For queries about your TalkTalk broadband service.
on 28-04-2023 10:12 PM
Long time TalkTalk customer who has recently moved, so am on a new contract at the new house.
Unfortunately, I seem to be struggling for speed at the new place, in particular upload speed which makes remote working extremely difficult (e.g. audio / video calls).
It has been better than the above mostly, though I have never seen upload speed above around 0.8Mbps (I believe minimum is supposed to me 1Mbps).
Can anyone get any advice on how I get this looked at? And/or any better utilities for tracking the speed I'm getting other than running speed test when it feels slow?
on 02-05-2023 02:55 PM
Another useful speed test that I find useful is Sam Knows Speedtest
No speed test will be 100% accurate due to overheads, traffic load etc, so it's always good practice to run a few speed tests to get an average.
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Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.
on 02-05-2023 02:02 PM
Hi Debbie,
Just realised I have added my reply to my previous post rather than replying to your reply. I'm not sure if that makes a difference to whether or not you'd see it, hence replying again here.
on 02-05-2023 02:00 PM
Thanks for your helpful pointers. I am indeed on fast broadband (see my other reply for ponderings on whether I should be).
I have now found the TalkTalk speed checker, which is very helpful. However, it appears to only show me download speed rather than upload? Am I missing a trick? Either way it's certainly a useful utility.
on 02-05-2023 01:57 PM
You make a good point, I have now cabled the machine I am using for speed tests.
on 02-05-2023 01:36 PM
Hi Debbie,
I have noticed an improvement in speed yes, thank you very much. I'm still not quite getting 1Mb on a computer connected via a cable, though I appreciate that speed to the router may be different to speed to a connected device, and the speed is certainly closer to that now.
I must admit though, I'm pondering whether I have ended up on the right package. When I called to change address I was recommended 'fast broadband' as the best package for my new address. However when I ask your website for the best deal, I am offered Fiber 35 or 65, and for only £3 a month more than I am currently on. These seem to be much faster both up and down, and in fact the minimum guaranteed download speed is in excess of the total speed I am currently achieving (though I cannot see a minimum guaranteed upload speed).
Is the estimated speed for these packages on the website realistic? If so, as I only went live a few weeks ago, do I have the option to move across?
on 02-05-2023 07:35 AM
Hi George
How's the connection/speed been since yesterday morning?
on 01-05-2023 09:29 AM
Hi George
Sorry for the delay.
I've optimised your connection and the upload speed now shows just over 1mb.
Please let us know how the connection/speed compares.
on 28-04-2023 10:59 PM
Just to add, are you getting those speeds with a wired, or wireless connection?
28-04-2023 10:26 PM - edited 28-04-2023 10:34 PM
What package are you on, @GeorgeDavies1 ?
For example, if you are on "Fast Broadband", you will not usually get higher than 0.8 upload.
The speed of the download is entirely dependent on the particular line, but a better average would be 11 Mbps on Fast Broadband.
Different averages for FTTC, but all dependent on the distance from the exchange and the quality of the line.
If you go to My Connection in the Service Status pages (see "help with your service" options in the forum menu) running the speed test should show you your minimum guaranteed speed and how far from it or close to it your service actually is.
Talktalk won't usually send out an engineer unless you are getting below the minimum guaranteed speed for your particular line.
Test results are displayed like this:
So the important thing to check is are you getting below the guaranteed download speed to the router.