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Eero 6 issues

Message 42 of 42


Also the eero 6 rarely uses the 5ghz band choosing the 2.4ghz band no way to force the router to assign a device to a band of choice. Also the eero 6  seems to be warm when in use is this normal.


My son reccomended the eero as it better security with wpa3 which all my devices can conect to.


Is it worth trying an eero 6 pro


Really poor wifi strength off the eero 6 which suprises me..


Be nice to get feed back from the staff on how i can improve my wifi conections.




Message 21 of 42

I also have some questions about my last bill in the last month of my contract shall I open another thread for that question ? 


Message 22 of 42

For some reason when we order an eero it shows this but I ordered it as zero charge and it confirmed that it's zero charge. As I've said if you notice that you've been charged just let me know



Message 23 of 42

It says a charge of 89 pounds with a new contract start date which says to me something has been changed ? 


Message 24 of 42

It's just an automated email. It showed 'charge zero' when I ordered it so you shouldn't be charged but if you are just le me know and I'll credit it back.


Message 25 of 42

Just had an email from talk talk saying I’m going to be charged £89 saying I’ve ordered changes when I havnt sanctioned any changes 


Message 26 of 42

I've ordered the eero, it should be with you within a couple of working days



Message 27 of 42

Please send another eero 6 Chris if you would be so kind ! Thank you 


Message 28 of 42

We can just send another eero to test with so that you can try it with the one that you already have


Message 29 of 42

Do you mean an extender to test or do you think the eero 6 could be faulty ! Keith seems to think there could be a dead spot that would benifit an extra eero ! Your thoughts always welcome 


Message 30 of 42

Hi mockingbirdmedia,


I can send another eero to test with, would you like me to arrange this?



Message 31 of 42

I look forward to further input from yourself Keith and talk talk staff as to a positive way forward 


Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 32 of 42

I have done some diagnostics with this customer, there is no WiFi interference at all, but the signal strength is very poor. I think this customer would benefit from a second Eero.

I am not employed by TalkTalk, I'm just a customer. If my post has fixed the issue, please set Accept as Solution from the 3 dot menu.
TalkTalk support and Community Stars - Who are they? 

Message 33 of 42

Thanks keith i will take at look at the link and once again thank you for your ongoing help


Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 34 of 42

I will PM you a link for a guide of mine on Wi-Fi interference & initially look at the section called "Are you suffering from interference – prove it first". This section includes full details of Wi-Fi analysers that I recommend for Windows, Windows phone, Android and Apple operating systems. However, I have no way of testing the Apple product. Do not worry about interpreting the results, I will do that for you.

Please post the screenshots to me in a PM (to protect your privacy), that I have requested in my guide. No photos please they can be difficult to read as text can get out of focus when zoomed in, from the analyser you are using (also in my attached guide). Please ensure that the analyser window is maximised (if Windows) before taking the screenshots & upload them via the "Insert Photos" button (in a mobile browser it's the picture icon) on the post editor's toolbar with the Size parameter set to Large. If they are too small, I will not be able to read them & although I can enlarge them, this puts the text out of focus. 

I am not employed by TalkTalk, I'm just a customer. If my post has fixed the issue, please set Accept as Solution from the 3 dot menu.
TalkTalk support and Community Stars - Who are they? 

Message 35 of 42

Absolutely keith im all ears happy to listen to your directions


Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 36 of 42

On my upgraded Fibre 65 I get about 149/152, so a lot faster upload than you, via  Hub2 though, not Eero. 


The Eero can be got through TalkTalk or I believe Amazon, but before throwing money at the solution, why not check the state of your WiFi is as good as it can be, I can give a lot of help here if you want it.

I am not employed by TalkTalk, I'm just a customer. If my post has fixed the issue, please set Accept as Solution from the 3 dot menu.
TalkTalk support and Community Stars - Who are they? 

Message 37 of 42

Thank you keith and as always an in depth response with lots of info.


I have checked in the eero system and the devices that i expected to conect via wpa3 have done so.


Im intrested in your take of creating a bigger network by adding an extra eero 6 into the eco system, this could indeed give better coverage in my property. would you go eero 6 with 2 ethernet ports or an extender with just the powr socket.


Can extra eeros be purchased from talk talk or should i go to amazon if i do decide to go down the route of getting an etra eero.


There is at present only one device that im using that doesnt seem to like the new wifi and feel there could be other issues with the integrated wifi,bluetooth card not working corectly.


Had a couple of spare ethernet conections on the switch so my son has plugged the powerline adaptors back in and its giving me a speed of about 70 mbps ish at the laptop. where as when i was on the wifi set up it was barely conecting on either 2.4ghz or 5 ghz so came to the conclusion that there could be an issue with the hardware on the laptop.


When i conect to the router via an apple device on 5ghz do a speed test its giving me the full speed from the eero i.e 150 down 30 up.



Any further coment keith is most welcome


Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 38 of 42

First, whilst the Eero does support WPA3, it does not mean that your devices will use it. They have to fully support WPA3 themselves (as well as their operating system version) before the newer security mode is utilised. A number of the WPA3 enhancements have been subsequently added to WPA2 Personal, but again both router & device must support them, as they are negotiated on a wireless connection attempt.


Your devices might be forced onto the 2.4GHz as sometimes the 5GHz channel that the Eero uses, might be too high for them. Alternatively, the 2.4GHz signal may be of a better quality, due to the 5GHz band only having about 50% of the coverage of the 2.4GHz band. What 5GHz channel is your Eero set to in the app? To find this out:-


 1. Tap on one of your Eero devices to go to the Eero details page
2. Tap on Wi-Fi radios


If you cannot connect to the 5GHz band of an ordinary Eero, the Eero 6 Pro will be of no use to you at all.

Poor signal strength can be caused by either not enough Eero nodes in your property (TalkTalk only supplies one) to create a mesh network or Wi-Fi interference. I can help a lot to diagnose such issues.

I am not employed by TalkTalk, I'm just a customer. If my post has fixed the issue, please set Accept as Solution from the 3 dot menu.
TalkTalk support and Community Stars - Who are they? 

Message 40 of 42

Thanks chris will do 


which help article?

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