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full fibre installation completion?

First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 6 of 6

I have now been nearly 8 weeks without broadband.

When my router broke in December last year, I (regretfully!) signed a new contract for full fibre broadband.

The Openreach engineer was scheduled to come 3 weeks after I signed up. I asked for replacement router in the meantime and despite being promised one on 3 separate occasions, it never came. I later found out that each time it was ordered, the order was cancelled because of my new fibre broadband contract!

The engineer - a sub-contactor of Openreach - arrived on the designated day - 23rd January - and left after saying he couldn't connect me and I would need a connection to be dug in the street(?)


The following week an Openreach engineer arrived unannounced and said this was all rubbish - and he connected the fibre to a box on the outside of my building then left.

Since then I have repeatedly contacted Talktalk via the chatline to find out when the connection will be completed and can't get an answer. Yesterday I received an email saying my new broadband was up and running and I even had a bill!!

I have tried twice today (I have recorded all my interactions with Talktalk and it amounts to at least 20) and because I made a complaint about this  - it was 'only' 6 weeks then since having no broadband! - I keep being told that someone is scheduled to call me about this, usually the following day. They never do.

Today  I have been told twice that I will be put through to the complaints department. After a very long wait someone answered, only to tell me I was through to the wrong department! (I had said specifially that I was full fibre customer)

What I'm trying to establish - and no-one will tell me - is do they think that I am connected in my flat? Maybe a misunderstanding because of the engineer coming? Or do they intend to arrange an engineer at some point?

This situation has reduced me to tears on several occasions, and I am having to tether my computer to my phone to get any work done.

Any advice?


Message 1 of 6

Hi Jenjen3,

We wouldn't usually send the ONT, are you sure it's not a digital voice adapter?



Message 2 of 6

NOTHING has been installed inside my property!  Both the ONT and the Eero are still wrapped, in the boxes in which they were sent.


Message 3 of 6

Hi @Jenjen3 


Thank you. Did the engineer install the ONT box inside your property?


Message 4 of 6

Thanks Debbie. Done.

Support Team
Private Message
Message 5 of 6

Hi Jenjen3


I'm really sorry to hear this.


Please can you add your name and TalkTalk account number to your Community Profile, we can then take a look at this for you.



