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Over charged on my bill

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Private Message TalkTalk
Message 6 of 6

Hi, I renewed my contract with talk talk last month, just received my bill and it has additional charges on, I did agree to pay £27 a month, but the first bill is £39.62


one section is labelled “last months changes £2.67”

but what exactly am I paying for here? 

and £9.95 for the eero delivery, the rep who I spoke with when renewing said I wouldn’t be charged 





Message 1 of 6

Hi damien1928


The delivery charge has been removed. 


Did you actually receive the new router, I can send a returns bag if so.


Conversation Starter
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 6

Thank you for your help I appreciate it 

Message 3 of 6

The support team here will look into the delivery charge when they pick this up, hopefully tomorrow. 


Message 4 of 6

Thanks for the info, regarding the delivery fee, I insisted I never wanted the new router, I was assured I wouldn’t be charged, but i was regardless, what are my options? 

thanks for any info! 

Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 5 of 6

It's to do with adjusting the prepaid month which would have been at a different rate. You'd have paid at the old rate in advance, but this new contract kicked in with a different discount part way through the month, @damien1928.


So there's a new tariff applied from that day, 20th August. 


All should be normal going forward next month;  @ £27 [discounted from £40.95]. 


£2.67 is the difference between  the £12.49 to cover those previous days since 20th August and £9.82 that would have covered those days to 10th September on the previous bill.


So it's been added to just this month's bill. It won't show again. 


The £9.95 is the equipment delivery, which you are disputing. It tends to be put on automatically, but should be removed if you were promised otherwise. It is listed as a one-off charge in Talktalk's pricing details.


Anyway,  that's how you get to £39.62 this month.



Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.