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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 3 of 3

Based on my move out date (moving out to new address with continuing Talktalk services) i informed to Talktalk about it well in advance and i got a move out date of 1st OCT 2024, Later recived a text from service engineer team (City fiber) it mentioned date of go live as 15 JAN 2025 (surprised). Then received a call from same team ; I questioned them and about the date, after discussion a new earlier date 3rd OCT 2024 was agreed and even i received Text. But within 5 min. i received  text mentioning old date (farthest date 15 JAN 2025). Where as City fiber has nothing todo with the farthest date and customer concerns. I tried to contact customer care escalared this issue. After long waiting over the call I understood that the city fiber dont have permission to do work (laying new fiber cables etc) at my new property location and aksed for permission from Property Management. Also Customer Care official suggested me to talk to my property management to give permission to City Fiber team to carry out work. Who is reponsible here to whom i need to contact for early resolution. 


Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 1 of 3

When you continue services through the House Move with Talktalk, it's not always the case that the same service is likely to be available, @viruchougule.


One area of the country might have just ADSL, so if you were already on Full Fibre in the old home, you could continue with Talktalk, but get a shock because the provision would be much more basic!


It would probably be more straightforward if you take out a new contract as part of the home move (this waives the £60 fee) for FTTC if it's available. 


You definitely need to get permission first from the Property Management before ordering a service that requires significant work on the property. 



Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 3

I have asked one of TalkTalk's support to pick your thread up and investigate this for you.

They aim to respond within 48 hours (Monday - Friday) excluding Bank Holidays, but if more urgent you can always try the Service Centre on 0345 172 0088. The posts are responded to in time/date order, oldest first.

To save yourself time, please make sure that your community profile includes your first & last names, Full Fibre account number & if possible an alternative contact number. This can be done by clicking on your Avatar picture and then clicking on "My Settings" followed by:-

Personal Profile > Personal Information

Otherwise, TalkTalk will not be able to tie up your forum username to your broadband account. Only you & TalkTalk have visibility of your details.

I am not employed by TalkTalk, I'm just a customer. If my post has fixed the issue, please set Accept as Solution from the 3 dot menu.
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