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on 30-11-2024 11:20 PM
Hi I l’ve upgraded from Fibre 75 to Data 900 and my speed stayed the same! After 3 visits from the CityFibre engineer and changing the fibre from the cabinet to my house, because the light was a bit off there was no change. The next day he was booked again and changed the ONT and still no change. And after a couple of days he was booked again just to come and confirm the perfect readings with his CityFibre manager. I was told that there network is spot on and it is the TalkTalk server limiting my service and TalkTalk is telling me that is CityFibre’s fault! Look like no one has e clue where is the problem. What shall I do in this case?
on 13-12-2024 11:59 AM
Hi Starsidgi,
That's great news, glad to hear you now have the correct speed 🙂
Chris, Community Team
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on 13-12-2024 11:40 AM
Hi Michelle,
I'm back home and switched off the ONT for half an hour! Now there is a real change!
I'm getting 937 Down and 940 up on the EERO and about 600 something on my laptop wi fi. This is the service I was offered a month ago and I'm glad that this issue was finally solved!
I told the loyalty team that I'm leaving and I have a disconnect date. But in this case, once the problem is solved I might have to get in touch with the loyalty team again to see if the same conditions are staying if I would like to stay!
Thank you very much for your help and support!
Kind regards!
on 10-12-2024 11:48 AM
Thanks for the update. No problem 🙂
on 10-12-2024 11:46 AM
Hi Michelle,
I'm working away from home and I'll be back on Friday. Then I'll be able to disconnect the ONT and see if there is any change and I will let you know!
on 10-12-2024 07:45 AM
How are you getting on? Did the 30 minute power down work and have your speeds increased?
on 05-12-2024 11:01 AM
Hi Starsidgi,
We think we've found the cause of the problem and made changes. Could you switch the ONT off and leave it off for at least 30 minutes, then switch back on and retest
Chris, Community Team
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on 04-12-2024 12:33 PM
Yes, but not the 900mbps as I l’m suppose to be. Everyone from the tech team was telling me that I’m switched already, but it looks like no one has a clue what connection I’m actually having and thanks got at least I do have one!
on 04-12-2024 08:06 AM
Thanks. And you currently have a working internet connection?
Chris, Community Team
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on 03-12-2024 10:09 AM
Hi Chris, I can confirm that the eero is connected via ethernet lan cable straight to the ONT and the is nothing else connected to the old BT copper not even a landline phone at all!
on 03-12-2024 09:55 AM
Can you confirm that the eero is definitely connected directly to the ONT? Do you have a router connected to the old telephone socket?
Chris, Community Team
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on 03-12-2024 08:25 AM
I'm not at home at the moment, but last time when I was and talking to the lady on the phone and she said that I should not have internet according to your system, I looked at the ONT and there was 4 green lights!
I'm led to believe that I'm having an internet connection by pure magic right now! What is going on?
on 03-12-2024 08:13 AM
Everything from our side shows that you haven't currently got an Internet connection - which lights are on on your ONT?
Chris, Community Team
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on 03-12-2024 08:02 AM
Yes please! You are my last hope to sort this out, because I had enough already and even asked to cancel and leave. The lady on the phone said ok that's fine you can leave and you won't have to pay any cancellation fees because of this mess! And guess what the next day I received an email that I will owe you £117 in fees if I leave!
At that time, I was absolutely mad, and I even managed to catch the last moment of the Vodafone deal and ordered from them just in case it didn't get solved!
on 03-12-2024 07:53 AM
That's really strange, let me look into it and I'll get back to you
Chris, Community Team
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on 03-12-2024 07:50 AM
Hi Chris I just checked my CCTV is online and accessible in real time. Also I've run a speed test on the eero and is still the same 74 down and 75 up.
on 03-12-2024 07:45 AM
Hi Starsidgi,
It is currently showing no connection but the system has updated to show the correct speed. Are you still able to access the internet?
Chris, Community Team
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on 02-12-2024 03:53 PM
Hi Chris, a couple of hours ago, I spoke to someone from your tech team, and the lady said that according to your system, I have no internet at all! This is very strange because I'm away at a work conference and I can access my security cameras and the EERO from the app. I can even do a speed check and show 74 down and 75 up. Can you please check what's going on and let me know?
on 02-12-2024 02:48 PM
Hi Starsidgi,
Looks as though your speed is still the old speed on one of our systems, I'll check with our provisioning team and get back to you
Chris, Community Team
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on 30-11-2024 11:51 PM
Ha! Fair enough. Do give the team a chance to help though.
on 30-11-2024 11:43 PM
Hi Ferguson sorry my bad. I just updated my details and I’ll be happy to hear what the support team will come up with this time. The problem is I haven’t got too much time, because right now there is a few very attractive offers now for black Friday and I’m very tempted to pull the trigger and check how is the service like from the competitors!