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Message 107 of 107

My connection keeps tripping out / buffering .

Had 3 separate technicians visits and new router.

Works fine for a day and next days keeps tripping out / buffering.

Can anyone help?

106 REPLIES 106

Message 61 of 107

Message 62 of 107

Hi Chris 🙂 ,


Great , fingers crossed this time too . Thank you.


kind regards,




Message 63 of 107

Hi Anil


I've just run another line test and it's failed so I've raised this to Openreach as a non-appointed task. Openreach will investigate over the next 72 hours and may contact you directly if they need to access your home



Message 64 of 107

Hi Anil,


When we arrange an engineer visit we expect them to fix the issue if it's a problem on the Openreach network. If they don't fix the fault then the only option would be to arrange another engineer visit



Message 65 of 107

Hi Michelle 🙂 ,


Am not getting a clear answer : what happens after the engineer 'clears the fault ' , i get charged and the issue is there ?


kind regards,




Message 66 of 107



Ok thanks for confirming. If you would like to go ahead with the engineer visit then please let us know and we can book this in for you.







Message 67 of 107

Hi Michelle 🙂 ,


No its not weather related . 

I suspect a faulty cable from connection at top of house to actual connection point to socket but then the engineers keep on saying ' could be anything anywhere at anytime ' !


kind regards,



Message 68 of 107



How often would you say that this happens? Does it appear to be weather related at all?







Message 69 of 107

Hi Chris 🙂 ,


I read the potential charges - looks like its £75 for a BT Openreach engineer . Reading the information it says ' if no fault found the charges apply ' . 

The fault is random - it may not show up when he's here doing the checks and reports back saying all fine . 

I get charged but the issue is still there - what happens then ? Another visit , another charge ?




Message 70 of 107

Hopefully they will fix the issue this time but if they don't the only option we have is to arrange yet another engineer visit 



Message 71 of 107

Hi Chris 🙂 ,


That he has and i appreciate it.

My question to you is this : what happens after the engineer has been and ' cleared the fault ' but i still have the same issues afterwards ?





Message 72 of 107

Hi Anil,


I can see that Gliwmaeden2 has answered your question. If there's a fault found on the Openreach network then you won't be charged. If you'd like us to go ahead with the engineer visit please let me know and I'll book it for you.




Message 73 of 107

It's simply that Talktalk can't request engineers to be sent out without the customer first agreeing to potential charges, @puregold24carat


Openreach simply won't agree to it, so Talktalk's hands are tied in this respect. The link given in Chris's earlier post explains the scenarios in which you would be charged. 

Gliwmaeden2, a fellow customer.

Message 74 of 107

Greetings 🙂 ,

I have not had a response from Chris to my question above .

So some background to this issue. I am a TalkTalk customer for past 20+ years ( i think ) and my contract was about to expire last November. I was on basic broadband and it worked fine , yes no issues . On the renewal the fibre 65 option seemed best so opted for it. 

The issues started soon after . The internet would trip out . The router would flash red and then red / white and then white for a service.

This issue was quite random and happened several times a day. Did a line test and it failed. The first engineer came round and carried out tests and said the speed was low. He snipped wires at the and re- plugged the socket back it . Did few tests and said yes its fine. He said to give it a few days to see how it goes and left . The next few days were similar to before but seemed to lesser drop outs . We are both retired and wife watches TV more than i do . I play bridge online . Hence we note the drop outs more . 

Carried out another line test . It failed . Second engineer came round . Carried out tests and said yes the issue is there . He said ' there was a drain ' on the internet . Now these kind of things are beyond me . He said he would fix . Snipped wires again and tests done . He said the issue ' could be anywhere ' and after doing some more work said it was fine but suggested a new router needed . This re requested . Said to wait for it to arrive and that should do the trick . He left. We noted on some days the internet was 100% and others days it would drop out at random times several times a day.

The new router arrived and i connected it . There was no improvement . Carried out a line test. It failed . Third engineer came . He did tests and was of the view the issue may be the cable that ran from BT line to cable that ran underneath the concrete floor. He said perhaps to drill and lay a cable above the shirting board would clear the issue . I asked him how long would that take and what if the issue still prevails afterwards ? He did not give me a reply . Carried out a few more tests and said the readings were fine. He left saying to leave it for a few days ( like concrete waiting to dry ? ) and left me his number to update him . I did a few days later saying the issue still there . He said to contact my service provider . I carried out a line test . It failed again.

Fourth engineer came . Line tests done . I related ( as i did with other engineers ) of the issue . He called his mate who arrived and they ran a cable from BT line thats inside the house to run outside along the bottom of outside wall and drilled in a new connection point inside house. Socket relocated to this new point . More tests conducted . It looked very promising . He left ( again saying to give it a few days and left me his number too to update him ) . The issue still there but the drop outs were few. Line test conducted. It failed .

Fifth engineer came round . Carried out more tests after my update . He called in for assistance as he decided the issue could be anything but to start with the line coming from the pole outside to my home. Another engineer came with a hoist to fix a new line from the pole to the point at the top of the roof  ( above the top window ) . There is a further line the comes down from here to the main line that comes into the house ( this is where the issue maybe ? ) . After line attached , no internal tests done . He said the ' line was too tight ' and was happy they had installed a new line and was confident the issue is now resolved . He left . The connection is a lot better - still trips out at random times for a couple of minutes . Line test carried out . It failed . 

The above is the fully story - from November to now . 

So my question to Chris - TalkTalk has an obligation to provide a service . That  its doing the best it can . I understand that . Why should i now have to pay for an engineer to fix the fault ?


Message 75 of 107

(1) is there a fault right now on the line ?

(2) if the answer is yes then send an engineer to fix - without the worry of a charge hanging over my head.




Message 76 of 107

Yes I can see that there have been disconnection but we can only arrange the engineer visit if you confirm that you accept potential engineer charges. If a fault is found on the line there will be no charge



Message 77 of 107

Why charges - you can see its fails the connection test ?


This you have confirmed too .




Message 78 of 107

We can only arrange the engineer visit I'm afraid, it would be up to the engineer what work is carried out.


If you'd like us to book the engineer can you confirm:


  • That you accept potential Engineers charges
  • Provide availability, either AM (8am to 1pm) or PM (1pm to 6pm) between Monday to Friday.




Message 79 of 107

The cable that's been changed ( from pole to top of roof ) , this cable needs to extend to the main socket to get a ' clean ' line of connection into our home . 

So the issue needs to be sorted and i think this may solve the issue ( fingers crossed mate ).

The decision is yours .




Message 80 of 107

OK thanks Anil. We can arrange another engineer visit, would you like us to do this?
