For queries about your TalkTalk broadband service.
on 08-03-2025 02:42 AM
The broadband connection keeps dropping, that is cured by switching the router off then on again.
Becoming more and more frequent, now at least once per day or so, but when it needs rebooting it often needs it three or more times.
No Problem 🙂
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Morning Karl,
Hopefully it'll stay OK.
That's the problem with intermittent faults though, by the time Openreach turned up the router was back up to normal.
Thank for your help, (again).
Glad the speeds have returned to normal. Line tests were detecting a fault over the weekend with a possible joint issue on the copper line.
Tests are now clear today, so we will keep our fingers crossed it stays that way.
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Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.
Engineer has been, he could not find a fault, as I expected since the speed was back up to 44 Mb/s on Sunday.
He's fitted a new faceplate to the current master socket which splits the signal to the router and phone, evidently it's better as the phone does not now degrade the broadband signal.
It's now back to normal speed, fingers crossed it stays that way and the intermittent fault doesn't return.
yesterday - last edited yesterday
I've kept proof of the low speed to the router
(And I am still not receiving the 6 digit code)
Well let's hope they do find an external problem, otherwise you are likely to be charged.
Quite what the Openreach engineer will find now I have no idea, seeing as the speed at the router is now 44 Mb/s
Sunday - last edited Sunday
And this morning the router speed is up to 44 Mb/s
But because the router is now in the hall and my PC in the study is connected by Wifi the speed at my PC is still around 20 Mb/s
I check the spam folder as it always goes in there, as do the emails that let me know about posts.
The code arrives up to 12 hours or so late.
Worth checking whether it goes to spam, @Qwghlm.
Mine is often delayed, but if I get my yahoo mail to search for Talktalk emails up to 6 months ago, it pulls up the new email.
Won't usually do it with just an ordinary search for emails from Talktalk but does work, strangely, by making the search dig deeper!
I'm still not getting the 6 digit code sent to me though.
You are right, @Qwghlm, there shouldn't have been a problem logging in here!
Hope all goes well on Monday.
Just to keep you up to date.
I did receive a message stating that everything checked out and the case was closed unless I kept it open.
So I got into Talktalk chat to let them know that I had moved the router from my study to plug directly into the master socket, but the speed was still the same.
Went through a few things then saw your post via email that an engineer had been booked.
So I went to come here to let you know the date and time were OK, and also that moving the router didn't change anything.
However, on trying to log on, the 6 digit code wasn't received so I could not log on.
I told the chat guy at the the time and he said that because an engineer was booked I would not be able to log onto the community group, which I thought was very strange.
I'm still not getting the 6 digit code, but was able to find my way here by logging onto my main account and clicking the link to get here.
Speed at router
engineer booked for Mon 17 March AM (8-1).
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I've sent you a PM to confirm some details for an engineer.
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Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.
I've now received and fitted the new router.
Unfortunately it's still disconnecting, this time at about 2:30 this morning, and my wife says she does hear some crackling on the line.
I have just run a line test and it's come up with
Download speed is 30 Mb/s
I'm sure Openreach just swap the badly performing lines to the okay ones when complains are made....
on 11-03-2025 09:44 AM
You're Welcome 🙂
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Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.
on 11-03-2025 09:42 AM
Good morning Karl,
Excellent, thank you very much.
on 11-03-2025 06:38 AM
I'll get the router swapped out so we can rule that out. Another is on the way.
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Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.
on 11-03-2025 02:43 AM
It's still at 35.5 Mb/s this morning.