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Broadband help

For queries about your TalkTalk broadband service.

Promises, Promises (and as fake as flying pigs)

Team Player
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 28 of 28

I am a long term customer of TalkTalk, regularly re-sign every couple of years & put up with their happy little habits of throttling & dropping broadband with 2nd rate routers.

2 years ago I signed again for a superfast contract with a speed of 63 & a guaranteed minimum of 59 Within a few months it began going slower & slower
When I asked for a check their reaction was always the same "we can see no problem & if the engineer finds nothing you will have to pay for them".
They would only accept their own speed check.
They promised call backs & made none.
Eventually, about 3 months ago, they finally sent an OpenReach engineer round who found that an external cable had deteriorated to the point where it was near useless, he replaced it.
Then a TalkTalk (all they ever do) engineer came around and found as suspected that their second rate router was operating at a maximum of 22.
SO much for the guaranteed 59.
Since then I have had call after call with them with their caall centres demanding the story fresh every time & telling me that it would be escalated to the "Executive Complaints".  I have filled in forms, made calls, be promised more call backs, had emails confirming call times and yet every time there is nothing.
They have offered meaningless 3 month compensation for their 2 years of broken promises & just recently they have increased my charges but not bothered to actually keep a promise of talktalking to me.
Liars, frauds, deceivers - these are words that describe TalkTalk, a company unfit to operate 2 bean cans & a length of string.

talktalk lies &; cheats

Message 1 of 28



I'm sorry to hear this. Please can you create your own topic and we can look into this further for you.







First Timer
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 2 of 28

TalkTalk are appalling.  I had a fault.  I told them.  For about the fifth time.  They always waste ages going through "procedures."  Eventually the sent out an engineer.  He confirmed what I had already told them - the fault is part of the telephone network, not on my premises.

Guess what?  A short while later they say their pleased my problem is resolved.

I go back on to chat, and they start the whole bloody process again.


They're just AWFUL.



Message 3 of 28

Yes they did - see below

They tried to pretend that I had only complained in February & refused to acknowledge the other 12-18 months of complaints
They refused to compensate me for the rudeness of your teams
They refused to acknowledge the failures to supply an engineer until february
They refused to compensate me for time wasted through appointments that you made & failed to keep

They refused to acknowledge past threats
They refused to acknowledge that guarantees had not been met because of your companies failures for 18 months
They tried to "manage/handle" me

TalkTalk are liars cheats & frauds & instead of recommending your service I am telling everyone I know & every website on social media about the details & facts of your services, this will cost you more in lost business than I ever asked for in proper compensation.

talktalk lies &; cheats

Message 4 of 28



Did the CEO Team make contact since your last post?







Message 5 of 28

Just had a text to say they want to call between 2 & 3

As I am out & haven't had time for redirect they will have to call my mobile

I do expect them to call

talktalk lies &; cheats

Message 6 of 28

they have both my phone numbers and my email address, I can see no reason for any possible lack of contact.


Other than a complete lack of integrity, honest commitment or total lack of interest of course.

talktalk lies &; cheats

Message 7 of 28



The CEO Escalations team have come back to me to confirm that they will pick this up and contact you as soon as possible.







Message 8 of 28

in case you have not got the message, this rudeness & total disrespect for your customers as well as your deceits & abrogation of responsibilities for your failures are now what I have come to regard as your company's standard operational procedures.
As a warning to others I regard it as a personal responsibility the ensure that your practices are reported as widely as possible on the internet, especially as you continue to do them.

talktalk lies &; cheats

Message 9 of 28



I'm really sorry to hear this. I've contacted our CEO Complaints escalation team now and I will post back here as soon as they come back to me.





Message 10 of 28

Last Wednesday I received a call in the evening after I had posted on here that a promised call had not come.
The South African woman who called from your SA call centre claimed to be speaking for the CEO's office (which I doubted) and we discussed compensation.
We agreed we would finalise this after I had received a written (emailed) formal apology from the CEO's office, not her.
She stated that she would call me again on the 12th June and we agreed a time of 10:00 to 12:00
That evening I received a text stating that I would be called on 12/6/2024 between 10:00 & 12:00
Yesterday I received a text at 08:01 stating again that I would be called yesterday between10:00 & 12:00
No calls were received and there were no missed calls on either my landline or my mobile
My belief is that she was lying, that this has not been forwarded to the CEO's office & that TalkTalk are just putting up a smokescreen to cover for multiple errors & broken contracted guarantees.
This is one of multiple occasions where calls have not been made after being promised, you lie & cheat & have NO respect for your customers. A typical "hunter" style company where instead of farming your client bank & looking after it like valuable livestock or crops you just seek to make fresh kills (sales) everyday and screw what you can out of those.
All the evidence points to TT being a fraudulent company with no respect for its customers and no interest in abiding by its own guarantees.

talktalk lies &; cheats

Message 11 of 28



Can I just confirm, when was the last time that the Complaints Team made contact with you please?





Message 12 of 28

TalkTalk is regulated by Ofcom. But that is precisely what Ofcom is, a regulator, they don't provide an individual complaints service. 


Message 13 of 28

and yes, I noticed they wont be regulated by OFCOM - wonder why that is, must be some kind of special arrangement with this other lot.

talktalk lies &; cheats

Message 14 of 28

why dont they do the honourable & decent thing & just call as they agreed?
They made the appointment, I didnt - I just said yes.
They dont have to disrespect us & mess our lives around & lie to us
why on earth would any company behave like that?

talktalk lies &; cheats

Message 15 of 28

You can take your case to CISAS as explained here


Message 16 of 28

Once again the "CEO complaints team" told me that they would call.
They made an appointment last week to call today
Confirmed it twice today by text
So did they call?

No of course the lying, useless people did not call - they lie & disrespect customers & waste our time - liars, cheats & frauds

What can you do with a company when even the highest level of help lies & cheats?

talktalk lies &; cheats

Message 17 of 28



Once a complaint is with our CEO Complaints Team then we can't take any further action via the Community as this will be managed by the complaints team directly.





Message 18 of 28

Yes, I noticed they called without any notice AFTER I posted again too
18 months of abysmal service with added rudeness & disrespect & all they offered was 3 months free
I am going to continue posting reviews on every social media site until I get an apology from the CEO office, I already know 3 people who have cancelled/failed to renew with you - this situation is going to cost you a a lot more than a few months rent free for me & I love the idea that your rudeness may cost you hundreds of thousands of pounds & everything I have said is absolutely true

talktalk lies &; cheats

Message 19 of 28

Hi edwardhyde02,

I can see that you were called yesterday after your post and a further callback has been arranged.



Team Player
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 20 of 28

well here we are at the end of 5th June and as expected no call from the liars, cheats & fraudsters who call themselves TalkTalk
Not even a note from "Debbie" or any of the other staff on here
18 months of deficient service & empty promises & I chose to believe them again just because it was in the community
I guess I am the fool for trusting these con-artists

what are you going to do "Debbie" (may or may not be their name)?

talktalk lies &; cheats