanks,




Message 123 of 142



How has your connection been over the weekend?







Conversation Starter
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 124 of 142

Hey Chris,


An update - router has been connected for 2 days without disconnections so far.  Internet seems OKish, some random ping spikes.  Since I've not touched anything on my end I assume either you or openreach may have done something.  Not that I want to jinx it.




For note - that's a Broadband Quality Monitor over on thinkbroadband, that once you set your router to respond to pings, will ping the your router once set up and chart the latency and packet loss.



Many Thanks,




Message 125 of 142

Hey Chris,


Very odd, OK.  I thought you'd have logs of our connection/disconnection times available.


More disconnections overnight.  I have noticed they seem to be generally overnight.


01.02.2024 00:02:40InfoXDSL
VDSL connectivity is down port 1
01.02.2024 00:03:53InfoXDSL
VDSL connectivity is down port 1
01.02.2024 00:54:54InfoXDSL
VDSL connectivity is down port 1
01.02.2024 00:55:54InfoXDSL
VDSL connectivity is down port 1
01.02.2024 03:29:56InfoXDSL
VDSL connectivity is down port 1
01.02.2024 11:14:46InfoXDSL
VDSL connectivity is down port 1


I'm assuming not all of these are the DLM trying to do it's thing?


I've also tried changing the DNS on the router to see if that helps with all the DNS errors, unfortunately even after entering in the OpenDNS IPs and restarting the router, the IPs are in the DNS boxes but Device Info is showing the TT DNS IPs.  So I'm not sure what it's using. If it try I use a website online it tells me I'm using OpenDNS, but now sure how accurate that is.  I have noticed there are no DNS warnings since I switched it over however. 


Many Thanks,



Message 126 of 142

Hi Rob,


Sorry, I don't know which logs the engineer is talking about. I've sent you another PM



Message 127 of 142

Hey Chris,

I asked the talk talk engineer if you have access to more detailed logs than what the router show, specifically around the disconnection and the "WiFi security setting have been changed" entries on the router logs.  He said I could request a copy of the logs from you guys.


To be honest, I was hoping for something that may indicate what's causing the disconnections, or what's supposedly changing the WiFi settings, but I'd settle for a log of connections/disconnections because attempting to look at the router logs is a massive pain, especially when it logs you out and you have to renavigate through everything to get back to the logs.  Plus the logs are now spread over two routers, with time entries from 2013 because I've reset the router - it's a bit of a nightmare.


Our line was showing an issue on saturday if that helps, but no other line test have shown issues. Judging by the normal times we start disconnecting I suspect it'll happen tonight, though it has happened around 4-5pm.





Message 128 of 142

The type of engineer we book (to the home or external only) depends on the line test results. If the line test passes and we book an external only engineer (non-appointed) then its automatically rejected by Openreach.


Sorry, I'm not sure what the engineer was referring too, what information do you need exactly?



Message 129 of 142

Hey Chris,

I'll leave it until I have another disconnection.  I suspect it'll happen later on as from memory it seems to happen at night or early hours of the morning. 

I'll add that I've been informed that a phone call was cut off after the TT engineer left, so not sure what caused that but I thought I'd add it to the list.


If we do have another engineer out, what's the plan of action? How many engineers are needed to visit before it's decided the issue isn't within the property?


The talk talk engineer also said I can request a copy of the connection logs/statistics from you guys, so can I have a copy of that please.


Many Thanks,



Message 130 of 142

Hi Rob,

No the TalkTalk engineer won't check the cab. If the disconnections do continue to occur then the only option open to us is to arrange another engineer visit I'm afraid, and we can only book the engineer if you agree to potential charges.


Do you want to leave it for the time being to see if the drops continue, before booking to Openreach engineer?



Message 131 of 142

Hey Chris,

I don't mind having another OpenReach engineer visit, but once again it seems like I'm being, as your own Talktalk engineer put it, set up to be charged.

The first engineer was OpenReach and found no issue, the second engineer was TalkTalk and found no issue.  If I'm continuously having engineers sent out to find no fault when the router has been changed, disconnections still occur, all that happens is we're being charged, nothing progresses and the issues with the connection persist.


