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Disconnections since 25th January

Conversation Starter
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 142 of 142


Firstly - I'm having to use the account holders community account to start this thread as you seem to have deleted mine even though I can see my posts.  So I'm not the account holder, just the one who sorts the tech issues in the house.


The setup.

Wifi hub (not black) connected by master socket.  All devices except one on wifi, the other one is wired directly into the router with Cat6 (no power lines used).


The issue.

Random disconnections of the internet. Router reconnects syncing at different speeds.  Prior to thursday I'd sync around 50mbps, now it's between 45mbps and 30mbps after it disconnects


What's been tried.

New filter via test socket.

Engineer visit - swapping master socket filter, faceplate and cable connecting to router

Engineer couldn't see any issues, when testing.  Noted that the line was capable of 55mbps while the router was syncing below 45mbps so requested a new router from you guys.

New router (wifi hub black) arrived, connected.


Issues persist.


The events.


I contacted TT via Twitter DM.  Initially told that there was no line issue and the test were fine.  I was informed it was a WiFi issue.  I replied I have wired devices and it's the router losing connection.  I was again informed it was a WiFi issue.  I again replied that I have Cat6 wired into the router, it's not a WiFi issue.  A different agent asked me to explain the Cat6, so I did.  I was again informed it was a WiFi issue, i again sent the I'm wired, that it's not a WiFi issue, and sent photos of the router logs. They told me that sorting the WiFi issue solve the problem.  I sent more photos and said it wasn't a WiFi issue - then I hear nothing.

I reported more disconnections the next day, the agent (different one) did more line checks and noted there was a fault on the line, they arranged for an engineer.

Engineer came (openreach) and found no issues in the cab or the house. They replaced the integrated microfilter on my master socket, and if i recall correctly, changed the faceplate too as well as supplying a new cable to connect to the router. They noted the speed discrepancy between the router and their equipment and requested a new router.

More disconnections followed that evening/night.

Today, the new router arrived (WiFi hub black), I've installed it and we've had more disconnections.


Currently talking on twitter again, and they're booking an engineer again.


Why am I posting this?

I've had to restart the conversation on twitter multiple times, I don't know if the agents don't have access to the full conversation or what, but I've been asked the same questions a fair few times.  I started this in the hope that I may get help here.


I'm also being informed that if the engineer comes and finds no faults we'll be charged £75.  Considering Openreach has come and found no faults in the home or the cab, this feel like I'm being put in a position where I'll be charged and not have the issue resolved. Presumably the bill payer has been charged for the Openreach visit.


Many thanks



Edit: Engineer booked, no clue as to if we're being charged or not to be honest.  I'd hope not considering the home/cab has already been cleared by openreach. 

141 REPLIES 141

Message 101 of 142

Hi Chris,


No disconnection yesterday or today so far.  Telephone was noisy during one call on saturday (landline to landline) that I noticed, and once on sunday where we could hear them but they couldn't hear us (landline to mobile), requiring a redial.

Think Broadband showing some dropped packets around the time (11:15am) my Gran called - which is the number that seems to disconnect us fairly frequently.  This is todays graph so far.



This is Saturdays graph and the disconnections



Big red packet loss line is looks like it's when my Gran phoned at around 11:22 - which I believe caused our disconnection, smaller little blip looks to coincide with either the outgoing call we made that was noisy, or them calling us back (no noise) around 1pm.


This is sundays graph


Again, packet loss upon an, outgoing this time, call once again to my Gran at 10:40am.  It's not showing packet loss/ping issues on all the calls, nor all the calls to/from my Gran. 


Did OpenReach take a look?  We only heard from them via text thursday at 7:30am but that was it.


Many Thanks,




Message 102 of 142

Hi Rob


Line test is passing now, how has it been since your last post?



Conversation Starter
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 103 of 142



Same number called, same number disconnected us again.  I tried with my mobile a few times afterwards and the doesn't disconnect. 

Having a look at the few calls on our call list, as well our disconnect log, I'm seeing a few overlaps either upon calling or during a call. 

Made/received other calls since, line was noisy on an outgoing call, but it didn't disconnect on any. 


I don't know if it makes a difference, but the number that seems to be disconnecting us fairly consistently is a TT number.  I don't suppose there's a way to get a list of received calls?


Many thanks,



Message 104 of 142

Staff will not be back now before Monday, @Franco_B.

