For queries about your TalkTalk broadband service.
on 12-07-2024 05:59 PM
Hi - do talktalk rate limit upload speeds?
I've been on with support alot of the week who cannot help me because my speeds 'look fine' however when i try to upload to twitch, to work or to google drive i get less than 1mb - when i do a google speedtest i also get around 0.82 - 1.5mb, if im lucky it may go all the way upto 2.5!
I'm on a 900 fibre deal which should be 900 down 110 up - i'd be over the moon if i could get 20 right now and continue with my normal day to day.
here are both of the speedtests, on ookla '' it looks fine:
And then on googles speed test:
When I am on teams for work - i cannot share my screen without the call lagging for me, showing i do not have a strong upload speed, when i upload to twitch (with only asking for 6.5mb upload) it fails to stream all of the frames. My download speed is fine, i have tried this across 4 devices and have the exact same results - over wifi, powerline adapters, a long ethernet cable to the box, changing the ethernet cable.
I think this is strong evidence of myself being throttled?
I really need some support on this one,if anyone has any ideas i'd love to know. The next stage for me is cancelling my service and going with someone who isn't throttling my upload speeds as it's required for my work and also hobbies.
on 15-07-2024 09:39 AM
Hi jackwilliamslol,
Can you please update your community profile to include your:
We'll then look into this further. Please do not post this information on this thread. Once you've updated your profile please post in your topic to confirm it's updated.
Chris, Community Team
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on 13-07-2024 01:42 PM
TalkTalk states that they do not throttle the speed, that is not me saying that it is TalkTalk. I wonder though if this may be a limitation with Openreach. I am on Fibre 150 with a CityFibre connection, they differ from OpenReach by offering the same speeds up & down. My service is via two eero 6 units used in a mesh. In reality, I get about 150M down & about 154M up.
I am not employed by TalkTalk, I'm just a customer. If my post has fixed the issue, please set Accept as Solution from the 3 dot menu.
TalkTalk support and Community Stars - Who are they?
on 13-07-2024 01:31 PM
Ah, not much help at all sadly. Have you reached out to Twitch directly to see what they have to say? Otherwise another member of the community may see this and have some thoughts. And the support team will be back online on Monday. I do hope you get to the bottom of this so that you enjoy the service as it should be, good luck!
on 12-07-2024 10:00 PM
Yeah sadly, i've tried different browsers, i work on a macbook so not my windows desktop which im using right now, and both the same, through wifi, ethernet, the download on wifi as expected is around 300-400 which is fine, but the upload exactly the same.
It's annoying because on my previous connection of 70mb in my apartment i had around 10 - 15mb upload and that was suffice for everything i wished to do.
Tried flushing my dns, leaving the box off overnight to attempt to force a new ip, just at my witts end and support on the phone is pretty much 'well it looks fine to us' and im well aware of that, but when i go to utilize my upload, it is just none existent.
Thanks for all of your help.
on 12-07-2024 09:01 PM
I have just tested with that link you sent me. Perhaps Firefox is the culprit, have you tried with a different browser?
In any event, I am not sure this helps to explain the practical issues you say you are having with Teams and Twitch.
on 12-07-2024 08:50 PM
The speedtester is just indicating there is somewhat an issue - on one it shows 100mb and another shows 1mb, across multiple devices and methodologies. i believe tests your routers speed, the one i sent which is built into google tests the connection you are getting.
Im wondering if its something to do with the amazon eero6 router?
How can i be getting decent download speeds but not upload
on 12-07-2024 08:45 PM
Whatever the issue is, I doubt it's the speedtester, whichever you choose to use.
on 12-07-2024 08:43 PM
Um, OK, this from the link you just posted:
on 12-07-2024 08:32 PM
the test you are using is integrated into another website.
on 12-07-2024 08:11 PM
on 12-07-2024 08:00 PM
if you google 'speed test' it comes up in the google search, that's the one im using
12-07-2024 06:28 PM - edited 12-07-2024 06:32 PM
Have you got a link to that second tester? I have tried several and never get much, if anything, below the stated 100Mbps on the upload side.