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Auto Compensation

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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 19 of 19



i am still waiting for the auto compensation due to late start of service, my service was supposet to start on 13 October 2023 and went live on 22 March 2024, all the way through when i was checking on the progress the customer service representatives told me i would be compensated under the Auto Compensation Scheme


so this month after the 30 days had elapsed where teh compensation should have hit my account ther was still nothing, after chatting with customer serivce who transfered me so the auto compensation could be calculated and then i got transered back to say i am offered '5 months of free service' i currently pay £34 per month for full fibre.


i responded that at a rate of 5.83 per day between 13/10/23 and 22/03/24 the value comes to over £930 and 5 months is £170 so quite a way short.  they then took my phone number and said someone would contact me.


next i get an email saying a complaint had been raised, that was a week ago and nothing since.

i thought the whole point of this auto compensation scheme was to sort this out, the dates are known and the cost per day is known so bultiplying 160 days by £5.83 comes to £932.80, now we are going into another month on this new service and contract and it looks like i will be paying again when there should be credit int he account.


Could somebody please help! or at least give timescales as i am unsure what the hold up is as the maths is very simple.

Message 1 of 19

Wow. Thanks for your dogged determination seeing this through.


It's worth customers being attentive to the details.

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 19

Hi All,


if you're interested Talk Talk just gave me a call and said the auto-compensation will be around £939 this is just going to final approval, and this does come under the auto-compensation scheme as i had stated above for info, a pity it wasn't automatic.


Thanks all for your comments and help.



Message 3 of 19

A complaint callback is booked for the 13th, as its with the complaints team we cannot discuss this any further.

Message 4 of 19

I have re-escalated this to the support team for you. 

Popular Poster
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 5 of 19

Hi does anyone know how long it takes for TalkTalk to actually come back with some communications, the last correspondance i got via email was on 25/04 so 2 weeks ago saying they had raised a comlpaint?


Message 6 of 19

Thanks Ferguson, yes i will wait for TalkTalk to get back to me, as it is clear in teh Ofcom document, and if they want to re-imberse me for the time i booked off work for all the different visits by Open Reach Etc the cost would be above the £930.


Also the TalkTalk customer service telephone operative also said this falls under the auto compensation scheme (i had never heard of it before then).




Message 7 of 19

I agree in those cases where the inconvenience is a matter of not having a service. Ultimately, of course, it is not me you must persuade, but TalkTalk. 


Message 8 of 19

Hil Gilwmaeden2,


I didn't use the reply in the email notification I was replying using the PC's browser, i had used the extended function to type in my response and then clicked the 'post' button, it showed on the scree, but when i refreshed the screen my reply was not there, i tried this multiple times and then too a screen shot of my reply before refreshing which is the first image i posted.


therefore i captured my full text in an image and posted the image, this seemed to work, so i am not sure what part of the message board sysym caused the issue as i was using links to ofcoms document and font colour and formatting within the original response.

Message 9 of 19

Hi Ferguson,


i think you do not understand what contracted is, the contract was agreed and aceepted when i signed up for FTTP and an installation date was agreed by both myself and TalkTalk, just because i had not started paying for the new service does not mean there isn't a contract in place, so your point is not valid.


While I understand your perspective, I would like to clarify that Ofcom's provisions for automatic compensation do indeed encompass delays in service activation, as outlined in their guidelines. These provisions are designed to ensure that customers are fairly compensated for any inconvenience caused by delays in the provisioning of services.


Having reviewed the Ofcom automatic compensation scheme, it's evident that my situation falls squarely within the parameters outlined in the provisions of the scheme, i explicitly showed the section that states it is covered prevously. If TalkTalk can show what part of the scheme states my situation is exempt i will take a look, but i could not see that anywhere.


Message 10 of 19

OK, so you had not contracted/started paying for the new service until it went live?  That would seem to be the point really. Of course it is regrettable that you suffered such a long delay in your upgrade to Full Fibre. I experienced something similar myself.  But I really don't see that the Ofcom provisions apply in this case and you appear to have been quite generously compensated in any event. 


Message 11 of 19

Just an aside, @slish, if you reply to the email notifications etc, your response won't show here, and is not received by staff. It's a No Reply email address. 


Does that explain posts not showing?

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Message 12 of 19

after/from the go live date, i couldnt' be charged for the new service because it wasn't live.


also in the interim period between the original date and the actual go love date i was paying more for the copper broadband because i had come off the fix i had and obvously couldn't do another one because the new fibre was supposed to go live.




Message 13 of 19

When did you start getting charged for the new service as opposed to the old one? 


Popular Poster
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 14 of 19

as adding an image of my response seems to work below is my response in image format:




Popular Poster
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 15 of 19

i have added my comment 3 times and it just dissapears on refresh here is a screen shot




Popular Poster
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 16 of 19

my response doesn't seem to show


Support Team
Private Message
Message 17 of 19

Hi slish


This appears to be an upgrade from Fibre (FTTC) to full fibre (FTTP)


From what I can see there was no loss of service , provisioning delays for upgrades are not covered by Auto compensation.  


The complaints team will discuss this with you. 





Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 18 of 19

Hi @slish your post has been escalated and you should hear soon. I'm sure the team here will be able to help you to the correct resolution. 

I don't work here and all my opinions are my own.
Anonymous User