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on 22-01-2025 12:38 PM
I dont know if its just me but I'm seriously getting sick of TalkTalk and their fasle promises/Lies, when trying to upgrade my broadband.
To put into context, before the new year i check to see if i could get the deal of upgrading to fibre 900 which was showing on City Fibres website.
I was told this was not available but what they could do was offer me Fibre 900 free for 6 months then £38 there after, which i thought great sign me up.
that was around the 30th December, its now the 22nd Jan, i have signed up to upgrade a further 5 times, with each time being told there's a glitch in the system and the upgrade has been rejected, with no explanation or anything.
i have also complaint and was told i would receive a call on the 20th Jan between 4pm and 6pm which never happened either.
I've had no real problem with the broadband itself but the service has been awful.
Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated
on 27-01-2025 09:28 AM
No unfortunately I haven’t, I was supposed to be called on 20th Jan between 4pm-6pm but no one bothered, I rang up Wednesday and was passed around and waited an hour on the phone just to be told that again my problem had been escalated and I would hear back writhing 3-5 days.
Ive been on chat and calling since 3rd jan after making my initial contact on the 30th dec and it’s just beginning to get tiring now cos not one person actually helps they just pass me onto someone else who then tells me not to worry and they have escalated the issues .
on 27-01-2025 09:22 AM
Hi Pabregas
Sorry that you are having problems,
Have you been contacted by the complaints team?
on 22-01-2025 01:30 PM
I have asked one of TalkTalk's support to pick your thread up and investigate it for you.
They aim to respond within 48 hours (Monday - Friday) excluding Bank Holidays, but if more urgent you can always try the Service Centre on 0345 172 0088. The posts are responded to in time/date order, oldest first.
To save yourself time, please make sure that your community profile includes your first & last names, broadband phone number & if possible an alternative contact number. This can be done by clicking on your Avatar picture and then clicking on "My Settings" followed by:-
Personal Profile > Personal Information
Otherwise, TalkTalk will not be able to tie up your forum username to your broadband account. Only you & TalkTalk have visibility of your details.
I am not employed by TalkTalk, I'm just a customer. If my post has fixed the issue, please set Accept as Solution from the 3 dot menu.
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