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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 13 of 13

I’ve had no internet or landline for 10 days . The fault update keeps saying they are working to fix it . I’ve been passed from pillar to post on phone calls which get disconnected and live chats that get disconnected. 15 hrs of calls and being left on hold only to be told the same thing that there is a fault outside regarding the fibre optic cable. No engineer has been to fix it . I have no landline and running out of credit on my mobile phone. I am registered for priority fault service as I am disabled and cut off from the world without internet or landline. The fault was reported on the 8 th March but has only been registered on the 13th. All I get is the message on my account saying there is a fault and they are looking into it ?? Any advice would be greatly appreciated thanks 


Message 1 of 13



I'm glad to hear this and thanks for keeping us updated.





Message 2 of 13


Everything is finally working..

The OPENREACH engineer was brilliant .This entire thing has been an absolute nightmare especially the foreign call canters and being unable to contact engineers directly so they can conduct the diagnostic tests rather than having to go through call centres and have to repeat the same thing time and time again!

Thankyouuuuuuuu for your support, I am extremely grateful for everyone’s help.

Message 3 of 13

Hi podster7,


If the phone line still doesn't work can you try the following:


Plug the DVA (grandstream) into the ONT, wait for the broadband light to come on then perform a pinhole reset of the DVA, this should get the phone light back on within about 5 mins, once that comes on can you change setup back to normal. Please let us know how you get on





Message 4 of 13

Forgot to add , the erro box is super hot well passed what anyone would expect an electrical device to be.. Taktalk technical department told me the OPENREACH engineer would replace it as they carry replacement equipment.. The OPENREACH engineer said that’s a complete lie, they don’t carry any replacement equipment whatsoever !


Message 5 of 13

Hi engineer came and fixed the Internet connection he said it wasn’t connected inside the box outside and then came back this afternoon to fix the phone line but after re starting the system the phone won’t work again and when I pick up the receiver it says ‘your account is not registered’ !


Message 6 of 13

Hi podster7,


Thanks for the update, please let us know how the engineer visit goes




Message 7 of 13


ive turned it on and off and every combination you could think of … I got a call from the ‘complaints’ team and within a 2 minute phone call he has arranged for an engineer to call today .. I didn’t have to go through 20 minutes security and script readings .. He just got to the point and arranged an engineer visit .. Not sure if it’s because you on this site have pushed them to fix this or because i’ve raised a complaint twice but I’m extremely grateful for your support and help.

I have been absolutely demented with the customer services team and will NEVER sign up for anything again that doesn’t have a UK based customer service centre.

Fingers crossed they turn up this time and fix it .. Wrong though, the hoops you have to jump through to get a service you are paying for fixed when the fault is ultimately their responsibility as my contract is with TalkTalk not OPENREACH.

Thank you so much for your patience and support xx


Message 8 of 13

Hi podster7,


Can you turn the ONT and router off and leave them off for at least 30 minutes, then switch back on and retest. Please let us know how you get on


Message 9 of 13

Green light then red in the middle then green and eero box red light 


Message 10 of 13

Hi podster7


Can you tell me what lights are on the ONT, the small box on the wall ?


Have you tried connecting your device, pc or laptop etc directly to the ONT, bypassing the router to see if there is internet access,  This can test for a router fault.




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Popular Poster
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 11 of 13

Thank you xx 


Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 12 of 13

I have asked one of TalkTalk's support to pick your thread up and investigate it for you.

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