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TV Support

For help with your TalkTalk TV box, channels and apps.

4K box

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Private Message TalkTalk
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I want to be able to record one programme and, at the same time, watch another programme but cannot.  Also I have tried to watch a programme that was shown last night but cannot.  Have I got a duff box?  If not what do I have to do. Why cannot Talktalk produce a manual that customers can have and use?



Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 1 of 2



You will need to split your aerial so a separate feed goes to the TV. An aerial splitter and lead can be purchased quite cheaply. This way you record on the box and watch the TV.


As to a manual, search for Netgem 4k box manual and you will find one to download.


The functionality of the generic box is the same as the TalkTalk one.


If the channel from last night has a catchup app, you should be able to view on this. If there is no app on the box then there is no way ti watch the programme unless you recorded it. Recordings can be found on the box home screen.


Hope this helps

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