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Disconnections since 25th January

Conversation Starter
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 138 of 138


Firstly - I'm having to use the account holders community account to start this thread as you seem to have deleted mine even though I can see my posts.  So I'm not the account holder, just the one who sorts the tech issues in the house.


The setup.

Wifi hub (not black) connected by master socket.  All devices except one on wifi, the other one is wired directly into the router with Cat6 (no power lines used).


The issue.

Random disconnections of the internet. Router reconnects syncing at different speeds.  Prior to thursday I'd sync around 50mbps, now it's between 45mbps and 30mbps after it disconnects


What's been tried.

New filter via test socket.

Engineer visit - swapping master socket filter, faceplate and cable connecting to router

Engineer couldn't see any issues, when testing.  Noted that the line was capable of 55mbps while the router was syncing below 45mbps so requested a new router from you guys.

New router (wifi hub black) arrived, connected.


Issues persist.


The events.


I contacted TT via Twitter DM.  Initially told that there was no line issue and the test were fine.  I was informed it was a WiFi issue.  I replied I have wired devices and it's the router losing connection.  I was again informed it was a WiFi issue.  I again replied that I have Cat6 wired into the router, it's not a WiFi issue.  A different agent asked me to explain the Cat6, so I did.  I was again informed it was a WiFi issue, i again sent the I'm wired, that it's not a WiFi issue, and sent photos of the router logs. They told me that sorting the WiFi issue solve the problem.  I sent more photos and said it wasn't a WiFi issue - then I hear nothing.

I reported more disconnections the next day, the agent (different one) did more line checks and noted there was a fault on the line, they arranged for an engineer.

Engineer came (openreach) and found no issues in the cab or the house. They replaced the integrated microfilter on my master socket, and if i recall correctly, changed the faceplate too as well as supplying a new cable to connect to the router. They noted the speed discrepancy between the router and their equipment and requested a new router.

More disconnections followed that evening/night.

Today, the new router arrived (WiFi hub black), I've installed it and we've had more disconnections.


Currently talking on twitter again, and they're booking an engineer again.


Why am I posting this?

I've had to restart the conversation on twitter multiple times, I don't know if the agents don't have access to the full conversation or what, but I've been asked the same questions a fair few times.  I started this in the hope that I may get help here.


I'm also being informed that if the engineer comes and finds no faults we'll be charged £75.  Considering Openreach has come and found no faults in the home or the cab, this feel like I'm being put in a position where I'll be charged and not have the issue resolved. Presumably the bill payer has been charged for the Openreach visit.


Many thanks



Edit: Engineer booked, no clue as to if we're being charged or not to be honest.  I'd hope not considering the home/cab has already been cleared by openreach. 

137 REPLIES 137

Message 61 of 138

Heya Debbie,

As far as I know she has 2 different phones, a corded and a seperate cordless set and to my knowledge they've both had the issues.


I doubt it's ever been tested on the test socket though - as that would be me doing it and, if I recall correctly, it would disconnect her cordless phones which is not ideal. 


The disconnections at first I thought it was the phone battery dying on the cordless phones, until I realised she wasn't switching phones.


I think my mum has experienced the issues once or twice,  but every time I've been there the line has been clear.


The main reason I've never said anything is because it's entirely random (both the disconnections and noise) and I'm not there enough to be able to witness it and chase it up.


It was only during the course of this thread did it occur to me that the sound she describes reminds me of an old dialup modem doing its thing.  Not that she has any internet equipment at hers, she only has phones.





Message 62 of 138

Hi Rob


Thank you 🙂


The line test is clear - No faults detected.


Do you know if anyone has tested with a different phone at the test socket at your grans house?


Message 63 of 138

Heya Debbie, name added.


Thanks for passing on the DM info.




Message 64 of 138

Hi Rob


Thank you, I'm just running a line test now.


Please can you also add your grans name to the Private Notes section.


Message 65 of 138

Heya Debbie,

I've just gone to Setting - sorry, I added it to alternative number without thinking 😔


added it to Private Notes now.


Many thanks,


Message 66 of 138

Hi Rob


Apologies, I can't see this information in the Private Notes section, did you click the save changes button?


Message 67 of 138

Heya Debbie,

Right I think I've added her number to the account, ends in a 0.  I've just asked Mum and Dad, they say that the issues happen with anyone, it has also been disconnecting calls according from what my gran has told them. 




Message 68 of 138

Hi Rob


Please can you add your grans name and landline number to the Private Notes section of your Community Profile.


"As for the complaint, I spoke to them on the 26th January.  I can give you times/names/screenshots if you wish"


Yes, please can you send me this by Private Message.




Message 69 of 138

Heya Debbie,


If you wouldn't mind running some tests on her phone - though like us her issue is intermittent, most of the time it's fine, other times she can't hear.  I have a feeling it may also only be with us, I'll have to ask her about it more when I see her.  A re-dial fixes the issue.


