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6 hours ago
I have now been nearly 8 weeks without broadband.
When my router broke in December last year, I (regretfully!) signed a new contract for full fibre broadband.
The Openreach engineer was scheduled to come 3 weeks after I signed up. I asked for replacement router in the meantime and despite being promised one on 3 separate occasions, it never came. I later found out that each time it was ordered, the order was cancelled because of my new fibre broadband contract!
The engineer - a sub-contactor of Openreach - arrived on the designated day - 23rd January - and left after saying he couldn't connect me and I would need a connection to be dug in the street(?)
The following week an Openreach engineer arrived unannounced and said this was all rubbish - and he connected the fibre to a box on the outside of my building then left.
Since then I have repeatedly contacted Talktalk via the chatline to find out when the connection will be completed and can't get an answer. Yesterday I received an email saying my new broadband was up and running and I even had a bill!!
I have tried twice today (I have recorded all my interactions with Talktalk and it amounts to at least 20) and because I made a complaint about this - it was 'only' 6 weeks then since having no broadband! - I keep being told that someone is scheduled to call me about this, usually the following day. They never do.
Today I have been told twice that I will be put through to the complaints department. After a very long wait someone answered, only to tell me I was through to the wrong department! (I had said specifially that I was full fibre customer)
What I'm trying to establish - and no-one will tell me - is do they think that I am connected in my flat? Maybe a misunderstanding because of the engineer coming? Or do they intend to arrange an engineer at some point?
This situation has reduced me to tears on several occasions, and I am having to tether my computer to my phone to get any work done.
Any advice?
3 minutes ago - last edited a minute ago
@Jenjen3 wrote:. The Openreach engineer connected up something to a box OUTSIDE.
The ONT (top pic) will be on the inside of your house and something similar to the box in the second pic will be on the outside wall of the house..
3 hours ago
Okay, I just looked and it is the digital voice adaptor. The Openreach engineer connected up something to a box OUTSIDE.
Meanwhile I have had a call from TalkTalk complaints and it sounds as though on their records I am down as having had the installation completed?
He SAID he was going to contact Openreach and get back to me tomorrow
4 hours ago
Hi Jenjen3,
We wouldn't usually send the ONT, are you sure it's not a digital voice adapter?
Chris, Community Team
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5 hours ago
NOTHING has been installed inside my property! Both the ONT and the Eero are still wrapped, in the boxes in which they were sent.
5 hours ago
6 hours ago
Thanks Debbie. Done.
6 hours ago
Hi Jenjen3
I'm really sorry to hear this.
Please can you add your name and TalkTalk account number to your Community Profile, we can then take a look at this for you.