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I Upgraded my service , But TalkTalk Downgraded my service. Why?

Enlightened One
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 62 of 62

I Upgraded my service with a 2-year fixed-price+ contract, But TalkTalk Downgraded my service. Why?


There was no change in the main broadband package, just a little upgrade in the attached VOIP service.


The main condition in the pre-renewal contract was:

'You can look forward to an estimated download speed between 70.0 Mbps and 78.0 Mbps with a minimum guaranteed download speed of 55.0 Mbps and upload speed of 20.0 Mbps'.


The main condition in the renewed contract is:

You can look forward to an estimated download speed between 36.00 Mbps and 37.00 Mbps with a minimum guaranteed download speed of 35.00 Mbps and upload speed of 7.00 Mbps


Within MyAccount, it reports a minimum guaranteed download speed of only 4 Mbps. Why?


I started the change, a couple of days before 7/4/2024, and the change happened on the 7/4/2024

I have still not received an email, reporting the new arrangement, but does show in MyAccount.


I have spoken to the BOT. And I was told via the BOT that they are raising a complaint.

I am not sure what 'raising a complaint' is. But that is the current position.




Enlightened One
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 41 of 62



Looks like staff are on strike again today.

You said earlier today that a callback had been scheduled for today 01.05.24. Yes I knew that. It was specifically scheduled in the slot 12:00-14:00 today to talk to the assigned Complaints Manager. I waited and waited. Nothing happened. Is he sick or something? Note that he hasn't given me his phone number or email address yet.





Message 42 of 62






Message 43 of 62

As explained before because you have an open complaint I cant interfere,  You requested your complaint notes to be updated that has been done.  


A callback has been scheduled for today 01.05.24.


Enlightened One
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 44 of 62

Are the the staff on strike today? And yesterday?


Enlightened One
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 45 of 62



Has a copy of my message above at 24-04-2024 08:24 PM, been sent to the Complaints Manager that is currently handling my case?

Unfortunately, I have not found a way to do that myself. Is there a way? Because often when persons have a phone call, things get easily misinterpreted.


Also, on  on ‎25-04-2024 09:29 AM, 'notes were added to my notes'. Does this mean anything?





Enlightened One
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 46 of 62



Do you mean that a copy of my message above at 24-04-2024 08:24 PM, was sent to the Complaints Manager that is currently handling my case,

or do you mean something else?

If you mean something else, how will I now what the something else is?






Message 47 of 62



Do you mean that a copy of my message above at 24-04-2024 08:24 PM, was sent to the Complaints Manager that is currently handling my case,

or do you mean something else?

If you mean something else, how will I now what the something else is?






Message 48 of 62

Hi Billx


I can see that notes have been applied to the complaint notes. 




Enlightened One
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 49 of 62

To whoever


Yes, I did receive my TTR_AUTOSIGN email from TalkTalk on 11/04/2024, confirming my supposed terms of the upgraded contract of the 07/04/2024. (I wasn't able to spot it previously. It was somehow jumbled up with other emails from TalkTalk Community.) In that email it contains the CONTRACT_SUMMARY.pdf attachment. 


The CONTRACT_SUMMARY.pdf is dated 25 May 2023 instead of the 07/04/2024 and contains the following main clause:

Speeds of the internet service and remedies
You can look forward to an estimated download speed between 36.00 Mbps and 37.00 Mbps with a
minimum guaranteed download speed of 35.00 Mbps and upload speed of 7.00 Mbps


The CONTRACT_SUMMARY.pdf of the previous agreement  before the upgrade is dated 02 May 2023 and contains the following main clause:

Speeds of the internet service and remedies
You can look forward to an estimated download speed between 70.0 Mbps and 78.0 Mbps with a minimum
guaranteed download speed of 55.0 Mbps and upload speed of 20.0 Mbps


When I and a representative of TalkTalk agreed to the upgrade on the 07/04/2024, the agreed internet speeds were not to be altered, they were not even discussed, but just an upgrade to the attached VOIP phone package.


Further when I now do a Speed Test on TalkTalk, on the results page, it informs me that my minimum
guaranteed download speed is 4.0 Mbps


In other words, I now have 3 different quoted minimum guaranteed download speeds.


If someone can forward this message to the relevant Complaints Manager, I would very much appreciate that.

I did talk to a Complaints Manager, but was only able to do so by phone, not by email or 'livechat'





Message 50 of 62

Yes, @Gliwmaeden2 , I understand all that.


