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House fire/move

First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 3 of 3

My house burnt down two weeks before Christmas I have been a talk talk customer for over 10 years I’ve had to move and had explain while crying my eyes out that I had lost everything including the router !!! After the hassle of getting an engineer out which is due mon 6th jan had an email saying my equipment will arrive before today still no equipment I ring talk talk I get sent a message I press all the options to speak to an advisor and just got sent a message for live chat this is really difficult I speak with some one on the chat who has said no router had been sent out as I can use my old one which I had explained I lost everything in the fire everything now today there sending a new router out I want someone to call me I have been a talk talk customer for years the phone call I made after the fire was recorded this has added extreme stress and ur advisors are all saying different things now I am worryied that when the engineer turns up there will be no equipment can a human just call me please 


Whizz Kid
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 1 of 3

@Potter19852 wrote:

the phone call I made after the fire was recorded this has added extreme stress and ur advisors are all saying different things now I am worried that when the engineer turns up there will be no equipment can a human just call me please 

I recently had FTTP installed and the router had not arrived on the morning of the install  the good news is the install will still go ahead as the engineer doesn't need a router to get everything up and running.

My router (eero) finally arrived late morning so don't worry if it gets to the day before and it has not arrived when it does arrive  its a doddle to set up (see set up video below)  


We only get one eero but you can get more if needed, in the video she has three -


Support Team
Private Message
Message 2 of 3



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