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Problems with my Fibre Instillation and Terrible Customer Service!

Private Message TalkTalk
Message 18 of 18

My partner and I purchased broadband with talktalk on 01/04. The go live date was 5/04. We moved into our new house on 03/04.


When we arrived at the property we noticed the cable to give power to the fibre ONT was missing which means we would not be able to access broadband on our go live date (05/04). We raised this immediately with the customer service team via online chat.


On 03/04 online chat we were told that the issue was being raised with the tech team and that an openreach engineer would be booked for us. Notes were supposedly added to our account.


On 04/04 I called customer services for an update but apparently the openreach request had been rejected and nothing was being done to help us with a resolution and we were not informed. I was then told by the advisor that it would not be possible to book and engineer visit until our go live date on 05/04 and that I would have to call back the following day.


On 05/04 after repeatedly having to report the situation and being passed around different departments, an engineer was finally booked to visit the property on the 06/04 between 0800-1300. I was told it would not be possible for an engineer to come out the same day. I was also told that if I missed this appointment I would incur a £75 fee.


On 06/04, we waited in the house until 1300. No engineer arrived. We tried to contact talk talk customer service to advise this. The phone line kept being passed to a text service which repeatedly told us to call a phone number which looped back to the text service. We were stuck in an incredibly frustrating loop with no one to help us. This was ridiculous and a large part of this complaint. Not being able to get hold of a service that we have just paid for made us tempted to cancel the service altogether with TalkTalk.


Eventually a man from the Leaving department transferred us to someone to talk to. Then we went through an hour of being passed from one department to the other. Home Moving Department told us they couldn't help because the service was not live. The Technical Help couldn't help because it had no power and wasn't to do with them.  Order Management eventually stuck with us and finally told us the engineer will be with us by 1800.


We then had to spend the rest of the day at home. We have just moved into this home, we have a lot of boxes still to transport from our previous house and things to sort out and we are now stuck at home for a whole day, as well as wasting over an hour on the phone to talktalk. Not only do we have no internet, but also our central heating system relies on the WiFi so we were cold too!


At 18:00 we called the customer service back as no engineer had arrived. We then spent another 30 minutes on the phone to your customer service re-explaining the situation (why the notes were not on our account from previous correspondence I have no idea). We were also met with new excuses and were told that the engineer had tried to contact us by phone. This is not true and it is unacceptable to be lied to. As I mentioned we were home all day, phone fully charged, good reception and no missed calls. Even if we didn't answer the phone, they still should have arrived at the property as we were here all day!


The customer service re-booked the engineer in for Monday morning. That will be 4 days without internet, when both my partner and I work from home. No engineer showed up yesterday and I spent another hour with customer services trying to no avail. I spoke to 4 different people in the space of an hour and no one could help or come up with a resolution.


Today I received a talktalk bill, charging me for the services provided since 04/04 despite being told by numerous people over the last few days that I would not be billed until the engineer has been and the ONT power cable has been delivered.


I am appalled at the service we have received. Whilst everyone we spoke to has been polite, the overall service has been lackluster. Being passed from department to department saying they don't deal with this, and that we can't do anything until your account goes live is terrible service which has left us in a incredibly difficult situation going back to work.


Just wondering who else has received such terrible service and if I should just terminate my contract whilst still in the cooling off period?


Message 1 of 18

I'm sorry, I can't see any mention of an engineer being booked for Monday. There's are only the two engineer visits for the 6th and 11th showing on the Openreach website and I can't see anything in the notes




Message 2 of 18

Hi Chris, I was told told over the phone on Saturday when the engineer had not turned up. 


Message 3 of 18

I can only see appointments booked for the 6th and the 11th, could I ask, when were you told an appointment had been booked for the 8th?



Message 4 of 18

Hi Chris, thanks for confirming this.


I would have thought that when I called talktalk back later on Saturday they could have relayed this information to me, instead I was told at 17:58 that the engineer may still get to my house before 18:00 and that another appointment had been booked for Monday morning between 8:00 and 13:00. 


Could you please let me know what happened to the openreach engineer visit scheduled for Monday as my partner stayed in all day but again no one showed up and we were not informed of any cancelation?


Message 5 of 18

The notes on the fault ticket from the engineer were only put on at 14:10 on Saturday, up until then it looked as though the engineer visit was going ahead. I'm really sorry for any inconvenience caused by the Openreach engineer not showing up, I know it must be frustrating.



Message 6 of 18

Hi Chris, if this happened on both Saturday and Monday, I am very disappointed that no one would inform me of the cancelation. Instead when I called Talktalk on Friday around 1 pm I was told the engineer was still on the way and I would have to wait until 6 pm. At 6 pm I called Talktalk again and was told that the engineer had tried contacting me by phone but there was no answer. I believe this was a lie and I have been struggling with misinformation since Wednesday, and the problem is still not resolved.


Message 7 of 18

I'm sorry about the previous engineer visit. The engineer visit is showing as booked with Openreach but then it was cleared and closed by the Openreach engineer without much of an explanation




Message 8 of 18

Hi Chris, thanks for confirming I just booked the new appointment on Thursday with an incredibly helpful assistant on the online chat.


The previous engineer appointments booked on Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon and on Monday morning were booked through a customer services rep on the phone, you should be able to verify these appointments through my account? I was read the terms and conditions for the engineer visit and told if I missed these appointments I would be charged £75. I am extremely frustrated about this as we had a very busy schedule with moving to our new property and were supposed to be working on Monday.


Message 9 of 18

Hi ste2610,


I've checked the Openreach fault ticket and the engineer visit appears to have been booked for Thursday morning - 11/Apr/2024 - AM,  could I ask, when were you told that the engineer visit would be on Monday?



Message 10 of 18

Thanks for this Gliwmaeden2. You've already provided me with much more useful information than anyone at Talktalk!

Message 11 of 18

Compensation takes c 30 days to come through after resolution of issues but should be automatic. 


It's a separate issue to post about in the billing section if it doesn't seem to come through. Too soon to chase for now.

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Message 12 of 18

Hi Chris, I have had to supply my own plug in the meantime whilst I wait for the engineer and the proper equipment. Please can you help get me an engineer asap. I would also appreciate some compensation for the issue.


Message 13 of 18

@ste2610, there's a compensation scheme that should cover no shows from engineers, delays to going live etc so keep an eye out for it:


Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Message 14 of 18

Just to confirm, your service is up and running now?



Message 15 of 18

Thanks, I'll take a look at this now and get back to you



Private Message TalkTalk
Message 16 of 18

Hi Chris, this should be updated


Support Team
Private Message
Message 17 of 18

Hi ste2610,


I'm really sorry for any inconvenience caused by this issue. Could you update your community profile to include your:


  • Name
  • Telephone number
  • Alternative contact number

We'll then look into this further. Please do not post this information on this thread. Once you've updated your profile please post in your topic to confirm it's updated.