As for the complaint, I spoke to them on the 26th January.  I can give you times/names/screenshots if you wish. 


I assume all of the above would be best in a DM?





Message 70 of 138

Hi Rob


I'm so glad to hear that the connection has remained stable.


Would you like me to run some line tests in regards to the noise on your grans phone line?


In regards to your complaint, I've passed over the details to the manager of that team. When did you speak to them on twitter?


Message 71 of 138

Heya Debbie,

Very sorry for the late reply, was waiting for the router to hit 7 days before I came back - which it has.  Connection seems stable from what I can tell, speed is around what we used to get, though slightly lower, but it's not disconnected.  I'll utter the famous words that always makes the issue reappear - it seems like it's sorted! 😄


That said, I have noticed this on it's own




and I'm not sure what that by itself means.


I've honestly not noticed the WiFi stuff, looking at the past few days I can't see mutliple entries for wifi setting saved so I assume that's improved.  Going through the logs just now the router seems more responsive and it doesn't seem to be logging me out as often, so I don't know if that's a happy coincidence or there's a connection.  Might just be lucky - previously when I was trawling the logs it would often log me out.


Phone line as far as I can tell has been OK.  My gran is still getting noise on her end at times (she's also with TT), so not sure if that's our outbound that's problematic, or her inbound, or something else.  She was also the caller that seemed to cause the most disconnections - so again, not sure if there's a connection there or a coincidence.  Her discription almost makes it sound like she's getting broadband noise on her phone line (For note, she doesn't have a router and also no filters as no router).


For the refund, it's not shown up on the bill yet, but the correct amount (no engineer charge) has been taken out of the account, so that should be fine.


All in all - things are looking positive. 


Now for the less positive - how would I go about making a complaint about the Twitter folk insisting that my issues were WiFi related?


Many thanks,



Message 72 of 138

Hi Rob_B 


How's the connection been? Have you seen any improvement with the connection?


Message 73 of 138

Hi Rob


How's the connection been since the WIFI optimisation was switched off?


Did you receive my Private Message?


Message 74 of 138

Hi Rob


I've switched the WIFI optimisation off now, please let us know how the connection compares.


In regards to the engineer charge, I'm just looking at this now and I will send you a Private Message.




Popular Poster
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 75 of 138

When you talk to the technicians online , then at the end of the conversation it is a good idea to ask for a reference  code for the conversation you have just had - then when you call again you just tell them the reference code and you don't have to repeat the answers that you have already given.  You can also ask for a transcript of your conversation, so that you can look back and confirm what they have said to you. 


Conversation Starter
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 76 of 138


We've been charged £75 for the TT engineer even after the engineer himself said we wouldn't be, and at least one fault has since been found in the cab by OpenReach.  How do I go about getting this refunded?


Many thanks,



Popular Poster
Private Message TalkTalk
Message 77 of 138

I've had similar problems early in the week  up to Feb 14th 2024.  My Sky Q mini boxes kept becoming unattached to the main Sky box due to the internet being unavailable.  The internet was very slow too and I got a download reading of 45mbps instead of 60 mbps.  I contacted TalkTalk online and had various conversations (mainly about security and asking me to reset my router)  where they said all was normal - I even tried a new router but this didn't work any better.   They then said that  I was to "monitor" the router (?) during the next 24 hours, so I said that I would contact them in 48 hours.  They gave me a reference number , which would have been useful if I did contact them (so I wouldn't have to repeat everything again).   When I next tried my Sky connections  and  the internet connection on 16th Feb things had miraculously been repaired , and everything was back to normal.     My guess is that there was a fault but the TalkTalk technician wouldn't admit it, but  overnight  something had been fixed  (I hope)  I've never had this sort of problem before in 10 years of using TalkTalk at my present house.  It's been back to normal up until now (Sunday 18th Feb @ 12:00)   Maybe the fault affected more people than me, but I will probably never know.  I didn't contact them again as I felt it wasn't needed.


Message 78 of 138



Yes please when you're back, I would like to see if it stops the WiFi setting have changed issue that seems to be happening.  How do I control the channels after you turn it off?


I also notice the DLM has kicked my speed up another notch during the night.


Many thanks,



Message 79 of 138

Hi Rob_B


Sure no problem. 


I can switch the WIFI optimisation off for you, would you like me to do this now?


Message 80 of 138

Hey Debbie,


I was expecting it to drop again and it hasn't so can we hold for the moment and continue to monitor it please?


The other thing I wanted to ask was, as mentioned in this thread KeithFrench suggested turning off WiFi optimisations to try and stop the wireless setting changed issue, how do you control the channels after it's been turned off as I couldn't see the options in the WiFi hub.

Also am I able to turn it off myself or do I need you guys to do it for me? I seem to recall setting the channels manually at some point in the past to be honest.


Many Thanks,
