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Payment error

Whizz Kid
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 5 of 5

TalkTalk, despite thier name seem to have difficulty with straight talking. Every month for years I received an email confirming the amount to be billed for that month and confirmation the payment will shortly be taken. This month however, the email announced  I was to be billed a double amount, with no explanation. so I accessed my acount and it had warnings that I had not paid last month's bill and I was invited to use a credit card to fix it, whereas my paymewnt is always by direct debit. To complicate the issue even more, my TalkTalk account showed the payment received but then negated. As the tone of the messages was that TalkTelk were totally blameless it seemed the finger of flame was pointing in my direction, or my bank. Digging deeper I found my bank account looked normal with other payments going through and the TalkTalk direct debit still active. This had all wasted my time but I had no choice but to investigate further and attempted to call TalkTalk, who again despite their name as a phone company cannot reliably operate a phone line. It took five attempts to have a converstation with a human which lasted 33 minutes. In this time I learnt that TalkTalk knew they had a payment problem last month that was entirely their fault and if someone like me discovered it, the instruction was to offer profuse apologies for the problem and say I need do nothing. So the stuff about paying by credit card was irrelevant.

If, If, If TalkTalk had put that information in the original email it would have saved me and TalkTalk staff a lot of time. And as I have now been given a discount for 18 months as a way of saying sorry, being upfront would also have saved TalkTalk money!

Some people call me Victor Meldrew. I don't believe it!

Message 1 of 5

The new invoice has no late payment fee and on top of that I now have a discount for 18 months.

Some people call me Victor Meldrew. I don't believe it!

Message 2 of 5

Just double checked my email  inbox. The notification for the May invoice is there but NO other communication about it. So if TalkTalk did really attempt to notify me of the problem then that notification also failed.

Some people call me Victor Meldrew. I don't believe it!

Support Team
Private Message
Message 3 of 5

Hi KannyKen


Sorry for the problems caused by our system issue. 


We contacted all the effected customers via email encouraging customer to call us, where we asked them to make a one off payment, Sorry if you missed it. 


Apologies for any inconvenience caused 


Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 4 of 5

@KannyKen, yes, there seems to have been mayhem for payments by DD that Talktalk failed to take on 17th May. 


People were advised to do a one-off payment by credit card and told (if they posted on here) that the £12.50 (late payment fee) was being waived as the non payment was entirely TT's fault. 


Important that you get confirmation from staff on here as to exactly what to do in your case.


Forum staff reply during the day, Monday to Friday. 

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.