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NEW SPEED TEST - Run a live connection test

Enlightened One
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 18 of 18

The 'Run a live connection test' still does not work as it should.

Here's the screenshot after  requesting a speed test:


Notice, the above response appears in the page, ''

But the actual response says, this is my 'Speed to your device'

So, the first question is, according to TalkTalk, are these 2 speeds the speeds to/from my device or the speeds to/from my router?

Also, others in the community use other labels for speed e.g. sync, throughput. It would interesting to know what my 'sync speed' is or what my 'throughput' is.


Using the command, 'C:\WINDOWS\system32>netsh wlan show interface' gives the following to/from speeds:

Receive rate (Mbps) : 866.7
Transmit rate (Mbps) : 866.7

Are these the to/from speeds to/from TalkTalk, and the device I used that command on?

Further, the 866.7 Mbps is lot more than my TalkTalk D/U speeds  of 75Mbps/19Mbps. How can my wireless speeds be so much faster than my fibre speeds?


The question in the title of this post, 'Run a live connection test', is that, this button or command does not work. When using the 'Run a live connection test' button, I get,


An hour or two ago and yesterday, I got,


This is the message I got after a long 'livechat' with TalkTalk head office yesterday afternoon, who said everything was now resolved. I note that the date on this message is 17:47 on 03/04/2024. This was the original time/date that this issue was raised, by TalkTalk themselves. There are no additional updates after that date. It seems that the 'livechat' people, simply changed the 'Status' from open to closed.


Can TalkTalk please fix this, so I can do a proper 'Run a live connection test'.

I am sure I've forgotten something. but that's all for now.


Message 1 of 18

Hi Bill


Sorry for the delay.


Would you like me to check and confirm the predicted speed range that we can see for your line?


Message 2 of 18


Got it.





Message 3 of 18



I have merged this into your earlier thread, there is absolutely no need to start a new topic. 


Enlightened One
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 4 of 18

NEW SPEED TEST in TALKTALK - It more or less works now

This in place of my previous topic: 

NEW SPEED TEST - Run a live connection test  on ‎08-04-2024 12:27 PM

as TalkTalk has rearranged the whole software.


From Main Login Page at

Click Profile button at top>Click Down Arrow>Click Networks and Connections>

Click My Home Connection>You arrive at 'My Connection'


Click 'Run a Speed Test'

This starts the Speed Test, without showing any speed clocks.


After, it runs the test, it displays the following:


As it shows, it displays only the download Speed from TalkTalk to the router.

It doesn't display the upload speed from the router to TalkTalk

It also has made a mistake in my guaranteed download speed.

It should be 55Mbps. It shows only 4Mbps.


If you also want, Speed from TalkTalk to the devices, click 'Speed to devices' above.


That's all, folks.


Message 5 of 18

Hi @KeithFrench 

As I said previously, I used both TalkTalk speed test and  speed test, and the 2 of them appeared to be the same, and the 2 of them gave very close results, the TalkTalk one under 'Speed to Device'.

The TalkTalk speed test provides its results under 2 headings, 'Speed to Router' and 'Speed to Device'.

The 'Speed to Router' result is worse than inaccurate.



Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 6 of 18

The speed to the device is very inaccurate.

I am not employed by TalkTalk, I'm just a customer. If my post has fixed the issue, please set Accept as Solution from the 3 dot menu.
TalkTalk support and Community Stars - Who are they? 


Message 7 of 18

Thanks much @ferguson 


So I thought.

The inbuilt speed checker is half right. It shows the correct 'Speed to device'

It still can't get the other half right, 'Speed to router'


I have also tried the . It seems nearly the same as the TalkTalk one, the half of it that works.



Message 8 of 18

@Billx is one of any number of external sites which tend to give fairly reliable results. The inbuilt speed checker on My Account has been faulty for many others I am sorry to say, it does not indicate any issues with your connection as such. You could also try this, which is essentially the TalkTalk tester via an external route and log your result when the phone number option shows: 



Enlightened One
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 9 of 18

To  @Chris-TalkTalk 

Re your message at on ‎08-04-2024 01:00 PM

Is FAST.COM an external speed test or internal to TalkTalk. Doesn't the TalkTalk speed test work properly?

And, is your 'live test' different from my attempt to 'Run a live connection test'?




Message 10 of 18

Hi, @KeithFrench 

 On the TalkTalk speed test page it is supposed to display 2 types of results:

'Speed to your router' and 'Speed to your device'

I have already been given 'Speed to your device' as 75/19, I am still waiting to get 'Speed to your router'

I assume these 2 speeds are from TalkTalk.

Now you say, that the 866.7 is the wireless speed from the router to the device. So since I am limited to 75 download, I might as well have a much lower figure than 866.7, and 75 would be sufficient between router and device?


You mention 'massive overheads in WiFi', but surely they won't be more than 20%.

Thanks Keith


Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 11 of 18

Hi @Billx 


Those speeds from the netsh command are nothing to do with the speed to & from TalkTalk. These are the data link speeds over WiFi, what this means is that this is the speed between your PC's WiFi adapter & your router. This does not mean that you can send data at 866.7Mbps to the router either. Due to the massive overheads in WiFi, the actual speed to or from the router will be much less.


A speed test from your PC to the internet will be limited by the slowest link in the chain. In your case, the fibre speeds of almost 80/20 limit the speed to an internet speed test site..

I am not employed by TalkTalk, I'm just a customer. If my post has fixed the issue, please set Accept as Solution from the 3 dot menu.
TalkTalk support and Community Stars - Who are they? 


Enlightened One
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 12 of 18

I'll repeat a question I posed in my OP.


Using the command, 'C:\WINDOWS\system32>netsh wlan show interface' gives the following to/from speeds:

Receive rate (Mbps) : 866.7
Transmit rate (Mbps) : 866.7

Are these the to/from speeds to/from TalkTalk, and the device or the router?

Further, the 866.7 Mbps is lot more than my TalkTalk D/U speeds  of 75Mbps/19Mbps. How can my wireless speeds be so much faster than my fibre speeds?

@KeithFrench, any suggestions?


Message 13 of 18

So, I will be able to run the 'Run a live connection test' from ''?

If it won't be possible to do that, you might as well tell your people, to remove that option from there permanently.



Message 14 of 18

The fault ticket is still open which may be why you can't run the test. The fault ticket should automatically close over the next few days, you should then be able to run the test 


Message 15 of 18

Now, when I log into my main dashboard at, I get,

a banner at the top of the page saying,

'Fault Tracker
Get updates on any faults that you’ve raised.'
When I click the banner, I am taken to,, but this displays the juggling balls, forever.
Not very nice, is it?

Message 16 of 18

Is FAST.COM an external speed test or internal to TalkTalk. Doesn't the TalkTalk speed test work properly?

And, is your 'live test' different from my attempt to 'Run a live connection test'?


Support Team
Private Message
Message 17 of 18

Hi Billx,


I've run a line test, it's passing and not picking up any issues. Can you run a couple of speedtests on, at least 10 minutes apart, and let us know the results



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