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5 hours ago
I found my internet speed was not that good and decided to check the speed. I tried eero app first and it showed excellent speed (940mbps download,109mbps upload). Then I tried speed test by Ookla and speed was 53mbps download, 51mbps upload. And I used Google speed check which shows download speed 313mbps and 90mbps upload.
Can anyone explain the reason why 3 apps provided 3 different speeds?
Note- I have screenshots of the test, but the attach file option is not working.
3 hours ago
The eero shows the actual connection rate of your full fibre service. Any other speed test will vary depending on device used, individual wireless capabilities etc. If you want to post any results feel free, but don't try to attach them as a file, any screenshots can be attached using the camera/picture icon.
How many eeros do you have?
3 hours ago
Very good question.