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Home Phone

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Caller Identification not working

First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 23 of 23

Hi - hope someone can help me here.

Caller identification is not working on my BT Advanced Z phones . . . it WAS working until recently.  Now just says 'incoming call' EVEN IF the caller is in the phone contacts list.

I've tried turning off caller ID option in talktalk "my services" area - waiting 24+ hours then turning it back on again - - no fix.

I've done a full power cycle on our base station - - no fix

I've done a full reset on our phone handsets and base station back to factory settings - - no fix.

HELP please - we have to sit there and wait until the answerphone clicks in and listen to who is calling before picking up (or not)

Thanks in advance MuckyMoose


Message 1 of 23



I'm sorry to hear this. I've contacted the team now and have asked them to provide me with an update on this. I'll post back here as soon as they reply.







Message 2 of 23

Further to last message.

Just spoken to tech guy re this ongoing issue - name of Shaz??

Anyway he's told me that BT openreach are now not going in until the 11th September to do the lift and shift.   WHAT!

I've been told by Zoe plus an other tech support that this had already been done - twice! Once this week and once last month.

Can you please tell me what is going on with your level of service and why this has now taken over a month to NOT fix the issue and to basically take me all the way back to what was supposed to have been done on the 14th August - AM I BEING LIED TO?


Message 3 of 23


Just missed a call from Zoe from the "Service management center" re my ongoing problem with caller ID.

"Please call 0345 1720088 if I'm still having issues"

Well yes I am - can you NOT FIX THIS???

Can't even return her call as her number doesnt register because of my ongoing issue ARGHHHHHH


Message 4 of 23

Just a quick update. Our network team have arranged to call you back this afternoon to discuss this further



Message 5 of 23

Hi MuckyMoose,


I've replied to your PM



Message 6 of 23

Hi Karl

Ive had a conversation with one of the network support teams on Tuesday/Weds - sorry didn't get his name.    He was going to get this sorted this week (Weds&Thurs) - reset option at talktalk, send in BT Openreach engineer to have tie card reset or changed, reboot a bit of kit at the exchange, sacrifice a chicken to Alexander Graham Bell etc etc  and then call me back today Friday with the good news

Well I'm sorry to say it hasn't worked.  Had 3 calls already this morning - no caller ID.

Tell your network support guy not to bother calling unless it's with some definitive information/solution.

Had enough of this now and I'm looking to change my telecoms suppliers as you're (Talktalk) are not providing the service I'm paying for


Message 7 of 23



I'll chase our network teams for an update for you.



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Message 8 of 23

Hi Karl

OK I've gone out and bought a new phone to check the line just in case it was MY home phone that was the problem.

Installed new phone AND STILL NO CALLER ID coming through!!!

To say I am sick and tired of this issue is an understatement and I WILL be looking for recompense from Talktalk if and when you finally sort this issue out for me

I need this sorted out - I am paying (a lot) money for poor service.  This technical problem has been running for 21 days now!




Message 9 of 23



Openreach have completed the order, so I'll contact our Network teams and see what the next step is.




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Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.


Message 10 of 23

Hi Karl.

Too much Tie fighter and not enough Tie bar at the exchange I think.


Can someone PLEASE sort this out ASAP



Message 11 of 23



There is an open request with Openreach to change the Tie Pair at the exchange.  This is scheduled to be completed today, and we can then check tomorrow




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Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.


Message 12 of 23


I've had a couple of conversations with the tech support team now.

They were going to reset something on a server at the exchange - last week - didn't work

Then they were going to send a technician to the exchange and "plug my line into another bit of kit" - no idea if this has been done but I STILL DON'T have caller identification.

Getting a tad fed up with this now - can this fault rectification be expedited??


Message 13 of 23

Good morning,


Thank you for testing this. I've passed this straight over to our Faults Escalation Team now and we'll post back as soon as we receive an update. It's possible that the team may also contact you directly.







Message 14 of 23

Hi Debbie

Just disconnected my home phone and tried them in the neighbours house who have BT home phone service.  My telephone worked perfectly - caller identification/number all working fine.

Back to you/talktalk

Message 15 of 23

Hi MuckyMoose


Thank you. If you have friends/family who have caller display on their line then if possible if you could test your phone there?


Message 16 of 23

I'll have to see if I can borrow one.  My backup home phone is pre LCD technology!

Message 17 of 23

Hi @MuckyMoose 


Thanks for confirming.


Do you have a different phone that you can test with? Just to rule out any faults with the handset?


I've checked and it is enabled and active on the line.


Message 18 of 23


The phone is connected to the master socket and always has been.  Nothing has changed here - had the same phone setup for several years



Message 19 of 23

Hi MuckyMoose


I'm sorry to hear this.


Can I just check, have you connected the phone directly at the test socket?


Is the phone usually connected to the master socket or an extension socket?


Message 20 of 23

It will be on this thread and that is where the conversation should continue. You may get an email, but that is for notification purposes only and cannot be replied to.