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Ongoing Fault on line doing on for months.

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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 21 of 21

We are on FF 500 and since 21st September last year there has been a fault, it randomly cuts the connection, and messes around.

Initially I was getting an engineer out in 2-3 working days, But nothing was done, the fault was still showing on the line and whenever I checked for updates, it always said that the fault was being dealt with and they didnt know when it would be done.


In December I got a notification that an engineer was coming out, and yet again, Nothing, Then in February an email saying that the fault was still progressing in the background, but they are "having some system challenges preventing the communications reaching me in a timely manner"  Hmmmmmmm a communications company that can't communicate ???


So the fault is still there, I ran another line check today and the fault is still there, but who knows how long this is going to take to sort out.


I believe the fault has something to do with the fact thecable from the pole to my property is too tight, I mentioned this to the guys when they put it up, but was told, its fine, it has Teflon strands so its very strong,  However it is so tight that movement in the cable has damaged my property by pulling part of the facia off the front of my house.


I wonder how long it will actually take for someone to come out ??


Message 1 of 21

Morning Pat,


Just checking back in to see how you're getting on. How has your connection been over the weekend?







Message 2 of 21

OK thanks Pat. Could you monitor it over the weekend and let us know on Monday how it has been




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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 3 of 21

Yes, it is OK at the moment, 


Message 4 of 21

Hi Pat,


Is it OK at the moment?



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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 5 of 21

It happens completely randomly, but more often at night, 


sometimes it goes off for a few minutes, and on other times it’s hours.


All three green lights remain lit on the ONT, the EERO light goes red,


I have tried a second EERO and that would not connect either, this second EERO has been setup on my connection previously..





Message 6 of 21

Hi Pat,


Could I just confirm, when this happens all the lights are ok on the ONT but the eero just won't connect at all? Does the connection come back straightaway if you reboot the eero? Have you also tested with a replacement eero? How often is this happening at the moment please? Does it seem to have any pattern or is it random?







Message 7 of 21

I tried this last night and could not connect, it is working again at the moment but it is unreliable 


Message 8 of 21

Hi Pat,


Sorry to hear that you're still experiencing problems. Are you able to connect a device directly to the ONT with an Ethernet cable, bypassing the  eero, and check to see if you then are able to connect to the internet



Message 9 of 21

OK, it's been a while? I have re-escalated this for you. 


Conversation Starter
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 10 of 21

We’ll just to updateI never did get a call or any repair, the service remains totally unreliable and cuts out as and when it sees fit, 


furthermore when ever I do a line test it shows I have a fault but nothing is ever done.


it has gone off again today and even though I have the 3 green lights on the openreach box I still have no internet, the light on eero is red, I have also plugged in a second Eero with new cables and still nothing.


I can connect to the EEro units but there is no outside connection, the eero is a meter away from the openreach box, the openreach box is 2 inches away from the hole where the cable comes in the house, the street service pole is a few meters away from the Eero,


it’s beyond a joke now.


Message 11 of 21



Tests are showing an issue, so I've passed this over to our Network teams to take a look.




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Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.


Conversation Starter
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 12 of 21

Finally I’ve had a chance to Watch this as it happens, so I get 3 green lights on the openreach box, and red lights on the eero, yet this is nothing to do with the eero, ....


I’m a network engineer for my living so I kind a know my SHtt,



The Eero red lights indicate that there is an issue, I have tapped directly into the feed from the openreach box and I have SYNC but nothing else.


So why is Talk Talk still refusing to admit that there is a problem, I’m so glad that I am out of contract.


I have a photos and videos of the openreach box, the EERO unit and a laptop directly connected to the openreach box, 


Message 13 of 21

Thanks Pat. I've run a line test, it passed, no fault found. Could you possibly check the ONT the next time it happens and let us know if the lights change. Just want to make sure that it's definitely an issue with the signal getting to the ONT and not a problem with the eero



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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 14 of 21

It only goes off for a few seconds, but try to explain that to a grumpy teenager that is in the middle of a gaming tournament and gets knocked out because of it.


it does it over mainly at night, but randomly during the day too.


Don’t know the last time it did it, but probably yesterday.


Thank you for trying to help and trying to establish the scenario behind the problems but I feel the point is being missed, a fault has already been logged, not only that a line test is showing a fault has been detected, so there must be something in the diagnostic report created by the line test that has concluded that a fault exists.


This has been going on for 6 months now, why is the fact that the fault has been logged and also confirmed by a linetest not sufficient enough to have an engineer come out and look at the problem.






Conversation Starter
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 15 of 21

It only goes off for a few seconds, but try to explain that to a grumpy teenager that is in the middle of a gaming tournament and gets knocked out because of it.


it does it over mainly at night, but randomly during the day too.


Don’t know the last time it did it, but probably yesterday.


Thank you for trying to help and trying to establish the scenario behind the problems but I feel the point is being missed, a fault has already been logged, not only that a line test is showing a fault has been detected, so there must be something in the diagnostic report created by the line test that has concluded that a fault exists.


This has been going on for 6 months now, why is the fact that the fault has been logged and also confirmed by a linetest not sufficient enough to have an engineer come out and look at the problem.






Message 16 of 21

Thanks. When was the last time that this happened, that you are aware of? Is the connection only usually interrupted for a short time?



Conversation Starter
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 17 of 21

Sometimes a few times a day, and other times will be fine for a few days.




Message 18 of 21

Ok, thanks, approximately how often does this happen?



Conversation Starter
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 19 of 21

its not that easily accessable, but when it goes off, by the time I get to it the power and pon lights are on with just the lan one flashing, and the EERO light is RED.


Support Team
Private Message
Message 20 of 21

Hi Pat-Ramsgate,


I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing problems with your service. When the connection drops do the lights change on the ONT?


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