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on 16-01-2025 06:18 PM
For over a week my internet connection has been interupted for periods of an hour or less on a random bassis. My router remains connected to the exchange but shows no internet connection randomly. Line tests have have shown all is well and my home phone connection has been fine . When connected to the internet via my copper to the cabinet line my internet speed and performance of 70 Mbs is normal. My local area ethernet system is performing normally. Very frustating the frequent disruptions to my internet connection whilst trying to get some work done.
on 20-01-2025 08:15 AM
A router is on the way for testing.
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on 18-01-2025 01:23 PM
Please let me have a replacement router to test with. I will return it promptly if unsuccessful
on 17-01-2025 04:28 PM
It may not be relevant but there is a lot of Fibre installation work on-going in my locality, including in the underground duct and pole immediatly outside my home.
on 17-01-2025 04:25 PM
Am now communicating with you on the K88DCEC router which reconnected to the exchange and internet in a short time.
on 17-01-2025 04:21 PM
Hi Chris. Tried a couple of old TalkTalk routers which were in use before you supplied the latest one K88DCEC . The older routers were in use until I switched to Fibre to the Cabinet which gave me my 70Mbs connection. The old routers connected to my Local area network ok but would not connect to the WAN (exchange).
on 17-01-2025 02:45 PM
I am on a feed to a local cabinet which has been very reliable up to now. Speed is 70Mbs . When internet connection is working normally, which it is at present, it runs at my normal 70Mbs speed and can perform fine for a couple of hours at a time. Then it looses internet connectivity even tho the white light on my router still shows a good exchange connection.
on 17-01-2025 02:34 PM
Do you have another router you can test with?
Chris, Community Team
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on 17-01-2025 02:33 PM
Router is currently connected to front socket on Box. My connection to exchange is rock solid, and does not drop out at all. Home phone is also fine. Only my ethernet or wireless INTERNET connection is erratic on my phone, TV and Laptop.
on 17-01-2025 02:10 PM
Thanks. Line test isn't picking up any issues. Is your router currently connected to your test socket - Your guide to main phone sockets - TalkTalk Help & Support
Chris, Community Team
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on 17-01-2025 02:04 PM
I have updated my profile as requested
on 17-01-2025 07:13 AM
Hi Frank38,
Can you please update your community profile to include your:
We'll then look into this further. Please do not post this information on this thread. Once you've updated your profile please post in your topic to confirm it's updated.
Chris, Community Team
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