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Broadband help

For queries about your TalkTalk broadband service.

Connects but no internet

Private Message TalkTalk
Message 13 of 13

I recently had issues with my old Sagem router, it was found to be faulty and a replacement was sent, this was a couple of weeks ago.  Since then I have been experiencing a whole new issue that is driving me to despair. The router connects to the internet just fine, I get the white light on the front and when I go into the user interface it says it is connected to the internet, however on a regular basis I get the “connected but no internet” message on my devices.  This is across phones, tablets and TVs. When it happens I log into the router and it tells me I am connected, I can see the white light is on, not orange, not flashing. I have tried all the usual options, unplugging, powering off, resetting etc, but the same thing eventually happens. I don’t seem to be able to get more than a couple of hours use at a time before this happens, which can be extremely frustrating when watching a film for instance.


i noticed when my replacement router arrived, it was not new and was clearly a previously used one, I am suspecting that this may have been returned due to the same issue by the previous user.  I am happy to try any suggestions as I am about all out this end.  Any ideas anyone?


Community Star
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 13

Hi @Gavtemp 


@Debbie-TalkTalk has asked me to help you with connecting a second router. However, initially this sounds more like a WiFi interference issue & this should be checked out before doing anything, because an additional router unchecked, could easily make things worse.


Slow speed, intermittent dropouts, breaks in the signal or no signal on some or all devices or no internet access might be caused by Wi-Fi interference from other local networks, which can also lead to a permanent reduction in speed. No ISP can be responsible for your local environment, this is mainly a byproduct of the popularity of Wi-Fi.

Generally speaking, the 2.4GHz band suffers a lot more from interference than the much faster 5GHz band, but the 2.4GHz one can sometimes have a better range, but this all depends on your local area.

In other words, I try to help you optimise your Wi-Fi connection. The next stage involves sending out a guide to you to help you get me some important diagnostic results so that I can analyse them for you and recommend changes to your router configuration to solve them.

I only send this out to people who request it.


The information below is provided by TalkTalk, for confirmation please contact @Debbie-TalkTalk or@Michelle-TalkTalk.

KeithFrench is one of our valued Community Stars and can help with a range of issues related to wireless and networking. At times he may ask you to send him test results via a Private Message to help analyse/diagnose an issue. Although Keith does not work for TalkTalk, he very kindly shares his time and knowledge to help with others.

If you need further help or, if we need to take any details such as personal information about your account like phone numbers, account numbers etc. one of the TalkTalk team will jump in and help out.

I am not employed by TalkTalk, I'm just a customer. If my post has fixed the issue, please set Accept as Solution from the 3 dot menu.
TalkTalk support and Community Stars - Who are they? 

Message 3 of 13

Hi Gavtemp


I'm glad to hear that the connection has improved.


@KeithFrench Could you offer any advice on connecting a 2nd router?



Message 4 of 13

Hi, thanks for the help. The new router has made a big difference, things are certainly a lot more stable now, I do still occasionally have to log some appliances, mainly my TV off WiFi and back on again, but I can live with this, the old router was pretty much unusable. I see the new router has mesh capability, I was wondering if maybe connecting a 2nd compatible mesh router via rj45 cable rather than an the old non mesh router I have setup as a slave would improve things more? Is this something that can be purchased from Talktalk?

Message 5 of 13

Message 6 of 13

Message 7 of 13

Hi @Gavtemp 


I've ordered the replacement router for you, please allow 24-48hrs for this to arrive.


Please let us know how you get on.






Private Message TalkTalk
Message 8 of 13
Hi Michelle,
Thanks for getting back to me.  That would be most appreciated sending another router, if nothing else it will rule a faulty router out of the equation. I have been pulling my hair out with this, a fault in the router is the only thing I can think of that is causing the issue. If the replacement still has the same problem, I’ll maybe invest in a mesh system, although I am happy with the coverage I am getting now, so fingers crossed. 
I will send back the old one as requested.
Thanks again Michelle, I can’t fault you for the help you have given.

Message 9 of 13

Good morning,


I'm sorry for the delay. I've run a test on the line now which is clear. Would you like us to send another replacement router just to rule this out? We'd also send a router returns bag so that one of the routers can be returned.






Private Message TalkTalk
Message 10 of 13

I initially thought the issue may be between my devices and the router, however each time it happens I am able to access the web interface of the router by entering, when I log in the router reports it is connected to the internet.  The problem usually lasts for a few minutes, then internet is restored to my devices. I have connected a spare router to the Talktalk one, but I have disabled dhcp so there are no conflicts of internal ip addresses. This was to provide a greater WiFi coverage. Problem still exists when I disconnect the second router so I don’t think it is that.


Private Message TalkTalk
Message 11 of 13

Personal detail updated as requested.


Support Team
Private Message
Message 12 of 13

Hi Gavtemp,


Can you please update your community profile to include your:


  • Name
  • Telephone number
  • Alternative contact number

We'll then look into this further. Please do not post this information on this thread. Once you've updated your profile please post in your topic to confirm it's updated.


