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told my talk talk contract ending but not requested it

Private Message TalkTalk
Message 29 of 29

had email from talktalk saying 'sorry to see you go' and saying contract was being ended but I HAVE NOT MADE ANY REQUEST TO END IT AND DO NOT WANT IT TO BE ENDED. i AM OUT OF THE COUNTRY AND CANNOT PHONE TALKTALK AND LIVE CDHAT DOES NOT SEEM TO BE WORKING. i WILL NOT BE BACK IN COUNTRY AND ABLE TO PHONE BEFERE PROPOSED CONtract end date . need working chat or email address to stop this.


Private Message TalkTalk

Message 1 of 29

We have now made contact with the person resident at the other Charnwood and he has confirmed that he has requested a phone and broadband service.

He currently does not have a landline service and thus has not supplied an incorrect phone number.

The error must be in the Openreach database. How can this be corrected?


Note: We are ** removed **


Message 2 of 29

Ok ill check the service address, it looks ok from our side, but could be an openreach issue which would require an ORDI check, which is basically an update in the Openreach database


Message 3 of 29

We think there may be another cause of our problem, namely an incorrect entry in the database of phone numbers/accounts.

When we reported a fault a few years ago BT/Openreach repeatedly sent engineers to the wrong address. That address was the new address of the previous owner of our house who took her phone number with her, and renamed her new house the same as ours. Her new house being only a mile from ours.


Message 4 of 29

This is a very rare situation these days,  They are probably placing the order online with a number they think is theirs, possibly giving 1 digit wrong, but the ofcom required process is, that when an order is placed a confirmation notification is sent to holding provider , ie us , we then notify you  to confirm the order is legitimate.   


Message 5 of 29

I was not suggesting TalkTalk ask for any details only that they request that SKY ask the requestor to conform that my number is actually the one they meant to enter, this would only need my permission to do so.


Message 6 of 29

Sadly no, as we would be asking for someone's details which would be a breach of data protection by Sky. 


Message 7 of 29

Is there no way of contacting Sky and asking them to check with the requestor that they have entered their number correctly? 

I appreciate the process is automated but surely there is some means of intervention to fix problems.




Message 8 of 29

Its not possible to physically move a line, the issue is that the other person keeps giving your number to Sky, there is really nothing that we can do to stop this.


Message 9 of 29

Thanks Arne

However. there may still be a problem.

As it seems this situation is caused by somebody's house move, can you confirm that out TalkTalk line is not going to be moved to another property and another providers  line put in here?


(We have the TT contract cancellation stopped but there is still the letter about us moving and our TT service being transferred on the 28th)


Message 10 of 29

Hi pbtalk99


I have had confirmation that the order has been stopped.


Sorry for the delay.


Message 11 of 29

This gets worse. We have got another letter (also dated 14/5/24) from TalkTalk saying our TalkTalk service is being transferred somewhere else on 28th May. Help sort this out please.....


Any update on your request to stop the cancelation due in 2 days time?


Would it help or just complicate things if I phoned TalkTalk on the the 0345 172 0047 number, (and is this the best number as I have 3 numbers from different communications).


Message 12 of 29

The request was made to stop any transfer..  I will chase this up. 


Message 13 of 29

Have we got confirmation that the second transfer attempt has been cancelled yet? As my account still has the message that the cancellation request is being processed and my package will be cancelled on Thursday.

I am now back in the country and can be contacted on my landline.


Had a letter dated 14/5/24 from TalkTalk saying a customer of another provider is moving to my address and taking over my phone and broadband on the 23rd May. This is nonsense I would now if someone was moving in to my house.


Message 14 of 29

Unfortunately the way the industry works its a gaining provider led transfer process, and all that is required is a landline number, even though you have had the number with us for a while someone is giving sky the wrong number. 


Message 15 of 29

Yes it is essential.

After providing it to everyone as the main or only point of contact over the last 12 years it would be difficult to notify everyone of a new number.

I don't understand why Talktalk and the other provider  can''t get enough information from and about the requestor to be able to find out who they are and thus what number should be transferred. Presumably there is not another person with the same name and living at the same address as me.


Message 16 of 29

Is your landline number essential? we can renumber your line which would stop this. 


Message 17 of 29


I know in the past Openreach have several times sent engineers to another house in the area that has the same name as ours by mistake as they have not checked the full address, street or postcode.


Message 18 of 29

It looks like someone keeps giving your landline number to Sky thinking its theirs, ill contact the network team again.  


Message 19 of 29

Correction.  back later next week .


Message 20 of 29

The unrequested transfer that you managed to get stopped has been restarted. As before no request from me.

Presume whoever originally wanted it still does and Sky/Talktalk are still tagging request to the wrong account (mine).  Any chance of stopping this again.  We are still away and still with same problems of communicating, back in UK later this week.

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