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eero booster

Whizz Kid
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 5 of 5


I read a thread earlier on the subject of boosters but didn't want to hijack that thread  so i have opened my own.


Are boosters free, discounted or full price i ask as my son is a gamer and his bedroom is furthest away from the router he says its been fairly stable (we only got FTTP last week) but he has had some issues a booster would be great.


I read the post below and it seems to suggest they are free.


Thanks in advance.



I’ve put in multiple requests on live chat for an additional eero/booster for my home due to lack of wifi range, both times I was told they had been ordered for me but still no sign of them after 6 working days of waiting each time.


Message 1 of 5



That's great, thank you for letting me know 🙂


I've sent you a Private Message with a link to a short survey for the Community.


Thanks again.



Whizz Kid
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 5

Thanks Debbie,


I have tested the speed in his room with two devices and the speed and ping are fine it must have been something wrong with this laptop on the night as he hasn't had any more issues.


Thanks for your help.

Support Team
Private Message
Message 3 of 5



I'm just sending you a Private Message.





Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 4 of 5

I have asked one of TalkTalk's support to pick your thread up and advise you.

They aim to respond within 48 hours (Monday - Friday) excluding Bank Holidays, but if more urgent you can always try the Service Centre on 0345 172 0088. The posts are responded to in time/date order, oldest first.

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