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Message 105 of 142

Heya, no contact today, Franco did receive a text message yesterday saying that you guys had informed them of an issue. Rob_B


Message 106 of 142

Hi Franco_B


This fault is still with the line engineer, have Openreach made contact with you?




Message 107 of 142

Hi Franco_B


The fault has been assigned to a line engineer this morning, we should hopefully have further updates later this afternoon.





Message 108 of 142

Hi Franco_B


Thanks for your reply and for the additional information.


I've checked on the fault again and this is still with the Openreach line engineers. I will let you know as soon as I receive further updates.


Thanks again.




Message 109 of 142


Thanks for the info.  Phone call today cut the intenet off, so that's I think the third time that's happened now over the course of all the disconnections.  Funnily enough, as far as I know, it's always with the same caller too.

It's disconnected a further 3 times during the night too.

Message 110 of 142

Hi Franco_B


Thanks for confirming the details by Private Message.


We have passed this straight out to Openreach and they have advised that the engineer will investigate externally first, so we haven't booked a home visit as yet.


I will keep monitoring for additional updates.

Message 111 of 142

Hi Franco_B


Thanks for your reply.


I'm just sending you a Private Message to confirm some details (as mentioned in your first post you are not the account holder)




Message 112 of 142

Hey Michelle,


AM (8-1) visit please, any day is fine.  And yes we accept the possible charges.  Can they let us know the date? The first time OR came round we had no date if I recall correctly, we were notified when the TT engineer visited however.


Many thanks,



Message 113 of 142



Ok thank you for confirming. Please can you provide a few days availability for this visit AM (8-1) and PM (1-6) and also confirm that you accept possible time related engineer charges and we can arrange this visit for you.







Message 114 of 142

Hi Debbie,

I'd like to add that I've just been informed that the telephone also got disconnected mid call. It would have been the outgoing call if you can see what time it was as I cannot with our telephones - it only logs incoming call times.


Yes, I've tested with the (replacement) router that we sent back the other day as the wifi was unstable with it, the disconnections were still occuring. 

Also tested with the test socket with both, and had the master socket checked, filter and faceplate and cable from filter to router replaced by the OR engineer on the first visit. 


There is building work occuring a 3 doors up and the telephone pole is in the middle of us.  During all the recent weather we did notice that a lot of their covers weren't tied down well, could it be possible that something damaged the pole?


You can arrange another OR engineer visit.


Many Thanks,


Message 115 of 142

Hi Franco_B


I'm sorry to hear this.


I've completed another line test and a fault is being detected. Openreach are requesting that we arrange an engineer visit.


Just to confirm, you have tested with a different router at the test socket?


Message 116 of 142

Hi Debbie,

I spoke too soon.  The internet went down at least 12 times overnight (TR-069 connectivity to ( has been closed ) according to the router.  Speed dropped again accordingly, but it's not long reconnected at a slightly higher speed - I assume that was the DLM.

I assume this wasn't anyone doing maintenance?



Many thanks,




Message 117 of 142

Hi Franco_B


Thanks for your reply.


If you do experience any further issues then please let us know.




Message 118 of 142

Hi Debbie,


Not for the moment ta, the router still hasn't disconnected - so it's been up for 5 days currently, and the latency seems to have improved a bit.  So keep an eye on it for the time being, hopefully the DLM will kick the speed back up at some point and then I can see if it's stable still.

At the moment, since the most important thing was solving the disconnections and that seems to, fingers crossed, not be happening at the moment, I don't want to mess about with it and cause more issues.  Or have another OR engineer come round and say there's nothing wrong with the cab or our home again.

It is interesting that your tests are showing a potential fault though again, whatever the issue may be does seem to be very intermittent based on the tests you guys have available to you.  I think that's about a 50/50 split on it showing issues and it not showing issues currently, though I could be mistaken.


I've posted the replacement router back today, so it should be with you within the next couple of days.





For note - Here's Mondays graph, ignore the block of yellow around 7-8pm as I was downloading.




Message 119 of 142

Hi Franco_B


The line test is detecting a potential fault. Would you like me to raise this over to Openreach to be investigated by a line engineer?


Message 120 of 142

Hi Michelle,


I've noticed it on wired, I'm not on wireless enough to be able to tell if it affects it too, but the Think Broadband monitor works by them pinging the router and the router replying, not any other device on the network.


Many Thanks,