There's obviously an issue here somewhere, as the disconnections have continuously happened - though none yet as of the last post, not that I'll hold my breath - but both the house and cabinet have been cleared by the OpenReach Engineer.  I assume the TalkTalk engineer looks in the Cabinet but I'm not sure, but he's cleared the house, so if they've both said the issue isn't here what is the reason for another investigation? Surely the issue is elsewhere?


Many Thanks,



Message 132 of 142

OK, thanks for the information. If you'd like us to arrange the Openreach engineer visit can you confirm:


  • That you accept potential Engineers charges
  • Provide availability, either AM (8am to 1pm) or PM (1pm to 6pm) between Monday to Friday.

I've also sent you a PM to confirm some other details





Message 133 of 142

Hey Chris,

Ok, but for note we have already had an OpenReach engineer come round and they found no issues.


I've reconnected the old router for the moment. 


I also forgot to mention - random disconnections have been happening for a while now, but generally when they do you guys have a maintenance notice on your service page, however it's not any maintenance near me, or you're doing website maintenance. 

I don't know if it's that you guys are continuously doing stuff so that when I have issues there's always something on the service page, or something is going on elsewhere. 

However it's never like this, whenever it's happened in the past come the morning everything is back to normal.  It was infrequent and generally late night/early hours of the morning.


I don't know if that gives any extra clues for you guys.


Many thanks,



Message 134 of 142

Thanks for the update. If it's still disconnecting then we'll need to arrange an Openreach engineer visit to investigate further. Just let me know if you'd like to go ahead with the engineer and confirm some details with you



Message 135 of 142

Heya Chris,

Engineer has just left - no issues with the line found.  As for the router I'll send one back when I get the chance, probably be the new one considering the WiFi issues. I'll throw the old one back on, as I want to see if it was having the same DNS/WiFi security errors as I'm fairly sure it wasn't (it had different issues but nothing i'd consider problematic). 

So what happens now? It's still disconnecting, did so about an hour ago. 



For note this is the second time that it's done it when someone has phoned, though that could be coincidence as as far as I know it's done it all the other times without the phone being in use, and when I've tried to force it by phoning or calling out it has remained connected.


Many thanks,




Message 136 of 142

Thanks for the information. We would just need one of the routers back, you can return the replacement if there's problems with it



Message 137 of 142

Hi Chris thanks for the response,

I missed your other message, the DNS error seems to be occuring even while, as far as I know, I have internet connectivity.  I could be wrong though, scanning through the logs on the router is a bit of a pain.


No disconnections so far since the one in the photo.  The DLM seems to be struggling to decide what to do as the speed connect/reconnects are up and down generally, not just trending downwards. Still lower than the 50Mbps we were originally getting and lower than the 55Mbps the Openreach engineer said we should be getting.


I'd like to mention that the replacement router is not a black, I really thought it was but it appears to be a sagecom model.


I'd also like to check, when Franco originally ordered Fibre, we paid extra to have the WiFi Hub.  The new router - which seems to be having WiFi issues as noted before - has a note inside mentioning that we may be charged £50 if we do not return the original router.  Considering that we paid originally for it, and that the replacement seems to be having other issues, I'm assuming we won't be charged for keeping the original WiFi Hub?


I'll report back when the (2nd) engineer arrives.


Many thanks,



Support Team
Private Message
Message 138 of 142

The drop in connection overnight and the drop in speed were both caused by the line management system (DLM) changing your profile. As you have an engineer booked could you wait to see what they say and let us know how you get on




Conversation Starter
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 139 of 142

Router has continued to reconnect over night. It's now synced below what I've been informed is the minimum guaranteed download speed of 31.8Mbps



In additions to this, I've noticed the WiFi Hub Black randomly losing WiFi on, I believe all 2.4GHz devices.  It could be both 2.4GHz and 5GHz, it's hard to notice, and when I do, it's normally back up.  It does so, after WiFi security setting have been saved.

Router WiFi.jpg

No one is changing the WiFi security settings -I'm the only one who knows how to access the router -, and since this is a brand new router with a new password I'm not sure what is doing this.  


Message 140 of 142

Hi Franco,


Sorry to hear that you've been experiencing problems with your service. Line test is passing but I can see that there were a lot of reconnections yesterday. Looks to have been OK so far today, how is it at the moment at your end?

The DNS errors often just mean that there's no internet connection
