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Internet cuts out EVERY night around midnight

First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 46 of 46

It is getting tiresome now.

Every single evening, around midnight my internet just disconnects. Router say it i still connected all the time,.  If i am watching netflix, or playing xbox online, that all disconnects    laptop and mobile disconnect also.

It then takes  between 5 minutes and 4 hours for it to come back online. I have tried resetting router, which does it stuff   comes back online says it is connected when it clearly isnt a nothing will connect with an internet connection.


It is just getting very tiresome now.

If it i talk talk resetting each night, why midnight, and not like 3am when less people would be using it.


Message 21 of 46

Hi @HayleeAnn 


Has HomeSafe/KidsSafe been switched on in My Account? Please can you log into My Account and check this?


Message 22 of 46

Yes, this is not on. The Talk Talk service is terrible and cannot be relied on at all 


Message 23 of 46

Hi @HayleeAnn @mark1979 


Have you logged into My Account and checked to see if HomeSafe/KidsSafe has been switched on for this time?


First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 24 of 46

I have also the same problem 


First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 25 of 46

The exact same thing keeps happening to us as well. It’s getting ridiculous now, so frustrating and trying to contact Talk Talk to discuss anything is a joke! I want a new provider with actual customer service who provides reliable internet as promised. 


Message 26 of 46

Hi @Duako1 


Please can you create a new topic on the Community, we can then take a look at this for you.




First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 27 of 46

I have the same problem, I will cancell the contract as they are not providing the service they sold me


Message 28 of 46

Hi Kimmy12 and CartoX2412


Please can you create your own topics on the Community. We can then take a look at this for you.




Message 29 of 46

1 day since  the engineer came and tested conections to say there was a break in the phone line ext lead, and that i was right about the hub having a wifi fault... all that was fair play. i went got new everything, and the engineer had the hub sorted & on its way while he was here.. i couldnt have asked for any better of a service.. so anyway, got it all coupled up.. thought "sweet, no more issues." as it has been for quite a while, many years.. while tryang to pay game pass sub, once the hub was connected and left to just chill for about an hour.  5 times after my bank had given me a otp, i hung up typed in the code. press enter and ethernet, wifi, mob, connection, boom gone.. the whole new setup is turning itself off at random times constantly as the other one did when i thought it just had enough after 3year of relentless service, but  seems to have had outside help of sort's.. so other than where the phone socket in my house and within is highly improbable to have issues as before i spent a fair penny on decent cabe and even a new telephone table for it.  now i have to "TRY" and get in touch again while the net goes awol at random glitches or just makes my already slowpoke typing skills start again to try any quickway 2 get the msg across..  if its a talktalk company issue over stocks, shares & so on. then its a shame after all these years.. but i do now know that i  am not at fault 4 buying *@#][!![]'#[@#]!* cables and neglecting the hub...  and though i  have no clue. i have a feeling theres quite a few customers in similar boats all gone adrift..


Message 30 of 46

SAME!! It’s driving me mad… went out at 12.05 and just came on hour later. Engineer came out last week gave me new router and it’s still doing the same, been going on for the last 5 weeks. I’m so fed up with this. I’m going to leave them after 10 yrs coz I’m not paying for this

Message 31 of 46

Hi @P2456 


Have you logged into My Account to see if HomeSafe/KidsSafe has been switched on?


If you have checked this and are still experiencing issues then please can you create a new topic, we can then look into this further.


Message 32 of 46

I am having the same issue. WiFi cuts every night at midnight for several hours. There is a signal but no internet.

Message 33 of 46



How are you getting on? Is this still happening? Could you also specifically check the Homework time feature please.







Message 34 of 46



Please can you log into My Account and check to see if HomeSafe/KidsSafe has been switched on?


How to use HomeSafe®


First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 35 of 46

Did you get a fix for this? 

I wfh and have meetings across the early hours across the world. 

My internet cuts out at around 00:01 every night.

It take hours to come back on. 

Unplugging or restarting does not fix this problem. 

First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 36 of 46

I am also having this issue and I have specialist disability equipment that requires WiFi connectivity 




Message 37 of 46

Hi Moz,


I'm sorry to hear this. As advised, please can you create your own topic and we'd be happy to look into this further for you.







Message 38 of 46

Have you tried the solution suggested at the start of the thread, @Moz40s?


If that doesn't sort it, please return to the message board and click on start a topic, as was also suggested to another earlier poster on this thread.


As also indicated if you go right through this thread, Personal Information details need to be completed in the profile area.


Staff will then identify your account and reply to your new thread.


They are on the forum from early morning, but daytime only, Monday to Friday. 

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 39 of 46

I have exactly the same issue and as I work shifts, I’m often wanting the service at these times. It’s so tiring and frustrating. I’m located S63 area, but it looks like this is a wider problem than just me. It gets me so mad. By the next day I forget to report it and it just continues with the same issue when offices are closed. And to make it worse Cora, their web chat bot just goes round in circles. Surely they’re not that naïve to know it’s a big problem. 

Message 40 of 46

Hi allen,


Do you still need assistance with this?



