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Message 30 of 30

I am putting this post up so that maybe some other unfortunate people can see how shambolic and useless the support is and how talktalk treat its customers….


February 12th my router stopped working for the second time in a month, the first time seemed to be an easy fix, change the Ethernet cable from port 4 to the WAN port and happy days it’s working. 

The second time around however it wouldn’t be as simple……


I contacted talktalk on the day the router failed and to be expected was asked to go through the normal process of checking ONT box, router, connections etc. once established that there was nothing more I could do talktalk agreed to send out another router in 2-3 business days, great news! So I thought…..


4 days go by and no router, I contacted talktalk again… they had made an “error” and would get one sent out in another 2-3 business days, the 7th day comes and what a surprise, no router. I make contact again this time to be cut off every time I am in a chat with an agent (the only way to communicate by the way) the following day it arrives, I put it together and turn on….. nothing still nothing it simply will not stop the blinking orange light. 

once again I am on the chat service spending more hours of my life waiting to talk to agents, finally connected to one I am told that I will need an engineer sent to fix the issue. 

March 4th an openreach engineer comes to my home and spends 1.5hrs trying to fix the issue but was unable to resolve it or really u destined what the problem was, apparently the signal from talktalk was fine but no matter what he could not get it to connect with the modem, he suggested a new modem again as his only thought was that talktalk sent me a broken router….


once again I find myself on these ridiculous chat services waiting g to speak to agents… finally I speak to one just to be told they will not send another router because one has just been sent even though the engineer had left that in his notes! I am now at the point of frustration and tell them I will be requiring compensation for the amount of time I have had no working router to which I was told surprisingly I could get compensation for each day I haven’t had service. 

Everyday since then I have been in contact with talktalk using the stupid chat services waiting and spending countless hours of my time trying to get some sort of resolution to this but to no avail, the agents began to end the chats because they had no more spiel to give me from their scripts and would all tell me to continue to pay my bill even without service!


absolutely shocking and disgusting behaviour from this network as I sit here still without a working router, no resolution from talktalk and completely unwilling to raise this issue to anyone senior, manager etc. 


I have been taking transcripts of all the chats to prove the ineptitude of these people as well as proof that I was told I would receive compensation which i am now being told I would only receive when the issue is fixed?! Which they are not planning on doing?! 

I asked to speak to a manager yesterday and was put on hold or whatever the equivalent is on the stupid chat thing and left there until beyond the closing hours on purpose I’m sure. 

To talktalk I am collating all relevant information ie chats logs, transcripts, dates, hours wasted, engineer notes etc and will be approaching the communications ombudsmen unless you contact me immediately and resolve this issue, I refuse to use your chat services any longer and will only communicate through phone call


Message 2 of 30

HI @ExtremelyUnhappyCustomer 


My colleague James has advised that they have contacted you and will be contacting you again later this evening.





Message 3 of 30

Hi @ExtremelyUnhappyCustomer 


Apologies for this.


I've passed this straight over to our faults escalation team and asked them to make contact with you as soon as possible.


Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 4 of 30

Hi all,


I suggest we leave this until tomorrow for @Debbie-TalkTalk to respond, given the information in the other threads, allegedly from phone support staff, regarding the power supply issue.


I'm sure she will respond once it's been checked out.

Please remember to mark Solved Posts with Best Answer. Doing so helps other customers and saves TalkTalk's Support Team time by only looking at unsolved topics. Thanks, Steve (a fellow customer).

Message 5 of 30

yes multiple times with the cables provided from each new router plus my own, all cables and power supplies have been changed

Whizz Kid
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 6 of 30

I know its a long shot but have you switched the Ethernet cables as well?


Message 7 of 30

I dont have anything else i can use unfortunately, that being said this is my third router and i have tried the new power supplies with all of them but still nothing, i cant imagine ive had 3 faulty power suplies and routers though, this has to be a problem with the router settings on TalkTalks end.


Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 8 of 30

Well that set up seems fine.


I know this sounds silly, but do you have a power supply from another device that has the same rating as the router cable that you could try?


I've seen 2 other customers recently mention this and that the router works with an alternative supply source?


If so give it a try, if not, as @Gliwmaeden2 says, staff will be back Monday to pick this up.

Please remember to mark Solved Posts with Best Answer. Doing so helps other customers and saves TalkTalk's Support Team time by only looking at unsolved topics. Thanks, Steve (a fellow customer).

Message 9 of 30

The support team will be back on here to follow up after the weekend, @ExtremelyUnhappyCustomer.

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Message 10 of 30



Message 11 of 30

routerrouterThis is the router, power lead is plugged in and the new ethernet cable is plugged into the pink WAN port, nothing else attached


Message 12 of 30

Hi @ExtremelyUnhappyCustomer 


I'm really sorry that this is still ongoing.


Could you confirm the information requested in @fr8ys post please?


Message 13 of 30

This is weird as the router should just plug in and work.


What router have you been sent as I cannot see it's mentioned in the posts.


Could you perhaps post a photo of the back of the router showing which ports things are plugged into please?


I'm assuming you have also changed the ethernet cable to the new one sent with the router or if not how do you link the ONT box to the router?


Thank you.

Please remember to mark Solved Posts with Best Answer. Doing so helps other customers and saves TalkTalk's Support Team time by only looking at unsolved topics. Thanks, Steve (a fellow customer).

Message 14 of 30

no its still the same blinking orange light, i can connect my laptop via ethernet directly to the open reach port in the wall and get internet but still not through the router, surely this has to be a router settings issue from talktalks side?


Message 15 of 30

Hi @ExtremelyUnhappyCustomer 


Has it connected this morning? The line is showing in sync and connected.


Message 16 of 30



my apologies for the late reply, I have not been home for a couple of days.


I received the router, set it up but still the same, blinking orange light


Message 18 of 30

Hi @ExtremelyUnhappyCustomer 


It's no problem. I will check in again with you on Monday to see how you are getting on and if the router has arrived.


Thanks again.




Message 19 of 30

Thank you for your helping, you have already been way more helpful than everybody that I have spoken to previously, I will update once the router has arrived and I have setup


Message 20 of 30

Hi @ExtremelyUnhappyCustomer 


The router is on its way, please allow 24-48hrs for this to arrive.


If you are still experiencing the same fault with the new router then please let me know and I will ask our faults escalation team to take a look.



