For queries about your TalkTalk broadband service.
on 09-01-2023 02:29 PM
I've noticed a lot of people mentioning the date 18th of dec as fault start.Same here - internet went compeletely down for nearly a week .Spent hours on chat testing etc.Pretty sure fault is not in the house.Got engineer appointment on 5th jan, i cancelled it via mobile text as i was at work.He attempted the visit anyways leaving card.Doesn't answer phone or texts back.Internet back now on 9/01 with minor router disconnections and very poor performance and speed 8mb/s while i'm on guaranteed 55mb/s.Was this some major issue in talktalk?and how long do i have to wait since it's been bumpy month already I'm really tempted to change provider
on 09-01-2023 03:21 PM
thx karl...clicked double cause didn't add ref number REP-12321576
on 09-01-2023 03:19 PM
I'll pick up your later thread and close this as a duplicate posting.
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