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How to delete a programme from the schedule on a 4K TV box?

Team Player
Private Message
Message 42 of 42

I have been supplied with a 4k TV Box and I hate it!

Amongst many other things it doesn't do, is that it seems impossible to delete a scheduled recording from the schedule once the series has been watched.

There has to be a way of doing this otherwise it will end up with many programmes that cannot be deleted.

If anyone has found a way of doing this, please, please let me know because (as they say) it is doing my head in!

Silver surfer but been using and messing about with computers since MS DOS 5

Message 21 of 42

@fr8ysyou seem to know what you're doing .....Any ideas why my box is not giving me the option to record on bbc1 or bbc2 ?  Just these channels !!  Any suggestions appreciated ?  Thanks


Message 22 of 42

Having reset the box and found that it was actually a factory reset and wiped all my recordings and schedules, I had to have a little chuckle when I was setting up (again) the recording function and it said "If you REALLY want to record..." Of course I want to record!

I have now lost a film that I recorded and there is no way of streaming that or on catch-up.

Please Talktalk, read our posts and realise that not all your customers want to stream everything now. Just give me a box that actually works the way the old one used to work.

Silver surfer but been using and messing about with computers since MS DOS 5

Message 23 of 42

Many thanks for that helpful information re boxes that work across service providers  - I will add them to my shopping list to look out for.


A streaming only strategy: you're probably right, it conveniently saves them cost by not offering products with an internal HDD or SSD. Don't you just love progress when suppliers provide you a downgrade and market it as an upgrade. 


Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 24 of 42

@SE001 don't buy a second hand Huawei box. They are prone to failing. Buy a Humax T2*** or above box or the BT pro box. All these are much more reliable. If you buy from somewhere like CeX you also get the protection of a guarantee.

Any of these boxes will work on TalkTalk as they are YouView based.

Alternatively, try a freeview play box.

TalkTalk have stated they have moved away from PVRs as they believe streaming to be the way forward. That is why they introduced the Netgem box as its primarily a streaming box with a freeview tuner.


Even their new TV Hub box available to future fibre customers, whilst YouView based, is primarily there for streaming and has no recording capability.

Please remember to mark Solved Posts with Best Answer. Doing so helps other customers and saves TalkTalk's Support Team time by only looking at unsolved topics. Thanks, Steve (a fellow customer).

Message 25 of 42

the NetGem box is a TalkTalk downgrade !!!! I think the 'cant record' problems may come from the fact that the old, much better, Hawawei box could - under the same circumstance. >>> after overheating and electrical interference issues, on my second NetGem box now, I now find that the damned thing cant record depending upon what Im watching (possibly the answer to some problems here?). I have taken screenshots of the messages that come up on mine' ''stop your recording to continue to watch your tv channel'' - like WHAT??? ... a little research tells me the NetGem is a single tuner so can only record or you continue wathcing tv if its Netflix or something streamed. This was never an issue on the Hawawei box (with its internal hard drive which it should have, not some customer provided USB stick, another issue area!). Go onto Amazon and read the enlightening reviews on these two boxes. You'll see that apart from the higher resolution and fast boot up time people are not happy with the NetGem box, whilst the Hawawei is well received. TalkTalk have offered us a downgrade, I actually feel sorry for their tecs and customer service (for which i have no complaints) having to support this piece of junk. The solution to your NetGem box problems? ... well if you dont need the higher res (and the Hawawei is a good picture) then go and buy a second hand Hawawei box off ebay and ditch the NetGem. TalkTalk cant fix many of these problems (one off the quotes off Amazon ''you will hate the recording'') as this thing is, from what I read, single tuner. See Amazon reviews for some real feedback on what TT did offer and now offer as ''this is our best product sir''. They should be embarrassed. (wonder what BT etc offer their customers?)


Team Player
Private Message
Message 26 of 42

the NetGem box is total garbage. My old Huwawei DN372T was great for years until it failed to record anymore. With its 320GB internal hard drive and twin tuner you could record any channel whilst watching any channel. The NetGem junk TalkTalk expect you to add your own USB memory stick to record and then the unit doesn't record another channel whilst you watch something else as its a single tuner from my knowledge. Im on my second NetGem box, the first one overheated and created so much electrical noise my external speakers crackled all the time (if I temporarily put my old box on and its silent). And TalkTalk call this an 'upgrade'. The Huwawei box with its internal HDD is 500% better than the NetGem junk. I have spent three hours on the phone with their wonderfully polite customer service (great service poor product) and I am not wasting any more time on this. I'm looking to use an old second hand DN372T to replace the NetGem (off ebay). Check out Amazon reviews for both products!! its quite interesting. As TalkTalk have downgraded my TV box I will take this into consideration when renewing my contract. Moving to NetGem is an obvious cost saving for TT, the only thing better this little box does is boot up faster. ... and please Talk Talk if you are reading this, please dont ask me to DM you, Ive had enough. I will fix this at my own cost, I understand you dont provide the Huwawei boxes any more, just the NetGem (an insult to your customers), so you cant help me.  I hope come renewal to move to another service provider and Ive been with you for years. Your move to NetGem tells me all I need to know about your direction of travel - cost savings before quality. Shame.


