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Installation confusion

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Message 7 of 7


I hope someone at Talktalk can help. I have tried every avenue I can think of to try to actually talk to a real person about a problem that is NOT covered by any of the automated systems.

I was scheduled for conversion to FTTP this morning. Last Saturday  3 people from CityFibre arrived to survey the work and found that a quite fundamental issue existed, i.e. there is no viable, available connection path from the street to the property without significant groundwork. This applies to the whole estate, not just me property. The scope of the work carried out so far assumes the existence of duct to the properties which does not exist. They advised that the work was very unlikely to go ahead as scheduled. Since Saturday I have received txts, emails and a phone call confirming the appointment. During the phone call I recounted the info from the survey but was told that the work remained scheduled!

No one has arrived today and I can not get through to anyone to ask what is happening.



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Message 1 of 7


My last posting was with reference to the confusion over installing FTTP at my property back at the end of Oct 2023. I was finally told that further planning and some groundwork were needed and they would get back to me 'in a few months'. Over the last week I have received 2 txts, 2 emails and a letter advising that a new appointment, for today, had been made to complete the installation. The engineers duly arrived and it soon became obvious that the work could not be carried out as nothing had been done since October. The engineers had not been pre-warned of the problems and pre-installation groundwork was needed. Will someone please help, I am losing the will to live, will I ever get FTTP? This problem applies to virtually every house in my immediate locale, surely it is not beyond the wit of man to solve the issue. 


Message 2 of 7

Hi Bob, 


Thanks for  the update, apologies for any inconvenience



Message 3 of 7


Latest update.

I received a txt this morning cancelling the order. I have just used the chat system to ascertain that I will be notified when the access problem has been resolved but with no estimated timing. Lets hope that there is going to be some priority as it affects the whole estate and not just Talktalk customers. 'Slight' problem with the initial planning I think!



Message 5 of 7

Thank you for your help in obtaining this information, let us hope I am in when they call!



Support Team
Private Message
Message 6 of 7

Hi BobJ10101


The order is still open, the notes on the order show: 


The pre pull failed due to the below: Engineers attended site, confirmed the network is incomplete and all cabling is Armoured buried, will be attending site next week with planner to replan the network. Not possible to do pre pull due to incomplete network. 


The engineers will go back out next week. 

Anonymous User