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Yale Smart Alarm unable to connect after years of no issues

First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 13 of 13

Hi, randomly last night my Yale smart alarm started beeping constantly and it is showing unable to connect to the Yale servers. I have had this system for almost a decade and it only ever had this problem when I switched to fibre and installed an Eero router that came with it, around 3 years ago. 

At that time there was a known issue with the two products and from advice on this board I had to disable advanced security and add blocking in the Eero secure section plus enable port forwarding for ports 80-81 and use a custom DNS of (primary) and (secondary). After doing that’s it’s worked fine until last night. 

Nothing has been changed at all yet it has stopped working. I’ve rebooted everything and searched the forums yet I am unable to find a fix. Forum recommendations I tried were enabling legacy mode and opening ports 5222 and 8765. I still get no connection to the Yale server and the only way I can stop the Yale beeping to tell me of a fault is to pause the Yale hub in the eero app. Obviously this doesn’t allow it to connect to the Yale servers but somehow it tells my Yale box there’s no fault. 

Grateful for any advice please as I’m unsure why this has stopped working and why these two products cannot work fine with each other. I had no issues like this on my previous TalkTalk router. 

Many thanks. 



Team Player
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 1 of 13

Just one last update , maybe to help other Yale alarm users in future.

So I finally got my Yale alarm system working. In spite of all the changes in settings and testing both the Eero router as well as the Yale hub, I still couldn't get any key fob or keypad to set the alarm even though the Yale hub was connected and showing a green light.

I decided it must be a radio frequency issue ( all the devices are linked by radio frequency not WIFI or Ethernet. The ethernet connection means that the alarm can also be controlled by the Yale app. But disconnecting it , will still leave the alarm working using radio frequency)

I discovered that although I had 18 devices on the app, none of them were paired. When I paired a new spare PIR, all the other devices disappeared. I proceeded to pair all the other devices and now everything is working.

I can't explain why this happened when I upgraded to Fast fibre with the Eero but it did and the solution was easy.

I am amazed nobody at Yale suggested it.


Team Player
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 13

Thanks, I already tried that and also opened the ports that Yale recommended. I think the issue is something else as I cannot get the keypad or the key fobs to activate the alarm ( this should work without the hub being plugged into the ethernet as all the devices work on radio frequency. The smart hub allows everything to work via the app but is not necessary for the local radio frequency devices to function)

My Yale hub connects to the router with a green light so it's not a connectivity issue. My Yale app shows everything is working well but when I take a battery out of a PIR the app still says everything is OK. It doesn't notify me to change the battery.

When I get the hub back from Yale I will delete everything and try and set it up from scratch by pairing all the devices again.


Message 3 of 13

Your hub will need to be connected by and ethernet cable either to the router ( mine is connected to a switch which is connected to the router as needed more physical ports). Set the primary DNS to and secondary to as connecting to the talktalk DNS doesn't work as there servers are blocking. something. 


Message 4 of 13

Hi, yes mine is working fine. I had to change a setting in the eero. I will check which it was and update shortly.


Team Player
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 5 of 13

Hi, Please could you tell me if you got the Yale alarm to finally work. I have now tried 2 Eero routers and my Yale alarm hub has been sent to Yale for testing. They are saying everything is working with the hub as it should do. I have tried Eero support, I have tried this community hub, I have changed the port and DNS settings and still the alarm doesn't work.

It connects to the Eero router and has a green light but that's just about it, the alarm cannot be armed by the keypad or any key fob. It's showing as being connected to the internet on the Yale app but there seems to be no connectivity between my PIRs, door contacts, keypad etc. 

So I suspect it may be a radio frequency issue but Yale , I suspect have given up on this one as they didn't test whether the hub would connect to a device.

If you got yours to work ,I will persevere, otherwise I give up.


Not applicable
Private Message
Message 6 of 13

Thanks for confirming 🙂





Message 7 of 13

Just got mine back online after updating Eero to 7.6.2-130 Setting Primery DNS to Secondary to and doing full power cycle on the alarm.


Not applicable
Private Message
Message 8 of 13

Hi @Special_Lama 


I'm sorry to hear this. Our Devices Team are currently looking into this with eero. Please can you create your own topic and we can look into this for you.







First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 9 of 13

Exactly the same issue with my Yale alarm - disconnected from server at 10:30 on Wednedsay. - Currtently in contact with Yale see below, tried everything but still no cconnection.


Hello ,

Thank you for your reply.

Could you please confirm you have power cycled the HUB as described in the previous email?

If the issue is still not resolved, please reply with the following details:
- Router Make:
- Router Model:
- Internet provider:
- Are ports 5222 and 8765 open? (you might need to contact your internet provider)
- DNS settings should be set to (you might need to contact your internet provider)
- Is your HUB connected directly into the router?

This will allow us to escalate your case to the relevant department.

Many thanks.

Kind regards


Yale UK Team


Not applicable
Private Message
Message 10 of 13



Thank you. The information in your Community Profile is only available to TalkTalk Staff. Could you try the eero update please to see if there is any change?







First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 11 of 13

Thanks I have updated the info as requested, please can you confirm this is only visible to talk talk staff and I’m not publicly listing my name, account number and phone number?


my eero is currently on 7.6.1. There is an update available to 7.6.2 but I will have to wait until this evening to update if required as the internet is required throughout the day for other applications. 


Not applicable
Private Message
Message 12 of 13



I'm sorry to hear this. I'm currently looking into this with our Devices Manager now. Does your eero have the latest software update?


Can you please update your community profile to include your:


  • Name
  • Telephone number or Account number
  • Alternative contact number

We'll then look into this further. Please do not post this information on this thread. Once you've updated your profile please post in your topic to confirm it's updated.