Message 27 of 42

@trumpetman I am also totally sick of this box . Mine is now refusing to record bbc1 or bbc2 !! Tried re-tuning channels but that doesn't help !!! Tried unplugging it , that doesn't help either . It is absolutely useless !!! Any ideas anyone? 


Message 28 of 42

That only deletes all scheduled recordings.

I tried the reset function that has been suggested by pressing the side button five times. This was like doing a factory reset and has deleted all my recordings and made my genuine Sandisk 128gb USB unavailable. I can see there is a view that tells me that part of the stick is used but I am unable to access it and the only option is to take it out and reinsert it so that it can be formatted. Grr.

So I still don't know if I will be able to delete expired scheduled recordings.

I note that when trying the speed check on the box it reported that it has 230mbps which is bad considering my Eero router is giving out 940mbps!

This box just gets worse and worse and I am totally sick of it.

Silver surfer but been using and messing about with computers since MS DOS 5

Message 29 of 42



Thank you for the update and for confirming. I've fed this back to our Help Team to see if they can add this step to the help guide.





Message 30 of 42

I've finally figured it out !!  You need to go into settings , recordings and it gives you the option to delete scheduled recordings !!  Only problem is I now have to record future programmes again that were scheduled !! Won't even let me record bbc1 tonight !!! Hate the thing !!! 


Message 31 of 42

@toproadie it does sound as if you have a problem somewhere within the box. 


What size USB do you have and how large is it? If its fairly large capacity did you buy from a reputable source, or did it come from Ebay or a third party reseller on Amazon or similar? 


Unfortunately fakes abound from these sources and whilst they might state a 256gb, for example, they are usually much lower in actual capacity and this can cause issues. If you think this may be an issue do you have another USB stick from elsewhere  you could try. I fell foul of this myself when i purchased one for a TV that recorded many years ago.


If it's a corruption of the software, have you tried a reset once turned on, by pushing the on off button 5 times?


If that does not work you could try a full factory reset from the settings menu. You will lose any recordings you may have as the box will not recognise the USB stick and reformat it for use. It will also reset your recordings schedule.


Hope this has given you a few ideas to try.

Please remember to mark Solved Posts with Best Answer. Doing so helps other customers and saves TalkTalk's Support Team time by only looking at unsolved topics. Thanks, Steve (a fellow customer).

Private Message
Message 32 of 42

Hi trumpetman ....This 4k box is also doing my head in !!!  It's now decided there is no option to record a programme on bbc1 at 9pm tonight !!!  Sometimes it records , sometimes it doesn't !!  I have e-mailed TalkTalk twice and haven't even received a reply ( apart from the auto reply telling me to try everything I've already tried ) !!! I've wasted half my lif


Message 33 of 42



I'll post back as soon as I know more on this following the testing.





Private Message
Message 34 of 42

Thanks fr8ys ...I have the 4k netgem box . Yes , I go to recordings tab at the top .  When I highlight a scheduled recording where the series has ended the only option is "Live Channel"  No option to delete !!!  


Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 35 of 42

@toproadie can you confirm you are looking in the recordings section from the top menu.


Admittedly I do not have any series in my area that have finished, but I've just retested, as I did for @trumpetman previously, and scrolling down under recordings is a separate area for series, and I can delete from here.


Maybe it's an issue with series recordings that have ended, but can you confirm you are looking under the series portion of my recordings.


Thank you.

Please remember to mark Solved Posts with Best Answer. Doing so helps other customers and saves TalkTalk's Support Team time by only looking at unsolved topics. Thanks, Steve (a fellow customer).

Message 36 of 42



My colleague is going to test this for me and I will post back as soon as I have an update.





Message 37 of 42

I also have this problem with the 4k box .  If I highlight a scheduled recording from Months ago when the series ended the only option I get is "live channel" ......Any advice please ? 


Message 38 of 42



follow the advice from fr8ys. If you need to reset the box, press the button on the side 5 times.



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Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 39 of 42

Try resetting your box.


I tried before I posted and it definitely works, deletion of programmes and scheduled recordings that is.


Re rewinding you must pause the live TV first wait a couple of seconds, then play. You will then be able to rewind as you have time shift the programme.


Search for a netgem pdf manual. The functions are pretty much the same as the TalkTalk version. As with a lot of devices these days, manuals are only available online.


Please remember to mark Solved Posts with Best Answer. Doing so helps other customers and saves TalkTalk's Support Team time by only looking at unsolved topics. Thanks, Steve (a fellow customer).

Team Player
Private Message
Message 40 of 42

I can state with absolute certainty that the 4K TV box will NOT delete scheduled recordings and anyone that says it does must have a different box than me.

Also it definitely cannot rewind live TV.

Honestly, this box is not fit for purpose; there are so many things it cannot do that you would expect it to do. Things that the old Huawei box did which is sadly no longer available. I hate it with a vengance but it seems I am stuck with it now.

Please Talktalk, do some research and supply me with a TV box tht actually performs as you would expect it to.

Silver surfer but been using and messing about with computers since MS DOS 5