Note my message on 19-04-2024 12:09 PM. It includes:

'A representative from TalkTalk Head Office has contacted me by phone, once last week, and once on Monday, 15/4/2024.

Nothing was achieved then. I have since, received a text message, making an appointment for us to talk again on Monday, 22/4/2024'


 Very early this morning, I received a repeat text message to remind me,  that I and the TalkTalk representative had a phone appointment today between  8:00 AM and 10:00 PM. Now that's way past.

And I am not sure what he is intending to achieve, by phoning me, without getting done, what is required.






Message 51 of 62

Staff cannot intervene while this is in the hands of Head Office and you are expecting a call today, @Billx.

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Enlightened One
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 52 of 62

Is there anybody there?




Enlightened One
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 53 of 62

On 7/4/2024,  I upgraded my service with a 2-year fixed-price+ contract, But TalkTalk Downgraded my service. Why?


There was to be no change in the main broadband package, just a little upgrade in the attached VOIP service.


The main condition in the pre-renewal contract was:

'You can look forward to an estimated download speed between 70.0 Mbps and 78.0 Mbps with a minimum guaranteed download speed of 55.0 Mbps and upload speed of 20.0 Mbps'.


The main condition in the new contract, which is incorrectly dated 25/05/2023 is:

You can look forward to an estimated download speed between 36.00 Mbps and 37.00 Mbps with a minimum guaranteed download speed of 35.00 Mbps and upload speed of 7.00 Mbps


Further, within MyAccount, it reports a minimum guaranteed download speed of only 4 Mbps. Why?

There was to be no change to any of these speeds.


So, 2 new and degraded 'minimum guaranteed download speeds' are  still reported.

And the degraded main download and upload speeds are still reported.


A representative from TalkTalk Head Office has contacted me by phone, once last week, and once on Monday, 15/4/2024.

Nothing was achieved then. I have since, received a text message, making an appointment for us to talk again on Monday, 22/4/2024.


Why doesn't this representative, check his beautiful computer records, check that TalkTalk's own records are the same as those shown in MyAccount, and if they are not, just make a copy from their records to MyAccount?


Things are getting out of hand. Are they relying too much on AI? And are they making copies and copies of website pages, and sometimes miscopying them?


With respect




Message 54 of 62


When I do a TalkTalk speed test, which finally now works, it also shows my current minimum download speed.

The minimum download speed, before the upgrade was 55 Mbps.

 The current minimum download speed, is now showing after doing the speed test as 4 Mbps.


Anyway, I'll wait little bit more and see what happens.





Message 55 of 62

Thank you.


Message 56 of 62

The auto sign document is sent, for you to check the details of the renewal offer, if you didn't receive it then its a possible mis-sale.


FYI ..Your email address is linked to the community ID in your profile ,only we can see it, that is taken from My Account which takes it from the billing system.


Live chat link are clearly displayed How to contact TalkTalk Broadband - TalkTalk Help & Support 


This is in the hands of complaint team now, so Ill have to leave it with them.


Message 57 of 62

I have and I do receive my bills normally.

I also said above that "I have never heard of an 'Autosign document'"

Who or what did the autosigning then, and which document was autosigned?


In fact, I just checked, and  I received my last TalkTalk bill on 02/04/2024, I don't know what that proves.

What I don't have in my emails, is a document that was to be sent to my TalkTalk-linked email address,

listing the main terms regarding the upgrade of my package, which was done via one of the 'livechat' links.

I don't even know the web address of  the 'livechat' link I used. That's because TalkTalk doesn't provide it.

Also, there appears to be more than one TalkTalk 'livechat' link. So one does not even know where one is linked to.


Also, I've just checked, there is no email address of mine linked to my community profile.


Message 58 of 62

Autosign was sent to the exact same email address that you have on your community profile, and the exact address that your bills are sent to each month, so are you saying you haven't received any bills either?


Message 59 of 62


you say 'the Autosign document when you renewed, the account shows it was sent on the 7th to a @gmail account'

Well, it turns out your reference, @gmail,is  the account of a member of this community. No connection with any of my email accounts.

Very poor.



Message 60 of 62


No, nothing is obvious. I have never heard of an 'Autosign document'

As I said, I had  spoken to the BOT. And I was told by an expert via the BOT that they are raising a complaint.

Previous to that, I had  spoken to the BOT, and then to an expert via the BOT, and then the expert and myself agreed what the renewed package will be. The expert said he would send a copy of what we agreed, to my email address. I don't know if I received that email.

But currently don't have it.



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