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I Upgraded my service , But TalkTalk Downgraded my service. Why?

Super Duper Contributor
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 48 of 48

I Upgraded my service with a 2-year fixed-price+ contract, But TalkTalk Downgraded my service. Why?


There was no change in the main broadband package, just a little upgrade in the attached VOIP service.


The main condition in the pre-renewal contract was:

'You can look forward to an estimated download speed between 70.0 Mbps and 78.0 Mbps with a minimum guaranteed download speed of 55.0 Mbps and upload speed of 20.0 Mbps'.


The main condition in the renewed contract is:

You can look forward to an estimated download speed between 36.00 Mbps and 37.00 Mbps with a minimum guaranteed download speed of 35.00 Mbps and upload speed of 7.00 Mbps


Within MyAccount, it reports a minimum guaranteed download speed of only 4 Mbps. Why?


I started the change, a couple of days before 7/4/2024, and the change happened on the 7/4/2024

I have still not received an email, reporting the new arrangement, but does show in MyAccount.


I have spoken to the BOT. And I was told via the BOT that they are raising a complaint.

I am not sure what 'raising a complaint' is. But that is the current position.




Super Duper Contributor
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 41 of 48

Thank you.


Message 42 of 48

The auto sign document is sent, for you to check the details of the renewal offer, if you didn't receive it then its a possible mis-sale.


FYI ..Your email address is linked to the community ID in your profile ,only we can see it, that is taken from My Account which takes it from the billing system.


Live chat link are clearly displayed How to contact TalkTalk Broadband - TalkTalk Help & Support 


This is in the hands of complaint team now, so Ill have to leave it with them.


Super Duper Contributor
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 43 of 48

I have and I do receive my bills normally.

I also said above that "I have never heard of an 'Autosign document'"

Who or what did the autosigning then, and which document was autosigned?


In fact, I just checked, and  I received my last TalkTalk bill on 02/04/2024, I don't know what that proves.

What I don't have in my emails, is a document that was to be sent to my TalkTalk-linked email address,

listing the main terms regarding the upgrade of my package, which was done via one of the 'livechat' links.

I don't even know the web address of  the 'livechat' link I used. That's because TalkTalk doesn't provide it.

Also, there appears to be more than one TalkTalk 'livechat' link. So one does not even know where one is linked to.


Also, I've just checked, there is no email address of mine linked to my community profile.


Message 44 of 48

Autosign was sent to the exact same email address that you have on your community profile, and the exact address that your bills are sent to each month, so are you saying you haven't received any bills either?


Super Duper Contributor
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 45 of 48


you say 'the Autosign document when you renewed, the account shows it was sent on the 7th to a @gmail account'

Well, it turns out your reference, @gmail,is  the account of a member of this community. No connection with any of my email accounts.

Very poor.



Super Duper Contributor
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 46 of 48


No, nothing is obvious. I have never heard of an 'Autosign document'

As I said, I had  spoken to the BOT. And I was told by an expert via the BOT that they are raising a complaint.

Previous to that, I had  spoken to the BOT, and then to an expert via the BOT, and then the expert and myself agreed what the renewed package will be. The expert said he would send a copy of what we agreed, to my email address. I don't know if I received that email.

But currently don't have it.




Support Team
Private Message
Message 47 of 48

Hi Billx


Obviously the Autosign document in My Account regarding the speeds are wrong


Did you receive the Autosign document when you renewed, the account shows it was sent on the 7th to a @gmail account does it show the same information? 


There is an open complaint and a complaint manager will call you to discuss and resolve this.