For queries about your TalkTalk broadband service.
Hi, I'm getting reports from TalkTalk customers (I am one) that they can't access Could others who have TalkTalk internet confirm this?
I am the administrator for the website and it was accessible yesterday (and for the last 4 years its been running), so I'm thinking it's an over-zealous content filter..? (It's a registered charity - nothing dodgy).
Our network teams are currently investigating these reports.
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Please log in to My Account if you need to view or pay your bill, manage boosts and track your usage. From My Account you can also check your connection and test your line for any issues in the Service Centre.
@cltrr, you have not started your own topic, as previously asked, and so will not receive a response to your posts from staff.
Hopefully. No response from TalkTalk yet, issue has been ongoing for the past 12 hours since 01:00 AM UK Time.
Many sites use CloudFlare, so not being able to access many of them is a huge issue.
But not really surprising that we haven't received any update yet.
Ah, thank you for the info! Sounds about right to me. Yes, the website is fine - it loads no problem on other ISPs. So it sounds like a temporary glitch that will be resolved..?
I also can't access it, but it's not an issue related to your website. It's a TalkTalk peering issue to Cloudflare hosts.
We're not able to access certain CloudFlare hosted websites due to an issue on TalkTalk's end.
Waiting for a response from TalkTalk but they haven't offered one yet.